Filed with the secretary of state on


These rules take effect immediately upon filing with the secretary of state unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(6) of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a.  Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the secretary of state.


(By authority conferred on the public service commission by section 5 of Act No. 419 of the Public Acts of 1919 1919 PA 419, MCL 460.55, as amended, and section 4 of Act No. 3 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, being 1939 PA 3, § MCL 460.55 and 460.4 of the Michigan Compiled Laws)


R 460.2501, R 460.2503, R 460.2505, R 460.2506, R 460.2509, R 460.2519, R 460.2520, R 460.2521, R 460.2522, R 460.2524, R 460.2531, R 460.2532, R 460.2533, R 460.2534, R 460.2543, R 460.2545, R 460.2546, R 460.2568, R 460.2568a, R 460.2569a, R 460.2569b, and R 460.2572 of the Michigan Administrative Code are amended, and R 460.2505a, R 460.2505b, R 460.2505c, and R 460.2568b are rescinded,  as follows: 





R 460.2501 Scope.

  Rule 1. (1) These rules apply to all books of account and other records prepared by or on behalf of the public utility. See rule 82 of these rules R 460.2582 for records which that come into the possession of the public utility in connection with the acquisition of property, such as a purchase, consolidation, or merger.

  (2) These rules shall not be construed as excusing compliance with any other lawful requirement for the preservation of records for periods longer than those prescribed herein in these rules. Whenever a gas utility collects rates authorized by this commission based on increased supplier rates collected under bond under the authority of the federal energy regulatory commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), such this utility shall maintain sufficient gas consumption records to enable the calculation of refunds to individual customers as may be ordered by the Michigan public service commission. This requirement shall continues in effect until final action by FERC or until the final decree of the court, if appealed thereto to the court, and until such the time as when the Michigan public service commission has entered its order authorizing appropriate refunds if such be this is the case.

  (3) Unless otherwise specified in part 2 of these rules, duplicate copies of records may be destroyed at any time if such the duplicate copies do not contain significant information not shown on the originals.

  (4) Records other than those listed in part 2 of these rules may be destroyed at the option of the public utility of provided that records that are used in place of those listed will be preserved for the periods prescribed for the records used for substantially similar purposes and if that the retention of records pertaining to added services, functions, and plant, the establishment of which cannot be presently foreseen, will conform to the principles embodied herein in these records.

  (5) Upon written request of a public utility, or on its own motion, the commission may waive any requirements of these rules when it determines that the waiver will further the effective and efficient administration of these rules and is in the public interest.



R 460.2503 Protection and storage of records.

  Rule 3. The public utility shall provide reasonable protection for records subject to these rules from damage by fires, floods, and other hazards and, in the selection of storage spaces, shall safeguard the records from unnecessary exposure to deterioration. from excessive humidity, dryness, or lack of proper ventilation.  The public utility shall also operate a back-up system to preserve electronic information and records that are required to be retained under these rules.



R 460.2505 Preservation of record storage media generally.

  Rule 5. A public utility has the flexibility to select its own storage media, subject to the following conditions:

  (a) For the purpose of these rules, the data constituting the records listed in part 2 may be retained in any of the media forms in figure 1, if the The storage media selected has must have a standard life expectancy at least equal to or in excess of the specified the applicable record retention period provided in part 2 of these rules unless there is a quality transfer from 1 media to another with no loss of data. However, records supporting plant and licensed project cost shall be retained in their original form, unless microfilmed. Media regeneration to achieve the full length of period retention shall not be allowed without commis­sion approval of the request of the company, except in emergency situations. In emergency cases, management shall take prudent action and shall notify the commission immediately thereafter.

  (b)(2) If the media form of the record retained is other than a readable paper copy, then reader equipment or printer equipment, or both, and related printout programs, if required, shall be provided by the utility for data reference. A public utility shall implement internal control procedures that ensure the reliability of, and ready access to, data stored on machine-readable media.  Internal control procedures shall be documented by a responsible supervisory official.

  (c)(3) The media form initially selected for the record becomes the “original” for that particular record. If subsequent conditions, such as improved media life expectancy, increased utility resources, or environmental factors, require a change in media forms, and if the remaining retention period permits a change in the media forms, the utility may convert to another media and dispose of its old equipment if the certification processes described in rule 5a are observed and data referencing capability is maintained. A transfer of data from 1 media to another must be verified for accuracy and documented. Software and hardware required to produce readable records shall be retained for the same period as the media format is used.

