Filed with the secretary of state on
These rules take effect immediately upon filing with the secretary of state unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(6) of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a.  Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the secretary of state.
(By authority conferred on the director of the department of community health department of licensing and regulatory affairs by sections 16145(3), 16148, 16184, 16201, 16204, 16205, and 17731, 17737, and 17767 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.16145(3) and , 333.16148, 333.16184, 333.16201, 333.16204, 333.16205, 333.17731, 333.17737, and 333.17767, et seq. and  Executive  Reorganization  Order  Numbers  Nos. 1996-1 1991-9,  1996-2,  and 2003-1, and 2011-4, being MCL 330.3101 338.3501, 445.2001, and 445.2011, and 445.2030)
R 338.3041, R 338.3043, and R 338.3044 of the Michigan Administrative Code are amended, and R 338.3045 is rescinded, to read as follows:  
R 338.3041  License renewals; Continuing continuing education requirements; applicability.
  Rule 1. (1) These rules apply to applications for renewal of a pharmacist's license and a special retired volunteer pharmacist’s license under sections 16201 and 16184 of the code, MCL 333.16201 and 333.16184A licensee seeking renewal shall comply with all of the following: A renewal shall not be granted unless the applicant has fulfilled the requirements of these rules. 
  (2) An applicant who was originally licensed in Michigan less than 1 year before the renewal date is not required to comply with these rules. 
  (3) An applicant who was originally licensed in Michigan more than 1 year but less than 2 years before the renewal date shall have accumulated 15 hours of continuing education credits pursuant to these rules.  An applicant under this subrule shall be exempt from the requirement of subrule (5) of this rule.
    (a) Submit a completed application on a form provided by the department, together with the requisite fee. 
    (b) Beginning with renewals on January 1, 2020, an applicant for license renewal shall have completed a 1-time training identifying victims of human trafficking as required in R 338.511 and section 16148 of the code, MCL 333.16148.
    (c) An applicant for license renewal, who also applies for a controlled substance license, shall have completed a 1-time training in opioids and other controlled substances awareness as required in R 338.3135.
    (4) (d) Except as otherwise provided in subrules (2) and (3) of this rule,  an An applicant for license renewal, of a pharmacist's license who has been licensed for the 2-year period immediately preceding the end of the license cycle, shall furnish the board with satisfactory evidence that the applicant completed not less than 30 hours of continuing education credits acceptable to approved by the board, as provided in under R 338.3043 and R 338.3044, during the 2-year renewal period 2 years immediately preceding the application for renewal, which must comply with all of the following:.  An applicant shall comply with subdivisions (5), (6) and (7) of this subrule. This subrule takes effect July 1, 2007.
     (i) An applicant for license renewal shall complete at least 1 hour of the 30 required hours of continuing education in pharmacy ethics and jurisprudence. This paragraph applies only to renewals after December 30, 2020.
  (5) (ii) An applicant for license renewal shall obtain complete a minimum of 10 hours of the 30 required hours of continuing education credits by attending live courses or programs that provide for direct interaction between faculty and participants, including but not limited to, lectures, symposia, live teleconferences, and workshops. This subrule takes effect July 1, 2007.

  (6) (iii) An applicant for license renewal shall complete in each renewal period at least 1 hour of the 30 required hours of continuing education hour in pain and symptom management, as required under section 16204 16204(2) of the code, MCL 333.16204(2). This subrule takes effect July 1, 2007. Continuing education in pain and symptom management includes, but is not limited to, courses in behavior management, psychology of pain, pharmacology, behavior modification, stress management, clinical applications, and drug interventions as they relate to professional practice. 

  (7) (iv) An applicant for license renewal shall may not earn no more than 12 hours of continuing education in a day during a 24-hour periodThis subrule takes effect July 1, 2007.
  (8) Before applying to renew a license, an applicant shall possess certificates confirming continuing education credits awarded that are dated no later than the date the applicant submits the renewal application. 
      (v) An applicant for license renewal shall not earn credit for taking the same continuing education course or program twice during 1 renewal period.   

  (2) Submission of an application for renewal constitutes the applicant’s certification of compliance with the requirements of this rule. An applicant shall retain documentation of meeting the requirements of this rule for a period of 4 years from the date of applying for license renewal. The board may require an applicant to submit evidence to demonstrate compliance with this rule. Failure to comply with this rule is a violation of section 16221(h) of the code, MCL 333.16221(h).

  (3) A request for a waiver under section 16205 of the code, MCL 333.16205, must be received by the department before the expiration date of the license.

  (4) Except as otherwise stated, this rule takes effect upon promulgation of the rules.

R 338.3043  Education Continuing education courses and programs; standards for approval.
  Rule 3. (1) The board shall approve continuing education courses or programs pursuant to the following standards in this rule.:

    (a) A continuing education course or program sponsor shall submit a completed application on forms provided by the department and provide a “Patient Protection” form for any course or program that involves treatment of live patients.

