Filed with the secretary of state on
These rules become effective immediately upon filing with the secretary of state unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(6) of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a. Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the secretary of state.
(By authority conferred on the director of the department of consumer and industry services licensing and regulatory affairs by Executive Reorganization Order No. Nos. 1996-2 and 2012-6, MCL 445.2001 and 445.2034)
 R 451.2101, R 451.2102, R 451.2103, R 451.2201, R 451.2202, R 451.2203, R 451.2301, R 451.2302, R 451.2401, R 451.2402, R 451.2403, R 451.2404, R 451.2405, R 451.2406, R 451.2407, R 451.2408, R 451.2501, R 451.2502, R 451.2503, R 451.2504, R 451.2505, R 451.2506, R 451.2507, R 451.2508, R 451.2509, R 451.2510, R 451.2511, R 451.2601, R 451.2602, R 451.2603, R 451.2604, R 451.2605, R 451.2606, R 451.2607, R 451.2608, R 451.2609, R 451.2610, R 451.2611, R 451.2612, R 451.2613, R 451.2614, R 451.2615, R 451.2616, R 451.2617, R 451.2618, R 451.2701, R 451.2702, R 451.2901, R 451.2902, R 451.2903, R 451.2904, R 451.2905, R 451.3001, R 451.3002, R 451.3003, R 451.3004, R 451.3005, R 451.3006, R 451.3007, R 451.3008, R 451.3009, R 451.3010, R 451.3011, R 451.3201, R 451.3202, R 451.3203, R 451.3204, R 451.3301, R 451.3302, R 451.3303, R 451.3304, R 451.3305, R 451.3401, R 451.3501, R 451.3502,  and R 451.3503 of the Michigan Administrative Code are rescinded, as follows:
R  451.2101   Definitions. Rescinded.
  Rule 101. (1) As used in these rules:
  (a) "Act" means Act No. 306 of the Public  Acts  of   1969,   as   amended, being SS24.201 to 24.315 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, and  known   as   the administrative procedures act of 1969.
  (b)  "Administrator"  means  the  person  with   final   decision    making authority who shall be the director  of  the   corporation   and   securities bureau and the designees of the administrator.
  (c) "Bureau" means the Michigan department of  commerce,  corporation   and securities bureau.
  (d) "Meeting" means a meeting of the administrator and  a   licensee   held pursuant to a notice of opportunity to show compliance.
  (e)  "Petitioner"  means  a  person  or  a  party   who    initiates    the commencement of a contested case.
  (f) "Presiding officer"  means  presiding  officer  as   referred   to   in sections 79 and 80 of the act.
  (g) "Proposal for decision" means a report of the findings  of   fact   and conclusions of law with recommendations for a  decision   prepared   by   the presiding officer and submitted to the administrator  for  consideration   in the preparation of a final or interim decision.
  (h) "Respondent" means a party against whom  contested   case   proceedings are commenced.
  (2) The terms defined in the act have the same  meanings   when   used   in these rules.
R  451.2102   Applicability Rescinded.
  Rule 102. These rules apply to the administrator  and   persons   who   are subject to the jurisdiction of the  administrator,   including   jurisdiction under the following statutes:
  (a) Act No. 265 of the Public Acts of 1964, as amended,  being  S451.501 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws, and known as the uniform securities act.
  (b) Act No. 269 of the Public Acts of 1974, being S445.1501   et   seq.  of the Michigan Compiled Laws, and known as the franchise investment law.
  (c) Act No. 148 of the Public Acts of 1975, being  S451.411   et   seq.  of the Michigan Compiled Laws, and known as the debt management act.
  (d) Act No. 179 of the Public Acts of 1976, being  S451.901   et   seq.  of the Michigan Compiled Laws, and known as the take-over offers act.
  (e) Act No. 419 of the Public Acts of 1976, as amended, being  S125.1101 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled  Laws,   and   known   as   the   mobile   home commission act.
  (f) Act No. 440 of the Public Acts of 1976, as amended,  being  S554.801 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled  Laws,   and   known   as   the   living   care disclosure act.
  (g) Act No. 59 of the Public Acts of 1978, as amended,  being  S559.101  et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws, and known as the condominium act.
  (h) Act No. 327 of the Public Acts of 1931, as amended,  being  S450.1   et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws, and known as  the   general   corporation act.
  (i) Act No. 192 of the Public Acts of 1962, as amended,  being  S450.221 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled   Laws,   and   known   as   the   professional service corporation act.
  (j) Act No. 284 of the Public Acts of 1972, as amended, being  S450.1101 et seq. of  the  Michigan  Compiled   Laws,   and   known   as   the   business corporation act.
R  451.2103   Construction of rules Rescinded.
  Rule 103. These rules shall be construed as secure fair and efficient determination of the issues presented.
R  451.2201   Appointment of director. Rescinded.
  Rule 201.  The  appointing  authority  of  the   department   of   commerce appoints a director from appropriate civil service registers  to   serve   in the capacity of the executive officer of the bureau.
R  451.2202   Duties of bureau. Rescinded.
  Rule 202.  The  bureau  is  responsible  for   protecting   purchasers   of securities  condominiums,  mobile  homes,  franchises,   and   living    care interests and  for  ensuring  fairness  in  debt   management.   The   bureau registers  companies  and  individuals  and    regulates    their    business activities in such a way as to help  protect  the   public   against   unfair business practices  while,  at  the  same   time,   encouraging   competitive enterprises at all levels. In addition, all documents  required  by   statute for  incorporation  within  this  state  or  to  transact   business   as   a corporation in this state are filed with the bureau.
R  451.2203   Subdivisions of bureau. Rescinded.
  Rule 203. The  subdivisions  of  the  bureau  are   titled   divisions   or offices.  Each  division  or  office   is   generally    related    to    the administration of a particular statute or statutes, with  the  exception   of bureau enforcement activities. Enforcement of all  statutes  administered  by the bureau is centralized in 1 unit.
R  451.2301   Interpretative opinions; nature; requests,  failure  to  follow procedures and requirements. Rescinded.