  (4) Figure 1 shall read as follows:   


Record media form

Media expected life

Comments and standards

1. Paper & card stock (hard copy

Archival permanency

For each document, paper stock with a life expectancy equal to or greater than the retention period specified for that document shall be selected.

2. Tape magnetic (including videotape)

5 years

Assumes storage in a controlled environment with a temperature and humidity range of 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 40% to 60%, respectively. (Refer to specific storage conditions).


Archival permanency

For each record, tape with a life expectancy equal to or greater than the retention period specified for that record media (paper, mylar, metallic base) shall be selected.

3. Microforms

a. Microfilm

Archival permanency

Assumes storage in a controlled environment with a temperature and humidity range of 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 40% to 50%, respectively. (Refer to American national standard institute (ANSI) standard no. PH 1.28 – 1969 and PH 5.4 – 1970).

b.Metallic recording data strips

Archival permanency

Same storage conditions as for microfilm.



R 460.2505a  Rescinded. Preservation of record media; microform and tape certification.

  Rule 5a. (1) As the initial recording media, each microform record series shall contain, at the beginning, a microform introduction stating the title of the record series, the date prepared, and the name of the official responsible for validating or confirming the data contained therein. Each microform record series shall be closed with a clear and standard microform notation indicating the completion of the series and the date. If after validation, supplemental data or corrections, or both, are required, the microform may be produced separately or as a part of the series rerun, but shall be affixed to the original microform certificate as described in this subrule.

  (2) As the initial recording media, each tape record series shall be externally labeled and shall include, as a basic part of the program, at the beginning of that series, an introduction stating the record series title, date prepared, the name of the official responsible for validating or confirming the data contained therein, and an index where appropriate. Each record series shall be closed with a clear and standard notation indicating the completion of that series and the date.

  (3) As converted from other media, each microform record series shall include as an integral part a certificate or certificates which state that the microforms are direct and facsimile reproductions of the original records and that they have been made in accordance with prescribed instructions. A certificate shall be executed by a person or persons who have personal knowledge of the facts covered thereby.

  (4) As converted from other media, each microform record series shall begin and end with a statement as to the nature and arrangement of the records reproduced and the date. Rolls of film shall not be cut. Supplemental or retaken film, whether of misplaced or omitted documents or of portions of microform found to be defective, shall be attached to the beginning of the microform record series and the aforementioned certificate shall cover the supplemental or retaken film and shall state the reasons for the subsequent actions.

  (5) If, in accordance with the provisions of rule 5b, the utility elects to convert records to the tape media, the same certification provision specified in subrule (2) shall be provided in the conversion program.



R 460.2505b Rescinded. Preservation of record media; change of media for existing records.

  Rule 5b. Records prepared and maintained under previous rules in a paper media whose remaining retention period falls within the life expectancy range of any of the media detailed in figure 1 may be converted to that media at the public utility’s or licensee’s option, if the applicable certification processes described in rule 5a are observed and an audit referencing capability is maintained.



R 460.2505c Rescinded. Preservation of record media; records created or maintained in a media and format other than readable entries on paper.

  Rule 5c.(1) All records created or maintained in a media and a format other than readable entries on paper shall comply with all of the following:

  (a) Be prepared, arranged, classified, identified, and indexed to permit the subsequent location, examination, and reproduction of the record as a readable media.

  (b) Be stored in a manner that provides reasonable protection from hazards, such as fire, flood, and theft, and be maintained in a controlled environment.

  (c) Be regenerated, including proper certification, when damaged.

  (2) The utility or company shall be prepared to furnish, at its own expense, standard facilities for reading media and shall additionally provide, if the commission directs, copies of the record in a readable form.

 (3) All film stock shall be of approved, operationally permanent, record microcopying type which meets the current specifications of the national bureau of standards.



R 460.2506 Destruction of records.

 Rule 6. At the expiration of the retention period, a public utility may use any appropriate method to destroy records as long as the method ensures the full destruction of information contained in the documents The destruction of the records permitted to be destroyed under the provisions of these rules may be performed in any manner elected by the public utility concerned. Precautions shall be taken, however, to macerate or otherwise destroy the legibility of records containing information which that is forbidden by law from being divulged to unauthorized persons. 



R 460.2509 Retention periods designated “Destroy at option.”

 Rule 9. Use of the retention period, “Destroy at option,” in these rules constitutes authorization for authorizes the destruction of records at management’s discretion under the conditions specified for the particular types of records only if such optional destruction is appropriate to limited managerial interest in such records and if the destruction of the records does such optional destruction is not in conflict with other legal retention requirements or usefulness of such these records in satisfying pending regulatory actions or directives.