    (b) A completed application form shall be submitted to the department at least 70 days prior to the date the continuing education course or program is conducted and 70 days prior to the next regularly scheduled board meeting for the proposed continuing education to be considered for approval by the board. A continuing education course or program conducted prior to board consideration will not be approved.

    (c) A continuing education course or program must meet the standards and criteria for an acceptable category of continuing education under this rule and R 338.3044 and must be relevant to health care and advancement of the licensee’s pharmacy education.   

  (2) (d) An organized A continuing education course or program shall must be a planned learning program designed to promote the continual development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes on the part of the pharmacist. The course or program shall must be an individual    organized educational experience under responsible sponsorship and capable direction and shall must provide qualified instruction.

    (3) (e) A continuing education course or program shall be developed and presented by a sponsor and shall must provide all of the following:
      (a) (i) Administrative support which that ensures maintenance and availability of adequate records of participation.
      (b) (ii) An adequate budget and resources.
      (c) (iii) Appropriate, qualified, competent teaching staff.
      (d) (iv) A statement of educational goals or measurable behavioral objectives, or both.
      (e) (v) Delivery methods that allow for active participation and involvement.
      (f)  (vi) Appropriate, adequate facilities.
      (g)  (vii) Evaluations of the participant and the provider.
 (4) The accreditation council for pharmacy education (acpe) may certify a provider whose course or program was developed and presented in compliance with subrule (3) of this rule. The board may accept such certification as prima facie proof that a course or program meets the standards set forth in subrule (3) of this rule.

  (5) A provider of a course or program that does not fall within subrule (4) of this rule may submit an application for approval. The application shall be submitted on a form provided by the board.  

    (6) (f) A The continuing education course or program shall must include study in 1 or more of the following subjects:
      (a) (i) Social, psychological, economic, and legal aspects of health care delivery.
      (b) (ii) The properties and actions of drugs and dosage forms.
      (c) (iii) Etiology, characteristics, and therapeutics of the disease state.
      (d)  (iv) Emergency skills related to the health and safety of the patient.
      (e) (v) Specialized professional services.
      (f) (vi) Other areas of study that the board finds are designed to maintain or enhance a pharmacist's ability to deliver competent pharmacy services.

    (g) Board approval is valid for a 3-year term of approval from the date of approval. 

    (h) The board shall reevaluate an approved continuing education course or program prior to any changes during the approval term, including but not limited to, changes to either of the following: 

      (i) Instructors and speakers.

      (ii) Course or program content, title, and number of continuing education hours to be awarded to participants.

    (i) Subject to subdivision (j) of this rule, all changes to a previously approved course or program must be submitted on required department forms at least 70 days prior to the date the course or program is offered to participants and 70 days prior to the next regularly scheduled board meeting to be considered for approval by the board. Any changes to a submitted and previously approved course or program conducted prior to board reconsideration and approval will not be approved.

    (j) Emergency changes to instructors and speakers that cannot be submitted to the board at least 70 days prior to the date of the course or program may be reviewed by the department in consultation with the board chair or a continuing education board committee member if proof that is acceptable to the department and that supports the nature of the emergency is submitted with the change.

    (k) The specific dates that the course or program will be offered do not require further board approval and may be changed without review by the board if the presentation dates are within the board’s original 3-year term of approval.

    (l) A sponsor conducting the course or program shall record all of the following on a continuing education certificate or other proof prepared by that sponsor: 

      (i) The name of the sponsor.

      (ii) Continuing education approval number assigned by the department.

      (iii) Course title or name of the program.

      (iv) Name of the speaker or instructor.

      (v) Date the approved course or program was conducted.

      (vi) Number and type of continuing education hours awarded.

      (vii) Approved sponsor’s signature.

      (viii) Dates of the current approval term.

      (ix) Name of participant.

    (m) The board may revoke the approval status of any approved course or program at any time the course or program fails to comply with these rules.

R 338.3044   Computation of credit hours Acceptable continuing education for licensees.
  Rule 4. (1) If an organized continuing education course or program is offered in segments of 50 to 60 minutes each, 1 hour of credit shall be given for each such segment. A pharmacist shall not be granted multiple credit for the same program of   continuing education in the same licensure renewal period. For purposes of this rule, continuing education time shall exclude all of the following: Coffee breaks. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner breaks. Any other breaks in the program. The board shall consider all of the following as acceptable continuing education:  


Acceptable Continuing Education activities


Completion of an approved continuing education course or program related to the practice of pharmacy. A continuing education course or program is approved, regardless of the format in which it is offered, if it is approved or offered for continuing education credit by any of the following:

·         A pharmacy program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) or the Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs (CCAPP).

·         A continuing education sponsoring organization, institution, or individual approved by the ACPE.

·         Another state board of pharmacy.


If audited, a licensee shall submit a copy of a letter or certificate of completion showing the licensee’s name, number of hours earned, sponsor name or the name of the organization that approved the program or activity for continuing education credit, and the date on which the program was held, or activity completed.

The number of hours earned will be the number of hours approved by the sponsor or the approving organization.