  Rule 301. (1) An interpretative opinion may be issued  concerning  any   of the statutes over which the bureau has jurisdiction.  However,   the   bureau may refuse to issue an interpretative opinion.
  (2) An interpretative opinion  issued  by  the  bureau   is   an   informal position  and  is  not  a  declaratory  ruling  or  a   formal   order.    An interpretative opinion does not have quasi-judicial force or  effect  and  is not subject to judicial review.
  (3) An interested person submitting an   interpretative   opinion   request shall observe the following procedure.
  (a) An original and 1 copy of each request shall be  submitted  to   either the director of the  division  or  office  administering   the   statute   or statutes involved or to the director of the bureau.  Such   written   request shall be submitted to the bureau's current Lansing office.  Two   copies   of all relevant  documents,  including  offering   materials, contracts, and agreements, shall be submitted as attachments to the request.
  (b) Immediately below the inside address of the letter   of   request   the specific section or sections of the  particular  statute   or   statutes   to which the request relates shall be stated. If the   request   involves   more 
than 1 section or subsection of a statute, or  sections  or   more   than   1 statute, each section shall be specifically  indicated   and   explained   to permit the bureau to reasonably ascertain the nature of the request.
  (c) The fact situation underlying the request shall  be  stated  completely and accurately. A concise statement  of  the  issues   presented   shall   be included in the request.
  (d) The request shall contain  an  analysis  by   the   requestor's   legal counsel of the issues presented and legal counsel's conclusion.
  (e) As an alternative to subrule (d), if private legal  counsel   has   not stated an opinion, the request shall contain the  requestor's   analysis   of the issues presented and the requestor's conclusion.  The   requestor   shall state why a problem exists, the requestor's opinion on the  matter,  and  the basis for the requestor's opinion.
  (4) A request shall state the names  of  all  persons   involved   in   the request and shall not relate to hypothetical fact   situations.   A   request shall be confined to the particular fact situation at hand  and   shall   not attempt to include every possible type of situation which may  arise  in  the future.
  (5) Failure to follow the procedure and requirements of   this   rule   may result in the return of the request for compliance or in a  denial   of   the request.
R  451.2302   Interpretative opinions; response to requests. Rescinded.
  Rule 302. (1) The  bureau's  response  to   requests   for   interpretative opinions may be in any of the following forms:
  (a)  A  letter  wherein  the  bureau  states  its  opinion   as   to    the applicability of a statute to a particular fact situation.
  (b) A letter wherein the bureau states that it will  take  no   enforcement action against the parties involved if all facts presented   are   true   and complete.
  (c) A denial of the request.
  (2) The bureau's response is applicable only to  the   specific   situation presented to the bureau. Different facts or  conditions   might   require   a different response. A  response  shall  not  be  considered   a   basis   for reliance by persons other than the requesting parties or  by  the  requesting parties in circumstances beyond those described to the bureau.
R  451.2401   Opportunity to show compliance. Rescinded.
  Rule 401. When required by law, a licensee shall be given an opportunity to show compliance with all   lawful  requirements  for  retention  of  the license held  by  the  licensee.  The  administrator  may   also   offer an opportunity to show compliance in such other  appropriate  circumstances   as will promote efficient administration of a statute.
R  451.2402   Notice of opportunity to show compliance; contents; service. Rescinded.
  Rule 402. (1) The notice of an opportunity to   show   compliance   meeting shall be by personal service, by mail as specified in R   451.2507,   or   as provided by statute; shall include the information required in  a  notice  of hearing under section 41  of  the  act;  and  shall  include   all   of   the following:
  (a) The date by which a showing of compliance shall be  made.   This   date shall be not less than  15  days  after  the  date   of   personal   service, mailing, or service as provided by statute,  unless  an   earlier   date   is agreed upon by the administrator and the licensee.  The   administrator   may extend the time in which a licensee may show  compliance   to   avoid   undue hardships.
  (b) A statement that a showing of compliance may be made in  writing  or by a personal appearance at the scheduled meeting. The  notice  shall  set forth the due date and address for a written response  and  the  date,   time,  and location for the meeting.
  (c) A statement that the licensee has the right, at  the   licensee's   own expense, to have the assistance of an  attorney  in   preparing   a   written response or to have an attorney present at the meeting.
  (d) A statement that any statements made either in the written  response or at the meeting may be used as evidence  against  the  licensee  at  any later proceedings.
  (e) A statement that the procedures in the case shall be  governed  by  the act, these rules, and any other applicable laws.
  (2)  The  administrator  may  meet  the  requirement   of   providing    an opportunity to show compliance by serving a notice of  opportunity  to   show compliance on the licensee in conformity with   the   standards   established for service in R 451.2507, and by acting in accordance with the notice.
R  451.2403   Appointment of attorney or  other  authorized   representative; notice to administrator; service of papers. Rescinded.
  Rule 403. (1) If the licensee engages an attorney or otherwise  appoints an  authorized   representative,   the   licensee,   attorney or  authorized representative shall notify the  administrator  of   the   appointment.   The notice of appointment shall contain all of the following:
  (a)  The  attorney's  or  authorized   representative's   name,    address, telephone number, and, if applicable, bar number.
  (b) The firm name, address, and telephone  number  if   the   attorney   or authorized representative is a member of a firm.
  (c) The name, address, and telephone number of the  person  represented.
  (2) After a notice of appointment has been filed, service of all  papers in an opportunity to show compliance   proceeding   may   be   made   upon   the attorney, authorized representative,  or  firm  of  record   and   shall   be effective as service upon the person represented.
  (3) This rule applies only to opportunity to  show  compliance  proceedings and not to commencement of proceedings in contested cases
R  451.2404   Change of address and telephone number. Rescinded.
  Rule 404. A licensee  shall  keep  the  administrator   informed   of   the current mailing address and telephone  number  of  the   licensee   and   the licensee's attorney or authorized representative.
R  451.2405   Failure to show compliance; waiver; extension. Rescinded.