R 460.2519 Contracts and agreements; retention periods.

  Rule 19. Except as provided elsewhere in these rules, the following contract and agreement records shall be retained for the periods listed: 


(a) Service contracts, such as for management, accounting, and financial services including related memoranda and revisions.

See rule 22(b)(i) if they affect cost of plant; otherwise, 6 years after expiration or cancellation or until the conclusion of any contract disputes or governmental proceedings pertaining to these contracts, whichever is later.

(b) Contracts with other utilities for the purchase, sale, or interchange of product, including related memoranda or revisions.

6 years after expiration or cancellation or until the conclusion of any contract disputes or governmental proceedings pertaining to these contracts, whichever is later.

(c) Leases pertaining to rentals of property to or from others.

6 years after expiration or cancellation or until the conclusion of any contract disputes or governmental proceedings pertaining to these contracts, whichever is later.

(d) Contracts and agreements with individual employees, labor unions, company unions, and other employee organizations relative to wage rates, hours, and similar matters.

6 years after expiration or cancellation or until the conclusion of any contract disputes or governmental proceedings pertaining to these contracts, whichever is later.

(e) Contracts, agreements, and other essential records necessary to the carrying out of the functions of an employee’s stock purchase or other type of employees’ saving plan.

6 years after expiration or cancellation.

(f) Memoranda essential to clarifying or explaining provisions of contracts listed in subrules (a) through (e) aboveof this rule.  

For same periods as contracts to which they relate.

(g) Card or book records of contracts leases, and agreements made, which show dates of expirations, dates of renewals, memoranda of receipts, and payments under such contracts, leases, and agreements.

For same periods as contracts to which they relate.

(h) Contracts or agreements for the acquisition or disposal of investments, excluding temporary cash investments.

25 years after disposal.



R 460.2520 General and subsidiary ledgers; retention periods.

 Rule 20. The following ledger records shall be retained for the periods listed:


(a) General ledgers.

50 10 years.

(b) Ledgers subsidiary or auxiliary to general ledgers, except ledgers provided for elsewhere in these rules.

50 10 years.

(c) Indexes to general ledgers.

50 10 years.

(d) Indexes to subsidiary ledgers except ledgers provided for elsewhere in these rules.

50 10 years.

(e) Trial balance sheets of general and subsidiary ledgers.

2 years.



R 460.2521 Journals; retention period.

  Rule 21. General and subsidiary journals, including departmental and divisional journals shall be retained for a period of 50 10 years.



R 460.2522 Journal vouchers and entries; retention periods.

 Rule 22. The following journal voucher and entry records shall be retained for the periods listed: 


(a) General, departmental, divisional, and petty journal vouchers.

50 25 years.

(b) Materials and supplies disbursement, labor distribution, and other detail summariza­tion and distribution records which support journal vouchers or journal entries as follows:


(i) Charging plant accounts.

6 years, if accounting adjustments resulting from reclassification and original cost studies have been approved by the regulatory commissions having jurisdiction and if continuing plant inventory records are maintained or unitization of construction costs appear in work orders; otherwise 25 years. For licensed projects, time tickets, and material issued and material returned tickets may be destroyed at option if the basic information contained thereon in the accounts is transcribed to other records and if such other records are retained in accordance with this instruction. Basic information as regards regarding time tickets includes, at a minimum, for the purpose of this instruction, hours worked and the distribution of time to the proper job or account.

(ii) Charging all other accounts.

6 years.

(c) Papers forming part of, or necessary to explain, journal vouchers or journal entries, except as covered in rule 22(b) subrule (b) of this rule.

50 25 years.

(d) Schedules for recurring journal Entries.

Destroy when superseded.

(e) Lists of standard journal entry numbers.

Destroy when superseded.



R 460.2524 Vouchers and voucher registers; retention periods.

  Rule 24. (1) The following voucher records shall be retained for the periods listed: 


(a) Paid and canceled vouchers (1 copy) analysis sheets showing detailed distribution of charges on individual vouchers and other supporting papers.

6 years, as specified in R 460.2522(b)(i) and (ii), (see rule 22(b)(i) and (ii)), except that those relating to the construction of licensed projects, additions or betterment thereto of those projects, or the amortization reserve applicable thereto, to those projects, for which the commission has not determined    the actual legitimate original cost, shall be retained until such cost has been determined.