If the activity was not approved for a set number of hours, then 1 credit hour for every 50 minutes of participation may be earned. 


No limitation on the number of hours earned.




Completion of postgraduate pharmacy practice or administration courses offered for credit in a pharmacy school accredited by the ACPE or the CCAPP.  


If audited, a licensee shall submit an official transcript that reflects completion of the postgraduate pharmacy practice or administration course and number of semester or quarter credit hours earned. 

Twelve hours of continuing education will be earned for each academic quarter credit earned and 18 hours will be earned for each academic semester credit earned.


No limitation on the number of hours earned.


Participation in a home study program offered through an ACPE-approved provider or other instructional approaches that include an evaluation component including, but not limited to, on-line continuing education programs and journal articles.
If audited, a licensee shall submit an affidavit attesting to the number of hours the licensee spent participating in the home study program that includes a description of the activity.

One hour will be earned for each hour devoted to a home study program.



A maximum of 20 hours per renewal period.


Participation as a preceptor for at least 1 pharmacy intern.


A preceptorship shall be for a minimum of 120 hours in person and have a 1 intern - to - 1 preceptor ratio. This may involve multiple preceptor relationships at different times. 


If audited, a licensee shall submit written documentation from the educational institution or preceptor’s supervisor verifying the dates and hours of the preceptorship.

Five hours of continuing education may be earned for a minimum of 120 hours in person of preceptorship in each renewal period.


A maximum of 5 hours may be earned in each renewal period.


Renewal of a pharmacy license held in another state that requires continuing education for license renewal that is substantially equivalent in subject matter and total amount of required hours to that required in these rules if the licensee resides and practices in another state.


If audited, a licensee shall submit proof of current licensure in another state and a copy of a letter or certificate of completion showing all of the following: the licensee’s name, number of hours earned, the sponsor’s name or the name of the organization that approved the program or activity for continuing education credit, and the date on which the program was held or the activity was completed.

Thirty hours will be earned.


A maximum of 30 hours may be earned in each renewal period.


Initial publication of an article or a chapter related to the practice of pharmacy in either of the following:

·         A pharmacy textbook.

·         A peer reviewed journal.


If audited, a licensee shall submit a copy of the publication that identifies the licensee as the author or a publication acceptance letter.

Ten hours will be earned per publication.


A maximum of 10 hours may be earned in each renewal period.


Successful completion of a board certification national pharmacy examination through Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS).


If audited, a licensee shall submit proof of a passing score on the examination. 


Ten hours may be earned in the year in which the licensee achieves a passing score.


A maximum of 20 hours may be earned in each renewal period.  Credit will not be given for repeating the same examination twice in a renewal period.


Presentation of a continuing education program approved by the board under R 338.3043 or subdivision (a) of this rule that is not a part of the licensee’s regular job description.


If audited, a licensee shall submit a copy of the curriculum and a letter from the program sponsor verifying the length and date of the presentation.

Two hours for every 50 minutes devoted to presenting the program.


A maximum of 10 hours will be earned in each renewal period.


Attendance at a pharmacy-related program that is approved by the board pursuant to R 338.3043.


If audited, a licensee shall submit a copy of a letter or certificate of completion showing the licensee’s name, number of hours earned, sponsor name or the name of the organization that approved the program or course for continuing education credit, and the date on which the program was held or the activity was completed.

The number of hours earned will be the number of hours approved by the sponsor or the approving organization.


If the activity was not approved for a set number of hours, then 1 credit hour for every 50 minutes of participation may be earned. 


No limitation on the number of hours earned.

 (2) A pharmacist may earn 1 hour of continuing education credit for each hour devoted to a home study program offered through an acpe-approved provider or other instructional approaches that include an evaluation component including, but not limited    to, on-line continuing education programs and journal articles, with a maximum of 20 continuing education hours obtained in each renewal period. A pharmacist shall not be granted multiple credit for the same program of continuing education in the same licensure renewal period. 
  (3) Two hours of continuing education credit may be earned for each hour spent in actually presenting a course or program which has been approved for continuing education credit. A presenter shall not be granted multiple credit for the same program of continuing education in the same licensure renewal period.
  (4) Twelve hours of continuing education credit may be earned for each 1 academic quarter hour of postgraduate study of a course approved for continuing education credit given by an academic institution approved by the board.
  (5) Eighteen hours of continuing education credit may be earned for each 1 academic semester hour of postgraduate study of course approved for continuing education credit given by an academic institution approved by the board.
R 338.3045  Equivalents; pharmacists residing or practicing in other states. Rescinded.
  Rule 5. (1) An applicant for renewal who resided or practiced in another state that required substantially equivalent continuing education for renewal may obtain renewal of the Michigan license upon verification of licensure in the other state.
  (2) An applicant for renewal who resided or practiced in another state that does not fall within subrule (1) may obtain renewal of the Michigan license upon proof that the applicant acquired continuing education substantially equivalent to that which is otherwise required by these rules.