  Rule 405. If the licensee fails  to  submit  in  writing   a   showing   of compliance by the due date and does not appear at  the   scheduled   meeting, the licensee's right to an  opportunity  to  show   compliance  is   waived, unless an extension is granted by the administrator.
R  451.2406   Conduct of the meeting; stipulation to facts. Rescinded.
  Rule 406. The administrator shall conduct the meeting in  a   manner   that allows the licensee a  reasonable  opportunity  to   show   compliance.   The persons involved may stipulate to as many facts as possible.
R  451.2407   Information used in showing compliance. Rescinded.
  Rule 407. In making a show of compliance, the licensee  may   present   the relevant facts, records, dates, times, and names  necessary  to  substantiate the licensee's position.
R  45l.2408   Certification of opportunity to show  compliance;  inclusion in record. Rescinded.
  Rule 408. At the end of the time period in which a licensee  may   make   a showing of compliance, the administrator shall certify  that   the   licensee was provided the opportunity to show compliance. A  completed  form   showing that the licensee was provided an opportunity to show  compliance  shall   be made part of the record if a  contested  case  is   commenced   against   the licensee.
R  451.2501   Commencement of contested case. Rescinded.
  Rule 501. (1) The administrator shall commence a contested  case   in   the manner prescribed by statute.
  (2) In the alternative to subrule (1), the administrator shall  commence  a contested case by issuing a notice of hearing and preliminary order.
R  451.2502   Petition for a contested case;  action;   notice;   burden   of proof. Rescinded.
  Rule 502. (1) A person who seeks to have the   administrator   commence   a contested case shall submit to the administrator a written  petition  for   a contested case. The petition shall set forth all of the following:
  (a) Facts or conduct that warrant a contested case.
  (b) Specific sections of applicable rules and statutes in question.
  (c) The particular interest of the petitioner.
  (d) Remedies sought.
  (e) The identities of all parties involved.
  (2) Within 60 days after receipt of a petition for a  contested  case,  the administrator shall  determine  whether  to  take  any   of   the   following actions:
  (a) Request the petitioner to amend the petition.
  (b) Demand an answer to the petition.
  (c) Investigate the allegations set forth in the petition.
  (d) Issue a notice of opportunity to show compliance.
  (e) Commence a contested case.
  (f) Order a public hearing.
  (g) Decline to take further action upon the petition.
  (h) Take other appropriate action within the administrator's  authority.
  (3) The administrator shall notify the petitioner  of  the  administrator's decision pursuant to subrule  (2)  and  provide  the   petitioner   a   brief written explanation of the reason for the decision.
  (4) Unless otherwise specified by the administrator, the burden of proof at a hearing or opportunity to show compliance meeting  initiated   pursuant  to this rule shall be upon the petitioner.
  (5) This rule shall not affect the administrator's authority to commence  a contested case on the administrator's own initiative.
R  451.2503   Notice of hearing; service. Rescinded.
  Rule 503. Except as otherwise provided or required by   law,   an   initial notice of hearing in a contested case shall be served  not   less   than   30 days prior to the date of hearing unless the parties consent  to   a   lesser time period.
R  451.2504   Assignment of docket number. Rescinded.
  Rule 504. Upon commencement of a contested case,  the  administrator  shall assign a docket number to the proceeding. Parties shall  include  the  docket number on the first page of pleadings filed in the proceeding.
R  451.2505   Notice of hearing; service by administrator. Rescinded.
  Rule 505. Except as otherwise provided by law,  the   administrator   shall serve a notice of hearing and any amendments to a  notice   of   hearing   in person or by certified mail, return receipt requested.
R  451.2506   Filed papers; service of party. Rescinded.
  Rule 506. A party shall serve all papers filed in a   contested   case   by that party upon all other parties. Service shall be made in  person   or   by first class mail.
R  451.2507   Personal service; service by mail. Rescinded.
  Rule 507. (1)  Personal  service  is  an  effective   method   of   service whenever service by mail is required. Personal service may be  made  upon   a person by leaving orders, notices, and other papers with the person.
  (2) Except as otherwise provided  by  law,  service  by   mail   shall   be accomplished by complying with the following requirements:
  (a) Enclosing a copy of the paper in a sealed envelope  with  first   class postage fully prepaid and addressed to the person to  be   served   at   that person's last known address. The envelope shall list the  return  address  of the sender. When the last known address is not the   current   address,   the 
sender shall make diligent efforts to find the current address.
  (b) Depositing the envelope and contents in  the   United   States   postal system.
R  451.2508   Date of service. Rescinded.
  Rule 508. The date of service shall be the date of the  second  day   after the date on which the paper served is mailed  or  shall  be   the   date   of personal delivery.
R  451.2509   Proof of service. Rescinded.
  Rule 509. A person who has served a paper shall attach proof of  service to the original that is filed in  accordance  with   these   rules.   Proof   of service shall be made as follows:
  (a) If service is made by mail, proof of service shall be made by filing an affidavit of service with the administrator that  certifies  compliance  with subrule (2) of R  451.2507  and  specifies  the  method   of   service,   the identity of the server, the date and place of service, and  the  address   to which the materials were mailed. If the service is made   by   certified   or registered mail, the mailing receipt shall be attached to  the  affidavit  of 
  (b) If the service is made by personal service, proof of  service  shall be made by filing an affidavit  of   service   with   the   administrator   that certifies the method of service, the identity of the   server,   the   person served, and the date and place of service.
R  451.2510   Notice of appearance by attorney; service on attorney. Rescinded.
  Rule 510. (1) An attorney representing a  person  in   a   contested   case shall promptly file a notice of appearance  with   the   administrator.   The notice of appearance shall contain all of the following:
  (a) The attorney's name, address, telephone number, and bar number.
  (b) The firm name, address, and telephone number if the   attorney   is   a member of a firm.
  (c) The name, address, and telephone number of the  person  represented.
  (2) The attorney shall promptly notify the administrator of any  changes in the information contained within a notice of appearance which has  been filed with the administrator.