(b) Original bills and invoices for materials and services paid by vouchers.

6 years (see rule 22(b)(i) and (ii)), as specified in R 460.2522(b)(i) and (ii), except that those relating to the construction of licensed projects, additions or betterment thereto, of those projects, or the amortization reserve applicable thereto, to those projects, for which the commission has not determined the actual legitimate original cost, shall be retained until such this cost has been determined.

(c) Paid checks and receipts for payments by voucher or otherwise.

      6 years.

(d) Authorization for the payment of specific vouchers.

      6 years.

(e) Lists of unaudited bills (accounts payable), lists of vouchers transmitted, and memoranda regarding changes in unaudited bills.

Destroy at option.

(f) Voucher indexes.

6 years. Destroy at option.

  (2) Voucher registers or similar records shall be retained for a period of 6 years (See rule 22(b), (i) and ii)). , as specified in R 460.2522(b)(i) and (ii).



R 460.2531 Automatic data processing record; retention periods.

  Rule 31. (1) The following automatic data processing records shall be retained for the periods listed: 

(a) Punched cards, tapes, or similar media Media used as intermediate records or steps in data processing for assembling data to be posted to the records of the company or used in a report or study.

Destroy at option.

(b) Program documentation and revisions thereto to this documentation.

Retain as long as it represents an active viable program or for periods prescribed for related output data, whichever is shorter.

  (2) Original source data used as input for data processing and data processing report printouts shall be retained for the applicable periods prescribed elsewhere in the schedule.  Plant and accumulated provision for depreciation.



R 460.2532 Plant ledgers; retention periods.

 Rule 32. The following plant ledgers and records shall be retained for the periods listed: 


(a) Ledgers of utility plant accounts, including land and other detailed ledgers that show the cost of utility plant by classes.

50 25 years.

(b) Continuing plant inventory ledger, book, or card records that show the description, location, quantity cost, and similar information of physical units, or items, of utility plant owned.

6 25 years after the plant is retired provided mortality data are retained. For depreciation purposes, life or mortality study data shall be retained for the life of the corporation.




R 460.2533  Construction ledgers, work orders, and supplemental records; retention periods.

  Rule 33. The following construction work in progress ledgers, work orders, and supplemental records shall be retained for the periods listed: 


(a) Construction work in progress ledgers.

10 5 years after clearance to the plant account if continuing plant inventory records are maintained; otherwise, 6 5 years after the plant is retired.

(b) Work order sheets which that show entries for labor, materials, and other charges for utility plant additions, and entries closing the work orders for utility plant in service at completion.

10 5 years after clearance to the plant account if continuing plant inventory records are maintained; otherwise, 6 5 years after the plant is retired.

(c) Authorizations for expenditures for additions to utility plant, including memoranda that show the detailed estimates of cost and the basis therefore for that estimated cost. Original and revised or subsequent authorizations shall be included.

10 5 years.

(d) Requisitions and registers of authorizations for utility plant expenditures.

10 5 years.

(e) Completion or performance reports that show the comparison between authorized estimates and actual expenditures for utility plant additions.

10 5 years.

(f) Analysis or cost reports that show quantities of materials used, unit costs, number of man-hours, and similar information in connection with completed construction projects.

10 5 years after clearance to the plant account if continuing plant inventory records are maintained; otherwise, 6 years after the plant is retired.

(g) Records and reports that pertain to the progress of construction work, the order in which jobs are to be completed, and similar records that do not form a basis of entries to the accounts.

Destroy at option.

(h) Records of gas acreage owned, leased, or optioned; lease records; well-drilling logs and well-construction records; and geological and photographic maps of field.

50 years. 1 year after the facility or relevant production area is abandoned.



R 460.2534  Retirement ledgers, work orders, and supplemental records; retention periods.

 Rule 34. The following retirement work in progress ledgers, work orders, and supplemental records shall be retained for the periods listed:


(a) Work order sheets which that have the entries for removal costs, materials recovered, and credits to utility plant accounts for cost of plant retired posted to them.

10 5 years after the plant is retired if mortality data are retained.

(b) Authorization for retirement of utility plant, including memoranda that show the basis for the determination of the cost of plant to be retired and estimates of salvage and removal costs.

10 5 years after clearance to the plant account if continuing plant inventory records are maintained; otherwise, 6 5 years after the plant is retired, if mortality data are retained.

(c) Registers of retirement work orders.

10 5 years.



