Michigan Commission on Uniform State Laws
MCUSL Members
- Thomas J. Buiteweg (Chair)
- Kieran P. Marion
- James P. Spica
- Jennifer Dettloff
Boji Tower - 3rd floor
124 West Allegan St.
PO Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536
(517) 373-0212
Two members appointed by the Senate Majority Leader, two members appointed by the Speaker of the House, the director of the Legislative Service Bureau or the director's designee, and three members appointed by the Legislative Council serve as Michigan's delegation to the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws pursuant to Act 268 of 1986. Michigan's delegation meets and confers with commissioners from other states to bring about uniformity of state law in instances where wide variations in state law could tend to complicate the resolution of interstate problems.
In addition to "uniform acts" such as the Uniform Commercial Code, which every state is urged to adopt, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws also drafts "model acts" to guide legislatures dealing with issues that need not be treated uniformly by all states. Some models, such as the Model State Administrative Procedures Act, have been adopted for use by most states.
MCUSL Documents
Other Links of Interest
National ULC – “New Drafting and Study Committees to be Appointed”
Michigan Legislature