  (3) After a notice of appearance has been filed, service of  all  papers in a contested case may be made upon the attorney or firm  of  record  and shall be effective as service upon the person represented.
R  451.2511   Mailing address and telephone number of parties. Rescinded.
  Rule 511. All parties to a contested case shall  keep   the   administrator informed of their current mailing addresses and telephone numbers.
R  451.2601   Pleadings allowed; time limits. Rescinded.
  Rule 601. Pleadings and other papers allowed shall include,  but  are   not limited to, preliminary order, answer  to  preliminary   order,   notice   of hearing, answer to notice of hearing, motions, briefs and  memoranda.  If   a pleading or other paper is not filed in accordance   with   applicable   time limits, the  right  of  a  party  to  make  that  filing   is   waived.   The administrator in its discretion may, upon a showing of good  cause  for   the late filing, permit the late filing of a pleading or other paper.
R  451.2602   Pleadings;   form;   statement     of     fact;     signatures; certification. Rescinded.
  Rule 602. (1) A pleading or other paper shall set forth   the   title   and docket number of the proceeding and shall be submitted on   8   1/2-inch   by 11-inch paper.
  (2) Statements of fact in a preliminary order or notice of hearing shall be made in numbered paragraphs, the contents  of  each   of   which   shall   be limited as far as practicable to a single set of circumstances.
  (3) The paragraphs of  an  answer  or  a  reply  shall   be   numbered   to correspond to those of the preliminary order or notice of hearing.
  (4) The original of each pleading or other paper shall be  signed  by   the party in interest  or  by  the  party's   authorized   representative.   Each pleading or other paper shall contain the following  certification:  "I  have read this document and, to the best  of  my   knowledge,   information,   and belief, there is good ground to support it and it is   not   interposed   for unwarranted delay."
R  451.2603   Pleadings and other papers; filing. Rescinded.
  Rule 603.  (1)  Pleadings  and  other  papers shall be filed,  unless otherwise directed by the administrator, by sending or delivering  them to the hearing coordinator for the bureau at  the   bureau's  current   Lansing office. Pleadings and other papers are filed when received by  the  bureau at its Lansing office.
  (2) An original and 9 copies of each pleading or other paper shall be filed.
R  451.2604   Computation of period of days. Rescinded.
  Rule 604. (1) In computing a period of days, the first  day   is   excluded and the last day is included. If the last day of any period or  a  fixed   or final day is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, or day  upon   which   the bureau does not transact business, the period is extended  to   include   the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or  day  upon   which the bureau does not transact business.
  (2) Unless otherwise specified by the administrator, the date of receipt at the Lansing office of the bureau shall  be  the  date   used   to   determine whether a pleading or other paper has been timely filed.
R  451.2605   Summary decision. Rescinded.
  Rule 605. A party may move for a summary decision in  the   party's   favor upon any 1 of the following grounds:
  (a) The opposing party has failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.
  (b) The opposing party has failed to state a valid defense  to  the   claim asserted against that party.
  (c) There is no genuine issue as to any material  fact   and   the   moving party is therefore entitled to a decision  in  that  party's   favor   as   a matter of law.
R  451.2606   Application for order or proposal for   decision   in   pending action; motion; forms; service. Rescinded.
  Rule 606. An application for an order or a proposal for   decision   in   a pending action shall be made by a motion that   states   with   particularity the factual and legal grounds and the relief sought. Unless  made  during a prehearing conference or hearing, a motion shall be made  in   writing.   The moving party shall promptly serve copies of a written motion  on  all other parties.
R  451.2607   Reply to motion; failure to file; oral argument. Rescinded.
  Rule 607. A party may file a written reply to a written  motion.  A   party shall have not less than 4 days from the date of service of   a   motion   to file a reply  unless  a  shorter  response  period  is   specified   by   the presiding officer for good cause.  The  presiding  officer   may   order   an opposing party to file a written reply to a  written   motion.   Failure   to file a reply as ordered shall constitute consent  to  the   granting   of   a relief sought in the motion. The presiding officer may order oral argument on any motion.
R  451.2608   Motion  for  more  definite  statement;   motion   to    strike pleadings. Rescinded.
  Rule 608. (1) If a pleading is so vague or ambiguous that  it   cannot   be understood or answered, an opposing party may move  for   a   more   definite statement before filing a responsive pleading. The  motion   shall   identify the defects and shall request  the  desired  details.  If   the   motion   is granted and not obeyed within 10 days  after  notice  of   the   order,   the presiding officer may strike the pleading to which the motion was directed or make any other order that is deemed just.  If  the  motion  is  denied,   the moving party shall promptly file the responsive pleading that was  delayed by the motion.
  (2) Upon motion by a party or upon the presiding  officer's   own   motion, the presiding officer may order stricken from any  pleading  any   redundant, immaterial, impertinent, scandalous, or  indecent  matter,   or   may   order stricken any pleading or any part of a pleading not   drawn   in   conformity with these rules.
R  451.2609   Hearing; adjournment; motion; order. Rescinded.
  Rule 609. (1) A hearing may be adjourned  only  upon  an   order   of   the presiding officer or the administrator.
  (2) Prior to a scheduled  hearing  date,  motions   or   stipulations   for adjournment filed by parties shall be in writing and shall  be  filed,   with appropriate proof of service, at least 1 week prior to  the  date   scheduled for hearing.
  (3) The presiding officer may grant 1 adjournment of  15   days   or   less duration to each party. Additional adjournments requested by a party shall be granted only by the administrator.
  (4) Adjournments for periods of longer than 15 days   duration   shall   be granted only by the administrator.
  (5) The presiding officer or the administrator may order an  adjournment on the presiding officer's or administrator's own motion.
  (6) The presiding officer or the administrator  may   grant   adjournments, subject to subrules (3) and (4), in such other instances  as  the   presiding officer or the administrator finds are in the interest of justice.
R  451.2610   Motion for extension of time. Rescinded.