R 460.2543 Deposit records; retention periods.

 Rule 43. The following deposit records shall be retained for the periods listed: 


(a) Bank deposit books.

1 year.

(b) Copies of bank deposit slips.

1 year.

(c) Advice of deposits made when information thereon about the deposits is shown on other records which that are retained.

Destroy at option.

(d) Statements from depositories that show the details of funds received, disbursed, and transferred and balances on deposits.

Destroy at option.

(e) Bank reconcilement papers.

1 year.

(f) Statements from banks of interest credits.

1 year.

(g) Check stubs, registers, or other records of checks issued.

6 3 years.

(h) Correspondence and memoranda that relate to the stopping of payment of bank checks and to the issuance of duplicate checks.

6 3 years or destroy at option after recovery of the check or checks is recovered.



R 460.2545 Customer service applications and contracts; retention periods.

  Rule 45. The following customer service applications and contracts shall be retained for the periods listed:


(a) Applications for utility service for which contracts have been executed.

Destroy at option.


(b) Applications for utility service used in place of contracts.

1 year.

(c) Contracts and card files, or other records thereof, with customers for utility service.

1 year after expiration or cancellation.  If the contracts are with other utilities for the purchase, sale, or interchange of product, R 460.2519(b) applies.


(d) Applications for utility service which that were withdrawn by the applicant or not granted by the utility.

1 year.


(e) Contracts or sales agreements with customers and others for the sale of merchandise and appliances.

1 year after sales agreement is discharged.


(f) Contracts for the lease of equipment to customers, including receipts for same this equipment.

1 year after expiration of contract or return of equipment.


(g) Applications and contracts for extensions covered by refundable deposits or guarantees of revenue and records that pertain to such contracts.

1 year after entire amount is refunded.

(h) Applications and contracts for extensions for which donations or contributions are made by customers or others other individuals.

50 6 years after expiration.


R 460.2546 Rate schedules; retention periods.

 Rule 46. The following rate schedule records shall be retained for the periods listed:


(a) General files of published rate sheets and schedules of utility service, including schedules suspended or superseded.

50 6 years.


(b) Regional or local office copies of rate sheets and schedules of utility service.

1 year after expiration or cancellation.




R 460.2568 Electricity production records; retention periods.

  Rule 68. The following electricity production records shall be retained for the periods listed: 

(a) Boiler room, condenser room, turbine room, and pump room logs, including supporting data.

3 years.

(b) Boiler room and turbine room reports of equipment in service and performance.

3 years.

(c) Boiler-tube failure report.

3 years.

(d) Generation and output logs with supporting data.

6 3 years.

(e) Station and system generation reports.

25 years, except that those relating to licensed projects, or additions or betterments thereto to those projects, for which the commission has not determined the actual legitimate original cost, shall be retained 25 years and until such this cost has been determined.

(f) Generating high-tension and low-tension load records.

3 years.

(g) Oil and waste reports.

3 years.

(h) Load curves, temperature logs, and coal and water logs.

3 years.

(i) Gage reading reports.

2 years, except that river-flow data collected in connection with hydro-operation shall be retained for the life of the corporation.

(j) Recording instrument charts.

1 year, except that where the basic chart information is transferred to another record, the charts need only shall be retained for only 6 months if the record that contains the basic data is retained for 1 year.

(k) Load dispatcher’s and station permits.

1 year, except that where the basic chart information is transferred to another record, the charts need only shall be retained for only 6 months if the record that contains the basic data is retained for 1 year.



R 460.2568a Manufactured Gas gas plant site production records; retention periods.

  Rule 68a. The following manufactured gas plant site production records shall be retained for the periods listed: for a minimum of 10 years past United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approval of the completed remediation or 10 years after the final remediation amounts have been approved by the commission, whichever is longer.  The company shall offer to submit all related documents to the commission prior to their destruction.

(a) Boiler and gas machine logs, including supporting data.

3 years.

(b) Gas generation and output logs with supporting data.

6 years.

(c) Temperature and atmospheric pressure logs.

3 years.

(d) Coal, coke, and oil reports.

3 years.

(e) Residual reports.

3 years.

(f) Recording instrument charts, such as pressure (static or differential, or both), temperature, specific gravity, and heating value.

1 year except that where the basic chart information is transferred to another record, the charts need only be retained for 6 months if the record that contains the basic data is retained for 1 year.

(g) Tests of heating value at stations and outlying points.

6 years.

(h) Records of gas produced, gas sent out, gas purchased, and holder stock.

