Opioid Advisory Commission

Next Opioid Advisory Commission Meeting:
To Be Announced


  • Cara Anne Poland, M.D., M.Ed. (Chair)
  • Patrick Patterson (Vice Chair)
  • Ricardo Bowden, MA, CPC, CPRC
  • Hon. Linda Davis (Ret.)
  • Sheriff Charles Heit
  • Katharine Hude, Esq.
  • Mona Makki
  • Paula Nelson
  • Kyle Rambo, MPA
  • Sarah A. Stoddard, PhD, RN, CNP, FSAHM, FAAN
  • Hon. Jamie Stuck
  • Rep. Mary Whiteford (Fmr.)

Ex-Officio Members

  • Jennifer Dettloff
  • Director Elizabeth Hertel
Opioid Advisory Commission
Boji Tower - 3rd Floor
124 West Allegan St.
PO Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: (517) 373-1893
Fax: (517) 373-7668
Email: OAC@legislature.mi.gov


Public Act 84 of 2022 provided for the creation of the Opioid Advisory Commission in the Legislative Council to "[r]eview local, state, and federal initiatives and activities related to education, prevention, treatment, and services for individuals and families affected by substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions, and establish priorities to address substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions, for the purpose of recommending funding initiatives to the legislature." The commission makes an annual report to the Governor, the Attorney General, the Senate Majority Leader, the Speaker of the House, and the chairs of the Senate and House appropriation committees.

The Opioid Advisory Commission is statutorily required to meet at least quarterly. The Office of the Legislative Council Administrator organizes and coordinates commission activities and provides staff assistance when needed.

Meeting Minutes




Commission Documents

Annual Reports

Quarterly Reports

Materials Produced by the Commission

Commission Governance

Commission Bylaws

Community Voices

Virtual Listening Sessions

Regional Events

Session Summaries

Community Impact Survey

What to Expect: View the Survey
What to Expect: View the Survey (Arabic)
Take the Survey
Survey Announcement
Data Snapshot: November 2023 (Findings)
November 2023 Survey & Data

Community Engagement and Planning Collaborative (CEPC)

Community Engagement & Planning Collaborative (CEPC) Group Charter - October 2023
CEPC Members - Coming Soon


Michigan Opioid Settlement Resources

Opioid Advisory Commission (OAC) [Website]
What is the Opioid Advisory Commission? [Document]
OAC Quarterly Bulletin (October 2023) [Report]
OAC 2023 Annual Report: A Planning Guide for State Policy Makers [Report]

Michigan Opioid Settlement Funds Part I: Key Agencies and Settlements [Document]
Michigan Opioid Settlement Funds Part II: Frequently Asked Questions [Document]
Michigan Association of Counties (MAC): Opioid Resource Center and Settlement Resource Library [Website]
Guide for Community Advocates on the Opioid Settlement: Michigan (Vital Strategies) [Document]

Michigan Department of Attorney General: Opioid Settlements [Website]
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services: Opioid Settlements [Website]
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services 2023 Opioid Report [Report]
2023 Michigan Opioid Healing and Recovery Fund Annual Financial Report (MDHHS) [Report]

Michigan’s Opioids Settlement – MDHHS FY23 Spend Plan Programming Planning Overview [Document]
Opioid Strategy and Implementation of Opioid Settlements (MDHHS) [Document]
Michigan Opioids Task Force (OTF) [Website]
OTF Meeting Announcements [Website]
REWG Draft Recommendations [Document]


National Opioid Settlement Resources

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH): Principles for the Use of Funds from Opioid Litigation [Website]
JHSPH “Principles” [Document]
Center for Indigenous Health: Tribal Principles [Website]
National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP): How are States Using Opioid Settlement Funds [Website]
National Association of Counties (NACo.): Opioid Solutions Center [Website]
Equity Considerations for Local Health Departments on Opioid Settlement Funds (NACCHO) [Document]
Opioid Settlement Tracker [.com] [Website]
National Opioids Settlements [Website]
National Opioid Abatement Trust II (NOAT) [Website]
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices Opioid Litigation Settlement Funds Summit [Document]
Vital Strategies: Opioid Settlement Funds State Level Guides [Website]
VOCAL-New York A Roadmap for Opioid Settlement Funds: Supporting Communities & Ending the Overdose Crisis [Report]
RAND: Strategies for effectively allocating opioid settlement funds [Report]
O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown Law: Conflicts of Interest and Opioid Litigation Proceeds: Ensuring Fairness and Transparency [Document]


Legislative Resources


Coming soon

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