  Rule 610. (1) Except as otherwise provided by law and   except   for   oral motions made during a hearing, requests for extensions of time  in  which  to perform any act required or allowed to be done at  or   within   a   specific time by these rules shall be made by motion in writing. This motion  shall be filed before the expiration  of   the   period   originally   prescribed   or previously extended. If the presiding officer  determines   that   there   is good cause for extension of time, the motion may be  granted.  The presiding officer shall state  with  particularity  the  reasons   for   granting the extension.
  (2) This rule shall not apply to motions for adjournment  of  a  prehearing conference or a hearing.
R  451.2611   Written motion; proposed order. Rescinded.
  Rule 611. A written motion, other than a motion for  adjournment,  shall be accompanied by a proposed order.
R  451.2612   Relief sought by motion. Rescinded.
  Rule  612.  Any  relief  sought  by  motion  which  has   the   result   of substantially affecting a significant claim or interest of any party shall be disposed of by proposal for decision by the presiding officer.
R  451.2613   Offer of settlement. Rescinded.
  Rule 613. (1) A party may propose in  writing  an   offer   of   settlement which shall be submitted to the interested  division  of   the   bureau   for consideration. An offer may be made at any time during the  course   of   the proceeding.
  (2) If the offer of settlement is rejected, the party  making   the   offer shall be notified of the action and  the  offer  of   settlement   shall   be deemed withdrawn. The offer and any documents relating  thereto   shall   not constitute a part of the record.
  (3) Acceptance by the division shall be communicated in  writing   to   the requesting party and to the presiding officer who  shall   take   appropriate action to amend  the  preliminary  order,  notice  of   hearing,   or   other document, or terminate the proceedings.
R  451.2614   Intervention in contested case. Rescinded.
  Rule 614. (1) A person shall be permitted to intervene   in   a   contested case if any of the following occurs:
  (a) The applicant has an unconditional right to  intervene   conferred   by law.
  (b) An interest of the applicant that may be directly   affected   is   not adequately represented by the existing parties and the   applicant   may   be bound by a decision in the proceeding.
  (2) A person may be permitted to intervene in a contested case  if  any  of the following occurs:
  (a) A statute of this state confers a conditional right to intervene.
  (b) The applicant's claim or defense and the  contested   case   proceeding have a question of law or fact in common.
  (c) The parties to the proceeding stipulate to the intervention.
  (3) In evaluating an application for intervention   pursuant   to   subrule (2) of this  rule,  the  presiding  officer  shall   consider   whether   the intervention will unduly delay or prejudice the adjudication of the rights of the original parties.
R  451.2615   Application for intervention; filing; late filing. Rescinded.
  Rule 615. (1) Any person claiming a right to intervene or  an  interest  of such a nature that intervention may be appropriate may file an application to intervene. An application for  intervention  shall  state  the  grounds   for intervention and the supporting facts in a manner that  fully   advises   the parties and the presiding officer of the specific issues of   fact   or   law contained in the preliminary order or notice of  hearing  with  which  the applicant is concerned.
  (2) A person shall file an application for intervention not less than  14 days before the date set  for  the  hearing.  The  person who files the application shall attach copies of all the proofs of   service   for   papers served upon parties to the proceeding. The presiding officer shall not grant an application for intervention that is filed late  unless  the  person who files the application shows good cause for the delay and  shows  that   a denial of the application is detrimental to the public interest.
R  451.2616   Application  for  intervention;  answers;   waiver;   date   of filing. Rescinded.
  Rule 616. A party to a proceeding may file an answer  to   an   application for intervention. An application shall not be granted   until   all   parties have had an opportunity to answer the application. Failure of  a   party   to file an answer waives the party's right to object to  the  intervention.   An answer shall be filed within 10 days after the  date  of   service   of   the application, but no later than 4 days prior to the date  of  the  hearing. The presiding officer may set other dates for filing an   answer   where   an application has been filed late.
R  451.2617   Application for intervention; grant or  denial;  limitations on participation. Rescinded.
  Rule 617. (1) As soon as practicable for  expiration  of   the   time   for filing an answer to an application for intervention,  the  presiding  officer shall grant or deny the application in  whole  or  in  part   and   may,   if appropriate, authorize limited participation. The  presiding  officer   shall indicate in an order granting intervention any  limits  on  participation. The presiding officer shall not authorize  intervention   beyond   that   for which the intervenor applied.
  (2) Where intervenors have substantially like  interests   and   positions, the presiding officer may, in order to expedite the  proceedings,  limit  the number of attorneys that will be permitted to take part  in  the  proceedings and limit the extent to which the intervenors may engage  in  the   following activities:
  (a) Filing of pleadings, briefs, motions, and other papers.
  (b) Presenting opening  and  closing  statements,   oral   arguments,   and motions.
  (c) Calling and cross-examining witnesses.
  (d) Introducing evidence.
R  451.2618   Limited intervention without party status. Rescinded.
  Rule 618. (1) Upon order of the presiding officer, a person may  testify or make a statement at a contested case  hearing  if  all   of   the   following actions occur:
  (a) The person files a statement with the administrator not  less  than   5 days before the date of hearing in which the person  discloses  the  person's identity, states the person's interest in the proceeding  and  the   position the person intends to take, establishes that the  person's   contentions   re relevant to an issue in the case, and disclaims any right  to   broaden   the issues in the case.
  (b) The person serves copies of the statement  described   in   subdivision (a) of this subrule upon all the parties to the case before  the  hearing.
  (c) The presiding officer decides that the person has  served  the  parties and that the person's contentions are relevant to an issue in the case.
  (2) The presiding officer  may  limit  the  testimony   or   statement   to expedite the proceedings.
  (3) A person does not become a  party  to  the  proceeding   due   to   the person's testifying or making a statement pursuant to this rule.
R  451.2701   Joint hearing; consolidation of proceedings;  other  orders. Rescinded.
  Rule 701. When  proceedings  involving  a   substantial   and   controlling common question of fact or law are pending before  the   administrator,   the administrator  or  presiding  officer  may,  on   the   administrator's    or presiding officer's own motion or on motion by a party, take   any   of   the following actions:
  (a) Order a joint hearing on any or all of the matters in issue.