6 years.

(i) Analysis of gas produced and purchased, including Btu and sulphur sulfur content.

6 years.

(j) Records of general inspection and operating tests.

3 years.

(k) Well records, including cleaning, bailing, shooting, records and rock pressure, open flow, production, and gas analysis reports.

1 year after the field is abandoned.

(l) Gasoline production.

6 years.

(m) Gas production by county.

Destroy at option.

(n) Gas measuring records.

1 year.

(o) Tool record.

3 years.

(p) Royalty record.

6 years.

(q) Records of meter tests.

Until superseding test, but not less than 2 years.

(r) Meter history records.

For the life of the meter.



R 460.2568b Rescinded. Water supply purification and pumping records; retention periods.

  Rule 68b. The following water supply purification and pumping records shall be retained for the periods listed: 


(a) Records of water supplied to distribution system, by sources.

15 years or 3 years after the source is abandoned, whichever is shorter.

(b) Boiler room, condenser room, turbine room, and pump room logs, including supporting data.

3 years.

(c) Boiler room and turbine room reports of equipment in service and performance.

3 years.

(d) Equipment failure report.

3 years.

(e) Pumping output logs with supporting data.

3 years.

(f) Station output reports.

25 years.

(g) Oil and waste reports.

3 years.

(h) Coal and water logs.

3 years.

(i) Gage-reading reports.

3 years.

(j) Recording instrument charts.

3 years.



R 460.2569a Gas transmission and distribution records; retention periods.

 Rule 69a. The following gas transmission and distribution records shall be retained for the periods listed: 


(a) Transmission line logs.

3 years. If records are not disputed or adjusted, destroy after 1 year.

(b) Transmission and distribution department load dispatching operating logs.

3 years. If records are not disputed or adjusted, destroy after 1 year.

(c) Service interruption logs and reports.

6 years.

(d) Records of general inspections and operating tests.

3 years.

(e) Reports on inspections and repairs of all street openings.

6 years.

(f) Apparatus failure reports.

6 years.

(g) Records of meter tests.

Until superseding test, but not less than 2 years or as may be necessary to comply with service rules regarding refunds on fast meters.

(h) Meter history records.

For the life of the meter.

(i) Meter shop reports that are (monthly reports summarizing tests and repairs).

3 years.

(j) Gas measuring records.

1 year, unless measurement data have been disputed or adjusted.

(k) Transmission line operating reports.

3 1 years., unless measurement data have been disputed or adjusted.

(l) Compressor operation and reports.

3 1 years., unless measurement data have been disputed or adjusted.

(m) Gas pressure department reports.

3 1 years., unless measurement data have been disputed or adjusted.

(n) Recording instrument charts, such as pressure (static and differential), temperature, specific gravity, and heating value.

1 year, unless measurement data have been disputed or adjusted; except that where charts are exchanged with the customer and the basic information is transferred to another record, the charts need only shall be retained for only 6 months if the record that contains the basic chart data is retained for 1 year.



R 460.2569b Rescinded Underground storage of natural gas.

  Rule 69b. The following underground storage of natural gas records shall be retained for the time periods listed: 


(a) Well records, reports, and logs that include data relating to pressures, injected volumes, withdrawn volumes, core analysis, daily volumes of gas injected into and withdrawn from reservoir, cushion, and working gas volumes for each reservoir.

1 year after reservoir, field, or relevant   storage area is abandoned.

(b) Records containing information relating to reservoir gas leakage, showing the total gas leakage, and recycled gas.

1 year after reservoir, field, or relevant storage area is abandoned.

(c) Records on back pressure tests field data.

1 year or until superseded.

(d) Records on back pressure test results, gas analysis.

1 year or until superseded.



R 460.2572 Statistics; retention periods.

  Rule 72. The following statistical records shall be retained for the periods listed: 


(a) Annual financial, operating, and statistical reports regularly prepared in the course of business for internal administrative or operating purposes (and not used as the basis for entries to the accounts of the companies concerned) to show the results of operations and the financial condition of the utility.

10 5 years after date of report.

(b) Quarterly, monthly, or other periodic financial, operating, and other statistical reports as above.

2 years.

(c) All other statistical reports not covered elsewhere in these rules which are prepared for internal administrative or operating purposes only and which are not used as the basis for entries to the accounts of the company.

Destroy at option.

(d) Summaries of expenditures on maintenance and job orders and clearance to operating and other accounts, exclusive of plant accounts.

6 years.