Filed with the secretary of state on
These rules take effect immediately upon filing with the secretary of state unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(6) of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a.  Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the secretary of state.

(By authority conferred on the state treasurer by section 11 of the school bond qualification, approval, and loan act, 2005 PA 92, MCL 388.1931, and section 33 of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233 24.201 to 24.328 all as amended)


R 388.2, R 388.3, R 388.11, R 388.12, and R 388.13 of the Michigan Administrative Code are amended, and R 388.6, R 388.10 and R 388.20 of the Code are rescinded, as follows:





R 388.2 Preliminary qualification; application.

Rule 2. (1) A completed preliminary qualification application shall include a submission to the department that complies with section 5 of the act, MCL 388.1925, any other applicable law, and any other guidance published by the department including, but not limited to, global instructions, policies, procedures, guidelines or rules. The application shall include the following:

(a)  The proposed ballot language to be submitted to the electors shall include all language required by the following statutes:

(i)  Section 1361 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1361, the revised school code.

(ii)   Section 24f of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.24f, general property tax act.

(iii)  Section 8 of the act, MCL 388.1928.

(iv)  Any other applicable law.

(b)  A description of the project or projects to be financed including all of the following:

(i)  A cost analysis providing summary totals that can be matched to budget estimates as reported by the school district.

(ii)   For new construction, all of the following shall be included:

(A)  The estimated number of rooms.

(B)  The types of rooms expected to be constructed. (C)The estimated square footage of the project or projects.

(D) The estimated cost per square foot.

(iii)   For remodeling and site work, all of the following shall be included:

(A)  The planned use of the space.

(B)  The type of work expected to be performed.

(C)  The estimated total cost of the work to be performed.

(iv)    For site acquisitions, the total cost of acquisition shall be included, or if such information is not available, the estimated total cost of acquisition.

(v)   For technology, furnishings, and equipment, school districts shall provide detail regarding the types of technology, furnishings, and equipment to be purchased.

(c)  A pro forma debt service projection, which shall demonstrate both of the following:

(i)           That the projected computed millage will be sufficient to repay principal and interest on all of the school district's existing and proposed new qualified bonds plus principal and interest on all existing and anticipated qualified loans related to those bonds not later than the final mandatory repayment date.

(ii)           That the school district's projected average growth in taxable value is based on the assumptions required by the act.

(d)  The utilization rate for each project included in the preliminary qualification application, which meets the following specifications:

(i)  The utilization rate shall be calculated by dividing the projected 5-year enrollment by the standard pupil capacity factor provided by the department.

(ii)  The 5-year enrollment projection used in this calculation shall be obtained from an enrollment projection service provider approved by the department.

(iii)  When the utilization rate for any building is below 60% for remodeling projects and 85% for new construction projects, the school district shall submit a written explanation of such variance discussing the actions the school district intends to take to address the underutilization.

(e)  Evidence that the cost per square foot of the project or projects will be reasonable in light of economic conditions applicable to the geographic area in which the school district is located.

(f)  An amortization schedule in accordance with sections 5(2)(k) and 7(1)(d) of the act, MCL 388.1925(2)(k) and MCL 388.1927(1)(d).

(g)  A completed prequalification application includes the following data, which the department shall use for informational purposes only:

(i)  The total bonded debt outstanding of the school district for the school district fiscal year in which the application is filed.

(ii)  The total taxable value of property in the school district for the school district fiscal year in which the application is filed.

(iii)  A statement describing any environmental or usability problems to be addressed by the project or projects.

(iv)  An architect's analysis of the overall condition of the facilities to be renovated or replaced as a part of the project or projects.

(v) Acknowledgement that the district will keep books and records of expenditure of bond proceeds and make this information available to the department upon request within 5 business days.

(2)  The department shall determine the reasonableness of cost per square foot by comparing the cost included in the preliminary qualification application to the cost per square foot parameter announced annually by the department. The cost per square foot parameter announced annually by the department shall be calculated from data derived from reputable independent sources, including but not limited to, R.S. Means or such similar entity that provides reliable objective information.

(3)  If it has been more than 12 months since the preliminary qualification was approved, then a school district shall submit the following information to update the application prior to submitting an application for final qualification:

(a)   A status report of any previous series of bonds included in the authorization.

(b)    Updated project sheets for each project included in the proposed series and supporting cost detail, as described in R 388.2(1)(b).

(c)   A cost summary sheet for proposed bond series.

(d)     An updated pro forma debt service projection showing bond structure for proposed series.


R 388.3 Qualification of bonds.

Rule 3. (1) To obtain final qualification of bonds, a school district shall, along with meeting any other requirements of section 7 of the act, MCL 388.1927, submit a final qualification application and supporting documentation in the form prescribed by the department.

(2)   Supporting documentation shall include all of the following:

(a)           A cover letter from legal counsel indicating the requested approval date and delivery date if known at the time of submission.

(b)         The certificate of determination of election results and vote count approving the bonds.

(c)        An updated pro forma debt service projection.

(d)        A copy of any adopted resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds.

(e)          A copy of any resolution authorizing the sale of bonds if such a resolution is applicable.

(f)         The preliminary or final official statement, whichever is available at the time of submission.