  (b) Order the proceedings consolidated.
  (c) Make other orders concerning the proceedings   to   avoid   unnecessary costs or delay.
R  451.2702   Notice of intent to issue order; filing; hearing. Rescinded.
  Rule  702.  Before  issuing  an  order  pursuant  to   R   451.2702,    the administrator or presiding officer shall serve a notice of  intent  to  issue the order on the parties. The parties shall have 5 days from  the  receipt of the notice to file objections to the order.
R  451.2901   Prehearing conference; purposes. Rescinded.
  Rule 901. The presiding officer may direct the parties  to  appear before the presiding officer for 1 or more prehearing conferences for  any  of   the following purposes:
  (a) Simplify and clarify factual and legal issues.
  (b) Consider amendments to pleadings.
  (c) Obtain admissions and stipulations of facts or  the   authenticity of evidence.
  (d) Expedite the discovery and presentation of evidence.
  (e) Produce all proposed exhibits in the possession of a party.
  (f) Identify witnesses, specify the issues on which  they   will   testify, and summarize their testimony.
  (g) Set a time for the exchange of any written testimony.
  (h) Estimate the time required for the hearing.
  (i) Discuss settlement or other disposition of the case.
  (j) Consider other matters that  may  aid  in  the   disposition   of   the proceedings.
R  451.2902   Prehearing conference; request;   initiation   of   conference; discretion of presiding officer;   notification   of   parties;   record   of conference. Rescinded.
  Rule 902. (1) Any party to a proceeding may request   a   conference.   The request shall be in writing and shall identify the   proposed   subjects   of the conference. A presiding officer may grant such requests  or  initiate   a conference whenever the  presiding  officer  determines  that   it   may   be beneficial. The presiding officer shall notify the parties of  the  time  and place of a conference. The initial notice  shall  direct   the   parties   to appear and shall state the subjects to be discussed at the conference.
  (2) The presiding officer shall have  the  conference   recorded   if   any party requests that it be  recorded  not  less  than  2   days   before   the scheduled conference.
  (3) The presiding officer may require that a conference, or any  portion of a conference, be recorded.
R  451.2903   Prehearing  conference;  failure  to    appear;    waiver    of objections; binding nature of conference. Rescinded.
  Rule 903. If a party fails  to  appear  at  a   conference   after   proper service of notice, or if the notice required the party to  file   a   request for a conference,  after  filing  of  a  request  for   a   conference,   the presiding officer, if no adjournment is  granted,  may   proceed   with   the conference. Failure of a party to attend the conference  shall  constitute  a waiver of all objections to any agreements reached and any  order  or  ruling with respect to matters covered by the notice of the conference.
R  451.2904   Prehearing conference; record of   ruling;   summary;   copies; objection. Rescinded.
  Rule 904. (1) After a prehearing conference and prior   to   the   hearing, the presiding officer shall enter in the record any rulings  or  orders   and may enter in the record a summary of the conference.
  (2) The presiding officer shall distribute  to  the   parties   copies   of rulings, orders, or summaries entered in the record.
  (3) A party may object to a summary of a conference and file  a  motion  to seek correction of the summary.
R  451.2905   Prehearing conference; adjournment; motion. Rescinded.
  Rule 905. (1) A prehearing conference may  be  adjourned   only   upon   an order of the presiding officer or the administrator.
  (2)  Prior  to  a  scheduled  prehearing  conference   date,   motions   or stipulations for adjournment filed by parties  shall  be   in   writing   and shall be filed, with appropriate proof of service, at least 1  week  prior to the date scheduled for  the   prehearing   conference,   unless   a   shorter period is allowed by order of the presiding officer or the  administrator.
  (3) The presiding officer may grant 1 adjournment of  15   days   or   less duration to each party. Additional adjournments requested by a party shall be granted only by the administrator.
  (4) Adjournments for periods of longer than 15 days   duration   shall   be granted only by the administrator.
  (5) The presiding officer or the administrator may order an  adjournment on the presiding officer's or administrator's own motion.
  (6) The presiding officer or the administrator  may   grant   adjournments, subject to subrules (3) and (4), in such other instances  as  the   presiding officer or the administrator finds are in the interests of justice.
R  451.3001   Hearing;  opening  statement;   presentation    of    evidence; regulation of order of presentation. Rescinded.
  Rule 1001. (1) The presiding officer  may  allow  the   parties   to   make opening statements or appropriate motions.
  (2) Unless otherwise directed by the presiding officer,  the  petitioner or other party having the burden of proof shall first present  the  evidence  in support of that party's case.
  (3)  An  intervenor  shall  follow  the  party  in   whose    behalf    the intervention is made, except where the intervention is not  in   support   of any party.
  (4) Except as otherwise provided  by  law,  the   presiding   officer   may regulate the order of the  hearing  to  promote  the   fair   and   efficient determination of the issues presented.
R  451.3002   Witnesses; oath or affirmation; examination. Rescinded.
  Rule 1002. A witness shall be administered an oath  or  affirmation  before testifying. A witness shall be examined orally  unless   the   testimony   is submitted in written form pursuant to these rules or  section   75   of   the act.  Where  appropriate,  the  presiding  officer  may   require   a   party submitting  written  testimony  to  make   the    witness    available    for cross-examination.
R  451.3003   Objections; notation on record; failure to object. Rescinded.
  Rule 1003. An objection to an offer of  evidence  shall  be   made   in   a timely manner  and  shall  state  fully  the  grounds   for   objection.   An objection to evidence shall be noted in the record, and failure to  object in a timely manner constitutes a waiver of the right to object.
R  451.3004   Witnesses; limitation on the number. Rescinded.
  Rule 1004. The presiding officer may limit the number of  witnesses  on  an issue to prevent undue delay, waste of time, or the needless  presentation of cumulative evidence.
R  451.3005   Additional evidence. Rescinded.
  Rule 1005. The presiding officer may call for evidence upon  a  issue   and require such evidence to be presented by a party or other person.
