
/JCARFiles/Rule Documents by Department and Rule Number/Department of Treasury/2019-051 TY

2019-051 TY - Notice of Public Hearing.pdf
2019-051 TY - RFR - General Sales and Use Tax Rules.pdf
2019-051 TY - RIS - General Sales and Use Tax Rules.pdf
2019-051 TY - Strike-Bold - General Sales and Use Tax Rules (7-29-19).pdf
2019-051 TY General Sales and Use Tax Rules Specific Sales and Use Tax Rules Affidavit.pdf
2019-051 TY General Sales and Use Tax Rules Specific Sales and Use Tax Rules FinalRule_StrikeBold_Version.doc
2019-051 TY General Sales and Use Tax Rules Specific Sales and Use Tax Rules JCAR transmittal-General Sales and Use Tax Rules_Specific Sales and Use Tax Rules.pdf
2019-051 TY General Sales and Use Tax Rules Specific Sales and Use Tax Rules JCARReportForm_2019-51_TY.PDF
2019-051 TY General Sales and Use Tax Rules Specific Sales and Use Tax Rules MOAHRCertificate.pdf
2019-051 TY General Sales and Use Tax Rules Specific Sales and Use Tax Rules RISForm_2019-51_TY.PDF
2019-051 TY General Sales and Use Tax Rules Specific Sales and Use Tax Rules Transcript.pdf
2019-051 TY General Sales and Use Tax Rules Specific Sales and Use Tax Rules WrittenComments.pdf
2019-051 TY--FI.PDF
Secretary of State Notice of Filing.pdf