OIL AND GAS LEASES ON STATE LANDS Leasing State-owned Oil and Gas Rights
Filed with the secretary of state on
These rules take effect immediately upon filing with the secretary of state unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(6) of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a.  Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the secretary of state.
(By authority conferred on the department of natural resources by sections 2 and 12 of Act No. 280 of the Public Acts of 1909, as amended, sections 1 and 27 of Act No. 326 of the Public Acts of 1913, as amended, and  section 2 of Act No. 17 of the Public Acts of 1921, as amended,  being  SS322.202, 322.212, 322.401, 322.427, and 299.2 of the Michigan Compiled Laws 502 and 504 of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.502 and 324.504)
R 299.8101, R 299.8102, R 299.8103, R 299.8104, R 299.8105, R 299.8106, and R 299.8107 of the Michigan Administrative Code are amended, as follows:
R  299.8101   Definitions.
  Rule 101. As used in these rules:
  (a) "Auction lease" means a lease issued as the result of competitive bidding at public auction.
  (b) "Bonus bid" means a payment by the buyer to the lessor at the time of sale as part of the consideration for acquisition of an oil and gas lease.
  (c) "Commission" means the Michigan natural resources commission.
  (d)(c) "Department" means the Michigan department of natural resources.
  (e)(d) "Development lease" means a lease that allows the use of the surface of state lands for oil and gas exploration, development, and production.
  (f)(e) "Direct lease" means a lease issued  as  the  result  of  individual negotiations with the commission department.
  (g)(f) "Gas" means a mixture of  hydrocarbons  and  varying  quantities  of non-hydrocarbons in a gaseous state which may or  may  not  be  associated with oil, including those liquids resulting from condensation,  including, but not limited to, natural gas and casinghead gas.
  (h)(g) "Land" means any property description in which the  state  owns  any oil and gas rights.
  (i)(h) "Lessee" means the working interest owner or owners of  a  lease  as shown in the records of the department.
  (j)(i) "Lessor" means the commission department.
  (k)(j) "Nondevelopment lease" means a lease that does not allow any use  of the land surface, including the surface of submerged bottom lands, for oil and gas exploration, development, and production.
  (l)(k) "Nonleasable lands" means lands that will not be leased for oil  and gas exploration, development, and production.
  (m)(l) "Oil" means natural crude oil or petroleum and  other  hydrocarbons, regardless of gravity, which are produced at the well in  liquid  form  by ordinary production methods and which are not the result  of  condensation of gas after it leaves  the  underground  reservoir,  including,  but  not limited to, oil, casinghead gasoline, drip gasoline, and natural  gasoline extracted from natural gas.
  (n)(m) "Performance bond" means a surety to guarantee that the  lessee  and the lessee's heirs, executors,  administrators,  successors,  and  assigns shall  faithfully  perform  the  covenants,  conditions,  and   agreements specified in the lease and the laws and rules of the state of Michigan.
  (o)(n) "Qualified party" means an individual of the age of  majority  or  a partnership, corporation, or other legal entity qualified to  do  business in the state of Michigan.
  (p)(o) "Sale unit" means the land description or descriptions  as  numbered on the lease sale notice.
R  299.8102   Lease   sale   applications;   notice   of   location and classification of lands.
  Rule 102. (1) Any party may submit applications identifying state  lands desired for oil and gas leasing. The department may  also  identify  lands for leasing.
  (2) Applications for state lands desired to be offered for leasing shall be in writing  and shall  be submitted  to  the  Department  of  Natural Resources, P.O. Box 30451, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7951P.O. Box 30028, Lansing, Michigan 48909, or such other  address as applicable. Applications may be general or specific in nature.  General applications shall specify  the area by county,  township,  and  range. Specific applications shall include all of the following information:
  (a)  The  specific  land  description,  including  private  claims   and submerged lands.
  (b) County.
  (c) Section.
  (d) Township.
  (e) Range.
  (f) For platted subdivisions, the lot  and  block  numbers,  subdivision name, and county.