R  451.3006   Adverse witnesses; interrogation; impeachment. Rescinded.
  Rule 1006. An adverse party or an officer,  agent,  or   employee   of   an adverse party, or a witness who  appears  to  be   hostile,   unwilling,   or evasive, may be interrogated by leading questions and  may  be   contradicted and impeached by the party calling the witness.
R  451.3007   Hearing by briefs. Rescinded.
  Rule 1007. (1) When it appears to the presiding officer that  a  dispute of facts does not exist between the   parties   and   that   questions   to   be resolved are solely  questions  of  law,  and  when  the   parties   are   in agreement that a dispute of facts does not exist,   the   presiding   officer may direct that a hearing by briefs be held.
  (2) The presiding officer shall, after consultation   with   the   parties, prescribe the period within which briefs shall be filed  and   shall   direct that the filings be either simultaneous or successive.  The   period   within which the first filing is made shall not exceed 60 days after  the  date   of order of a hearing by briefs, unless a  longer  time  is   allowed   by   the administrator.
R  451.3008   Amendments to issues of fact and law. Rescinded.
  Rule 1008. In any proceeding, an amendment to the issues of  fact  and  law under consideration may be  authorized,  for  good  cause   shown,  b the presiding officer at any time.
R  451.3009   Appearances generally; representation. Rescinded.
  Rule 1009. (1) All representations and appearances on behalf of  parties in proceedings  under  these  rules  shall   be   as   provided   by   law.   An individual may appear in the  individual's  own  behalf,  a   member   of   a partnership may represent the partnership, an officer,  director   or   other person designated by a corporation may represent the  corporation,   and   an officer or employee of a federal agency or of a political  subdivision  of  a state or the federal  government  may  represent  the   federal   agency   or political subdivision of the state or federal government in a  proceeding.
  (2) A person may be represented in a proceeding by an   attorney   at   law admitted to practice in this state or  by  a   person   receiving   temporary permission who is licensed to practice in the United States  or  Canada  when associated with an active member of the state bar who appears  of  record  in the  proceeding.  Temporary  permission  may  be   revoked   summarily    for misconduct.
  (3) A person shall not be represented at a hearing before the bureau  or  a presiding officer except as stated in subrules (1) and (2).
R  451.3010   Witness fees and mileage. Rescinded.
  Rule 1010. A witness summoned before a hearing shall be   paid   the   same fee and mileage expenses that are paid to witnesses in the district courts of the state. A witness whose deposition is taken and  the  person   taking  the deposition shall severally be entitled to the same fee as is paid   for  like services in the district  courts  of  the  state.  Witness  fees  and mileage expenses shall be paid by the party at whose instance the  witness appears.
R  451.3011   Conference during hearings. Rescinded.
  Rule 1011. (1) At the opening of a hearing, or at any other time  during  a hearing, the presiding officer may, at the request of a  party  or  upon  the presiding officer's own motion, hold a conference.
  (2)  A  conference  may  be  held  for  the  purpose   of   clarifying   or simplifying issues presented at the hearing, including  the  possibility   of obtaining  stipulations  and  admissions  of  fact   and   consideration   of authenticity and contents of documents so as to avoid  unnecessary  proof.
  (3) A conference may be held to expedite the  presentation   of   evidence, the exchange of copies of proposed exhibits,  and  other   matters   as   may promote a fair and expeditious hearing or aid in the   disposition   of   the proceeding.
  (4) At the conclusion of a conference, the presiding officer  may  enter in the record a ruling or order which states the matters  agreed  upon   by  the parties and   any   procedural   determinations   made   by   the   presiding officer.
R  451.3201   Proposal for decision; briefs. Rescinded.
  Rule 1201. A presiding officer shall prepare a proposal  for  decision   in conformity with section 81 of the act within a  reasonable   time   after   a hearing. Before preparing a proposal for decision,  the   presiding   officer may require or permit the parties to submit briefs.
R  451.3202   Proposal  for  decision;   exceptions;    written    arguments; forfeiture of right. Rescinded.
  Rule 1202. A party filing exceptions and   presenting   written   arguments pursuant to section 81 of the act shall do so within 30 days after service of a proposal for decision or shall forfeit the  right  to  do  so.   For   good cause, a presiding officer may  establish  a  different   time   period   for filing exceptions and presenting written arguments in a  particular  case. Written argument in support of an exception shall specify   the   facts   and the law upon which the party relies. Factual assertions shall be supported by specific page references or other appropriate references to the record.
R  451.3203   Proposal for decision; motion for  oral  argument;  opportunity for rebuttal; service of notice. Rescinded.
  Rule 1203. Upon filing exceptions to a proposal for  decision,  the   party may make a  motion  for  oral  argument  before   the   administrator.   Oral argument shall be by leave of the administrator  and  may   be   limited   in scope and duration. Adverse parties shall  be  given   an   opportunity   for rebuttal. The administrator may limit the scope and duration of  rebuttal. When oral argument is granted, notice shall be served upon the parties.
R  451.3204   Request for rehearing. Rescinded.
  Rule 1204. (1) A request for rehearing pursuant to section 87  of  the  act shall be in writing and shall state the  grounds  upon   which   the   moving party relies.
  (2) Upon a finding that the record is not complete or that error was made in the hearing process, the administrator may order a rehearing.
R  451.3301   Presiding officer; designation and authorization. Rescinded.
  Rule 1301. The administrator, a person designated by statute, or 1 or more hearing officers designated and authorized by   the   administrator   to conduct contested cases shall be the  presiding  officer   in   a   contested case. Upon commencement of a contested case  proceeding,  the   administrator shall designate the presiding officer.
R  451.3302   Presiding   officer;   motion    to    disqualify;     required information; filing of motion. Rescinded.
  Rule 1302. (1) Whenever any  party  in  good  faith   believes   that   the presiding officer is not qualified to preside in  a  particular   proceeding, the party shall file with the administrator and serve  upon   the   presiding officer a written motion to disqualify and remove the  presiding  officer. The motion shall be filed within a reasonable time after  discovery  of   the alleged grounds for disqualification. The motion shall be accompanied  by an affidavit setting forth the facts that constitute the  alleged grounds  for disqualification. The  affidavit  shall   conform   to   the   standards   of section 79 of the act.
