From: Sent: Monday, November 6, 2023 1:08 PM To: Joint Committee on Administrative Rules Cc: Subject: JCAR Committee Comments Person Completing Form Name : Rose Baran Phone : 517-339-7946 Email Address : Rule : Pharmacy General Rules Set 2022-8 LR Rules 338.501, R338.519, R338.521, R338.523, R338.525 Comment : An applicant for a pharmacist license in Michigan must take and pass two board exams, the north American pharmacist licensure examination (NAPLEX), a clinical exam, and the multistate pharmacy jurisprudence exam (MPJE), a law exam. The board intends to eliminate the requirement for an applicant for licensure as a pharmacist to take and pass the MPJE exam in the pharmacy general rule set 2022-8 LR. The regulatory impact statement (RIS) for rule set 2022-8 LR issued April 18, 2023 proposed the MPJE be eliminated for those applicants obtaining a pharmacist license in Michigan by endorsement. See pages 6, 7, 8, and 9 of the RIS statement There was no mention in the RIS that the MPJE would be removed as a licensure requirement by examination for a pharmacist. Also, in the Notice of Public Hearing, dated April 20, 2023, for the pharmacy general rule set 2022-8 LR for the hearing on June 2, 2023 states that “applicants for licensure by endorsement will no longer have to take the MPJE and instead will submit knowledge of the laws and rules affidavit.” There was no mention in the Notice of Public Hearing that the MPJE would be removed as a licensure requirement for a pharmacist by examination. The Board of Pharmacy Rules Committee Work Group on June 7, 2023, worked on the comments submitted at the public hearing on June 2, 2023. The public attending the June 7, 2023, meeting we're told they could not comment on any rule that they did not make a comment on at the public hearing. You were not allowed to comment on another person's comment regarding the removal of the MPJE entirely from the rule set. It was a surprise at the workgroup meeting that the MPJE would be removed entirely, and the public would not be able to have any comment on it. A review of a presentation, Pharmacy Inspections: Common Violations given by the pharmacy drug monitoring section of the Bureau of Professional Licensing to the board of pharmacy on February 15, 2023, revealed most of the common violations were issues of the pharmacist not following the law as opposed to clinical errors. The most common violations are law violations, a reason to maintain the MPJE requirement for licensure as a pharmacist. If the deletion to take and pass the MPJE for licensure as a pharmacist remains in the rule set Michigan would be the only state removing the MPJE without adequate reasons. There are only 2 states that do not require the MPJE or their own pharmacy law exam, Idaho, and Vermont. Idaho did a significant regulatory overhaul of its pharmacy regulations. Because of the rewrite of the Idaho regulations the majority of the MPJE questions would not be current and current questions would not be replenished quickly enough and vetted to ensure a valid MPJE examination. Idaho eliminated the requirement to take the MPJE approximately in March of 2018. The Vermont Board of Pharmacy has waived the MPJE examination requirement in January 2022, pending adoption of the next iteration of the board's administrative rules. This 2022-8 LR rule set should go back to a public hearing, so the public has the opportunity to comment on the removal of the MPJE to determine if it is in the best interest of the public health for the citizens of Michigan. This email was submitted via the Michigan Legislative Council Website to the JCAR Committee. If you received a copy of this email and you did not send this email, please contact the Committee by replying to this email.