(g)         Acknowledgement that the district will keep books and records of expenditure of bond proceeds and make this information available to the department upon request within 5 business days.

(3)    Supporting documentation for refunding bond issues shall include additional financial schedules that document net present value savings of the refunding bond issue. both of the following:

(a)  Additional financial schedules that document net present value savings of the refunding bond issue.

(b)  A draft verification report of mathematical accuracy of the refunding tables, prepared by a reliable independent source.

(4)   If a school district does not issue its qualified bonds within 180 days after the date of the order qualifying bonds, then the school district shall submit a revised application and updated pro forma debt service projection to the department.

(5)   (4) Notwithstanding the repayment requirements of these rules, all bonds qualified under the act and Article IX of the state constitution of 1963 shall be considered qualified upon issuance of the order qualifying bonds by the state treasurer until final maturity.





R 388.6 Certification of computed millage. Rescinded.

Rule 6. Subject to the act and other provisions of these rules, a school district shall authorize, agree to, and certify the levy of its full computed millage before borrowing from the school loan revolving fund.



R 388.10 Final mandatory repayment dates for borrowing related to new bond issues. Rescinded.

Rule 10. The final mandatory repayment dates for borrowing related to qualified bond issues shall be determined in accordance with the act.




R 388.11 Interest rates on qualified loans.

Rule 11. (1) All qualified loans shall bear interest as defined in section 9(8) of the act, MCL 388.1929.

(2) The department shall recalculate the interest rate on all qualified loans at least quarterly.  if any of  the following occur:

(a)   Additional school loan bonds or school loan revolving fund bonds are issued.

(b)   Existing school loan bonds or school loan revolving fund bonds are refunded.

(c)     Principal payments are made on existing school loan bonds or school loan revolving fund bonds.

(d)   Each time variable interest rates are adjusted on school loan bonds, or quarterly for school loan revolving fund bonds.

(3)   Interest on all qualified loans shall be compounded annually on September 30.


R 388.12 Repayment; invoices.

Rule 12. (1) If the revenue generated by a school district's computed millage levied in a 12-month period exceeds the debt service due on qualified bonds during that 12- month period, then the school district shall pay the difference, less a reasonable amount of funds on hand, as determined by the state treasurer, to cover minimum balance requirements or potential tax disputes, to the department as payment of the outstanding loan.

(2)    (1) The department shall issue an invoice to the school district at least once a year when the information contained in a loan activity statement demonstrates that the revenue generated by a school district's levy of the computed millage will exceed the annual debt service on the bonds.

(3)     (2) The school district shall remit the amount specified in the invoice to the department not later than the next succeeding May 15 after the dated date of the invoice.

(4)     (3) The school district shall promptly submit to the department an explanation of any difference between the invoiced payment due and the payment remitted.









R 388.13 Noncompliance; remedies.

Rule 13. (1) The following situations constitute noncompliance:

(a)   A school district that owes the state loan repayments relating to qualified bonds fails to levy at least the computed millage upon its taxable value for debt retirement purposes for qualified bonds or qualified loans under the act.

(b)    A school district fails to honor its agreement to repay a qualified loan or any installment of a qualified loan.

(c)   A school district fails to file or correctly file required documentation as defined in the act or these rules.

(2)   In addition to any other remedies provided by the act or other state law, in the event of noncompliance, the school district shall file or correct the required documentation. do all of the following as required by the department:

(a)   File or correct the required documentation.

(b)   Increase its debt levy in the next succeeding year to obtain the funds necessary to repay the amount of the default plus a late charge that shall be 3% of the amount due. If a school district fails to levy at least the computed millage upon its taxable value, then the school district shall increase its debt levy in the next succeeding year to obtain the amount necessary to repay the amount of the default plus a late charge that shall be 3% of the amount due even when such an increase will be higher than the computed millage.

(c)   Shall pay to the state the amount of the default plus the 3% late charge together with any other amounts owed during the next tax year following the year in which the default occurred.

(3)    The department shall cause state school aid not to be disbursed to the non- complying school district until arrangements for the payment of the amount in arrears are made with the department's approval.

(4)   (3) Failure of a school district to comply with application due dates or failure of a school district to process any report, application, confirmation, or repayment as required under the act or in these rules may result in 1 or both of the following:

(a)   The department may issue a notification to the school board requiring a written response of remedy.

(b)   The department may withhold a school district's state aid funds until the school district complies with all requirements.

(5)   (4) None of the following situations constitutes noncompliance:

(a)  Taxpayer delinquencies.

(b)   Failure of projected pupil or tax base growth rates to meet initial projections.

(c)  Decline in the school district tax base.













R 388.20 Use of remaining proceeds. Rescinded.

Rule 20. (1) School districts may only use bond proceeds remaining after the approved projects are completed to do the following:

(a)  Pay debt service on qualified bonds.

(b)   Pay qualified loans.

(2) Only under limited circumstances, and if in the opinion of the district’s bond counsel, the use of remaining proceeds to pay down debt would adversely affect the tax treatment of interest on the qualified bonds, the district may use remaining bond proceeds to pay for enhancements to the projects approved by the school electors as described in the ballot language.