  (2) The presiding officer shall rule on the motion within 5  days  of   the date of filing. The presiding officer shall forward copies  of   the   motion and ruling to the administrator.  If  the  presiding   officer   denies   the motion, the administrator shall promptly make a  written determination on the motion for the record.
R  451.3303   Presiding  officer;  disqualification   on   own    initiative; motion for disqualification during hearing. Rescinded.
  Rule 1303. (1) When a presiding officer on the  presiding   officer's   own initiative deems the presiding officer personally biased  or  disqualified to preside  at  a   particular   proceeding,   the   presiding   officer   shall withdraw. The withdrawal shall be noted on the record.   The   notice   shall disclose  the  nature  of  the  personal  bias   or   disqualification.   The presiding officer shall  promptly  send  a  copy  of  the   notice   to   the administrator.
  (2) A party may make an oral motion for disqualification  of  a   presiding officer on the record during a hearing based upon conduct  of  the  presiding officer at the hearing. The presiding officer shall rule  on  the  motion. The ruling shall contain the supporting reasons  and  may   be   written   or stated on the record. If the presiding officer denies the  motion  the  party shall promptly file a written motion for disqualification to be determined on the motion for the record.
R  451.3304   Presiding officer; substitution; order for rehearing. Rescinded.
  Rule  1304.  When  a  presiding  officer  is  disqualified   or    it    is impracticable for the presiding officer to  continue   a   hearing,   another presiding officer may be designated by the administrator  to   continue   the partially completed hearing unless it is shown that substantial  prejudice to a party will  result   therefrom.   On   the   newly   designated   presiding officer's motion or on the motion of a party, the   presiding   officer   may order a rehearing on any part of a contested  case   to   avoid   substantial prejudice to a party or to  enable  the  presiding  officer   to   render   a decision.
R  451.3305   Presiding officer; powers. Rescinded.
  Rule 1305. The presiding officer may exercise the   powers   specified   in section 80 of the act. The powers of the presiding officer  to  regulate  the course of a hearing include, but are not limited to the following:
  (a) Requiring parties to prepare prehearing memoranda and  to   appear   at prehearing conferences.
  (b) Expelling disruptive persons or parties from hearings.
  (c) Questioning witnesses or counsel in an impartial  manner  and   calling witnesses to clarify the issues and the record.  A  party   may   object   to questions posed by the presiding officer.
  (d) Informing a party of applicable rights in the interest  of  justice.
  (e) Developing and implementing procedures necessary for complex  cases.
  (f) Ordering the preparation of proposed   exhibits,   written   testimony, and reports when it will expedite the proceeding.
  (g) Imposing  sanctions  for  misconduct  of  attorneys   pursuant   to   R 451.3401.
  (h) Performing responsibilities set forth in other parts of these rules.
  (i) Issuing orders on  the  presiding  officer's  own   motion   that   are necessary  for  the  fair  and  efficient  determination   of   the    issues presented.
R  451.3401   Misconduct by  attorneys,   authorized   representatives,   and parties; contempt; sanctions; informing the state bar of Michigan. Rescinded.
  Rule 1401. (1) The presiding officer or  administrator   shall   have   the power  to  impose  sanctions  for  misconduct   by   attorneys,    authorized representatives, and parties in the following cases:
  (a) Disorderly,  contemptuous,  or  insolent  behavior   committed   at   a proceeding in the immediate view and presence of the  presiding  officer   or administrator which tends to interrupt the proceeding.
  (b)  Disobedience  of  a  lawful  order  of  the   presiding   officer   or administrator.
  (c) Failure to appear at properly scheduled conferences  or  proceeding.
  (2)  The  presiding  officer  or  administrator   when   confronted    with misconduct described in this rule  shall  warn   the   attorney,   authorized representative, or party and upon repetition or continuance  of  the  conduct may cite the attorney, authorized representative, or party  for  contempt  of administrative process.
  (3) An attorney or authorized representative  committing  misconduct  under this rule shall be subject to the following sanctions:
  (a) Censure.
  (b) Suspension from the proceedings.
  (4) A party committing misconduct  under  this  rule   may,   among   other sanctions, be subject to censure.
  (5) If an attorney is censured  or  suspended,  a  copy   of   the   order, together  with  the  pertinent  portions  of  the   record   or    affidavits supporting the order, shall be promptly transmitted to the   state   bar   of Michigan or the bar of which the attorney is a member.
R  451.3501   Public hearing. Rescinded.
  Rule 1501. The administrator may order a public hearing for the  purpose of obtaining information and providing  the  public  with  an   opportunity   to present data, views, and arguments on issues upon which the  administrator is authorized to make a determination.
R  451.3502   Public hearing; notice; sending of copies; publication. Rescinded.
  Rule 1502. (1) Notice of public hearing shall be given out  less  than   10 days before the public hearing and shall include the following:
  (a) A reference to the statutory authority under which the determination is to be made.
  (b) The time and place of the public hearing  and  a   statement   of   the manner in which data,  views,  and  arguments  may  be   submitted   to   the administrator at other times by any person.
  (c) A description of the subjects and issues involved.
  (2) A person who makes  a  written  request  to   the   administrator   for advance notice of a proposed action that  may  affect   that   person   shall receive copies of the notice.
  (3) The notice shall be published as a display advertisement  is  not  less than 3 newspapers of general circulation in different parts of the state. At least 1 of the newspapers shall be published in the Upper Peninsula.
R  451.3503   Public hearing; presentation of testimony. Rescinded.
  Rule  1503.  The  administrator  shall  determine  the   order   in   which testimony  is  presented  and  may  question  those   persons   who   present testimony. Subject to any limitation the administrator  may  prescribe,   the administrator may permit persons to question  other   persons   who   present 
testimony. The administrator may set time limits on testimony.