  (3) The minimum application fee shall accompany the written  application and shall  be  in  accordance  with  the  fee  schedule  approved  by  the department commission.
  (4) The department shall identify all available lands requested or recommended nominated for leasing and shall recommend to  the  commission its classifications for   leasing as development, non-development, or nonleasable. The department shall publish a A public notice describing the  general location  of  the  lands  recommended  requested for  leasing  and  the  recommended classification shall be published in a newspaper, as defined in section 1461 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, Act  No. 236 of the Public Acts of 1961, as amended, being S MCL 600.1461,  of  the  Michigan Compiled Laws, not less than 10 days before  the  director of the department commission  takes  final action on the recommended  land  classifications.  This notice shall be published at least once in a newspaper published in the county  where  the lands are situated. If a newspaper is not published in the county where the lands are situated, then the notice shall  be  published  in  a  newspaper published in a county adjoining the county in which where the lands are located.
  (5) The commission department shall offer lands  approved  by  it  for  leasing  at public auction or may enter into leases under R 299.8105.
R  299.8103   Sale by public auction; notice; list of  lands  offered  for leasing.
  Rule 103. (1) A notice of lease sales shall be published at  least  once in a newspaper, as defined in section 1461 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236,Act No. 236  of  the  Public Acts of 1961, as amended, being S MCL 600.1461, of the Michigan  Compiled  Laws, not less than 10 days before the sale. The newspaper shall be published in the county where the lands are situated. If a newspaper is  not  published in the county where the lands are situated, the notice shall be  published in a newspaper published in a county adjoining the  county  in  which  the lands are located. A notice shall describe the  general  location  of  the land to be offered for lease and the date, time, and place of sale.
  (2) Any party may request from the department  a  list  of  lands  being offered for leasing at public auction. The lease sale list  shall  include all of the following information:
  (a) The date, time, and place of sale.
  (b) Descriptions of lands being offered.
  (c) The conditions of sale.
R  299.8104   Offer at public auction; procedure.
  Rule 104. (1) Oil and gas lease rights in state lands may be offered  at competitive public auction (lease sale).
  (2) The commission department shall stipulate the terms and conditions under  which lands may be offered for lease sale.
  (3) Any qualified party may make a bid on sale units offered for  lease.
  (4) The full amount of the bonus bid shall be paid as directed by the department on the same  date  on which the lease rights are bid. Bidders who  have  an  established  credit rating with the department through prior  leasing  activity  may  pay  the total bid by personal or  company  check.  Bidders  who  do  not  have  an established credit  rating  with  the  department  through  prior  leasing activity shall pay not less than 1/2 of the total bonus bid in cash or  by certified check or money order. The balance may  be  paid  by  company  or personal check. All remittances  shall  be  made  payable  to:  "State  of Michigan." Bidders may establish a credit rating  by  filing  3 references acceptable to the department,  1 of  which  shall  be  a  bank,  with  the department.
  (5) Failure of the successful bidder to pay the total bid at the time of sale shall result in the forfeiture of the bonus bid and the lease  rights to the sale unit or units involved.
  (6) The department reserves the right to reject any bid and may, in  its discretion, stop the sale of any sale unit at any time and for any  stated reason.
  (7) Lands in sale units for which no bids  are  received  shall  not  be offered at lease sale unless applied for again.  The  commission department,  in  its discretion, may include the unbid land in a future sale or sales.
  (8) Where available lands  in  sale  units  do  not  receive  sufficient bidders or where the successful bidder defaults for any reason, the  lands shall be offered at the following lease sale unless  withdrawn  from  sale for any stated reason or if leased under R 299.8105.
  (9) Available lands in sale units in which bids were not accepted  shall be offered at the following lease sale unless withdrawn from sale for  any stated reason or if leased under R 299.8105.
R  299.8105   Direct leases.
  Rule 105. (1) The commission department may enter  into  direct  leases  for  lands needed to complete a drilling unit. Qualified parties shall submit written application as described in R 299.8102(2) and shall submit proof that they own or control lease rights to the majority of the land  in  the  proposed drilling unit.
