Michigan Veterans' Facility Ombudsman

Links | Contact the Ombudsman

Michigan Veterans' Facility Ombudsman
Boji Tower - 3rd floor
124 West Allegan St.
PO Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536
(517) 373-1347


The MVFO was created in 2016 by Public Act 198, 2016. The office of the MVFO is created within the Legislative Council, a nonpartisan legislative agency. The MVFO is responsible for investigating concerns regarding the Michigan Veterans’ Facilities filed with the office by Legislators, Michigan Veterans’ Facility Members, or their family members. The MVFO investigates alleged violations of state law or issues concerning an administrative act, medical treatment of a facility member, or a condition existing at a facility that poses a significant health or safety issue for which there is no effective administrative remedy or is alleged to be contrary to law or policy. Our staff visit veterans’ facilities on a regular basis, interacting with the members and veterans’ facility staff. We also keep the Michigan Legislature apprised of significant events and new developments in care.

PA 198 of 2016 authorized the MVFO to access all information, records, and documents in the possession of the facility that the ombudsman deems necessary in an investigation, including, but not limited to, veterans’ facility member medical health records, resident veteran mental health records, and resident veteran mortality and morbidity records. We seek to obtain the facts surrounding an allegation and complete a comparative analysis of the allegation, facts and relevant policies, procedures, and/or statutes. It is our goal to attempt to resolve concerns at the lowest level possible and to identify and recommend corrective action.

The MVFO mission is to ensure all residents of Michigan Veterans’ Homes are treated with dignity and respect and that their concerns are heard and resolved. Our ability to obtain, interpret, and explain veteran policies and procedures and our knowledge of the veteran system uniquely position the MVFO office to serve the Legislature, Veterans, Facility Members, and citizens of Michigan.

Information for Public

Statute Information

The Michigan Legislature established the Michigan Veterans’ Facility Ombudsman within the Legislative Council in 2016. The Legislature wanted its own nonpartisan agency to investigate issues affecting the Michigan Veterans’ Facilities and its members.

The authority for the Michigan Veterans’ Facility Ombudsman can be found
in Public Act 198 of 2016.

As a result of investigations, the Ombudsman makes recommendations to the veterans’ facilities when a concern is identified. The Ombudsman also makes recommendations to the Legislature concerning changes to existing laws or suggestions for new laws whenever relevant. The Ombudsman submits to the council, the board of managers, and the Legislature a semiannual report on the conduct of the office.

Confidentiality Statement

According to PA 198 of 2016 correspondence between the Ombudsman and the person filing the concern is confidential and privileged communication. A report prepared and recommendations made by the Ombudsman and submitted to the council and any record of the ombudsman are exempt from disclosure under the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.

All records, reports, and communications relied upon, referenced, or prepared are subject to the privacy provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, Public Law 104-191, and regulations promulgated under that act, 45 CFR parts 160 and 164.

While information presented to the Ombudsman is confidential, the disclosure of information is necessary to enable the Ombudsman to perform the duties of the office and to support any recommendations resulting from an investigation (PA 198 of 2016).

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