  (2) The commission department may also enter into direct leases for  lands  offered but not leased at public  auction  if  the  lands  have  been  offered  at 2 previous lease sales  within  a  1-year  period  without  receiving  the required  number  of  bidders.  Qualified  parties  shall  submit  written application as described in R 299.8102(2).
  (3) Direct leases entered into under subrules (1) and (2) of  this  rule normally require payment of a bid consideration bonus, rental rate, and rate  of royalty at least equal to those under which  other  lease  rights  in  the proposed unit were acquired, but shall not be less than the minimum  rates established for leases on lands offered at public auction.
  (4) This  rule  and  R 299.8104  notwithstanding,  when  the  department determines that state land not  under  lease  is  being  drained,  it  may recommend to the commission that the commission the department may enter into a direct  lease on those lands being drained, and the commission may  enter  into  such  a lease.
R  299.8106   Awarding of leases.
  Rule 106. (1) Commission Department approval is required before any  lease  may  be issued. The commission department reserves the right to reject any and all bids  with reasons stated.
  (2) The department may group descriptions for which issuance  of  leases has been approved into 1 or more leases, depending on the location of  the descriptions and any special lease conditions.
  (3) Before a lease shall be executed for any state lands, the successful bidder shall file a performance bond  acceptable  to  the  lessor,  unless waived by the commission department. The amount of performance bond, maximum  acreage covered, and when and how the bond may be drawn upon shall be specified by the commission department.
  (4) Two copies of each lease instrument shall be provided, by  certified mail, to the lessee for signature. Unless otherwise agreed to  in  writing by the lessor, the The lessee shall return all copies, properly executed, with proper performance bond, within 15 days from the date of receipt shown  on the receipt form of the post office department.
  (5) If the lessee is unable to return the lease  forms  and  performance bond within the time specified,  the  lessor  may,  upon  request  of  the lessee, authorize additional time if the lessor determines that the  delay is not the fault of lessee. Failure of the lessee to  comply  within  time limits authorized shall result in forfeiture of the entire bid paid. Lands on which lease rights have been forfeited shall be offered for leasing  at the earliest possible date, unless withdrawn for any stated reason by  the department commission or unless leased under R 299.8105.
  (6) The original copy of the properly executed lease shall  be  returned to the lessee and the a duplicate copy shall be retained by the lessor.
  (7) No operations on any leased land shall begin until a fully  executed lease has been received by the lessee.
  (8) All leases shall be subject to all  present  and  future  applicable federal and state laws and rules.
  (9) The commission department may require any lease  applicant  or  the  successful bidder on any sale  unit  or  assignee  under  any  lease  to  submit  the following information:
  (a) If an individual, proof of attainment of the age of majority.
  (b) If a copartnership, a certified copy of the registration or a  sworn statement signed by 1 partner setting forth the names and addresses of all partners and the articles of partnership.
  (c) If a corporation or other legal entity, copies of the  incorporation papers showing qualifications to do business in the state of Michigan. The lessee shall file these papers with the lessor  within  15 days  from  the date of receipt of the lessor's notice as shown on the receipt form of the post office department.
R  299.8107   Leases; forms; determination of terms; preclusion of certain other leases prohibited; issuance in name of party other than successful bidder  prohibited; responsibility for compliance with terms and conditions.
  Rule 107. (1) A lease shall be on a form prescribed by  the  commission department.
  (2) The commission department shall determine the royalty and rental rates, minimum bonus, primary lease term, and other lease terms.
  (3) A lease for oil and gas on any lands shall not preclude other leases for metallic or nonmetallic minerals where  such  joint  operations  might prove feasible.
  (4) A lease on land offered at public auction shall not be issued in the name of any party other than the designated successful bidder  or  bidders at the time of sale.
  (5) (4) The lessee shall be responsible for compliance with  all  terms  and conditions of the lease.