Filed with the secretary of state on


These rules become effective 7 days after filing with the secretary of state.


(By authority conferred on the department of state by section 9526 of the uniform commercial code, 1962 PA 1742000 PA 348, MCL 440.9526)


R 440.102, R 440.103, R 440.104, R 440.106, R 440.201, R 440.203, R 440.204, R 440.207, R 440.302, R 440.303, R 440.311, R 440.312, R 440.402, R 440.403, R 440.406, R 440.407, R 440.408, R 440.412, R 440.502, R 440.503, R 440.504, and R 440.508 of the Michigan Administrative Code are amended, and R 440.105, R 440.202, R 440.413, R 440.505, and R 440.509 are rescinded, as follows:





R 440.102  Definitions.

  Rule 102. (1) As used in these rules:

   (a) “Amendment” has the meaning given it as described in UCC section 9512 of the UCC, MCL 440.9512, includes. Amendments include assignments, continuations, and terminations.

   (b) “Assignment” is means an amendment that purports to reflect an assignment of all or a part of a secured party's power to authorize an amendment to a financing statement.

   (c) “Correction Information statement” means a record that indicates, under UCC section 9518 of the UCC, MCL 440.9518, that a financing statement is inaccurate or wrongfully filed.

   (d) “File number” means the unique identification number assigned to an initial financing statement by the filing officer to identify for the purpose of identifying the initial financing statement and permanently associating associate the initial financing statement with all financing statements related to it in the UCC information management system. The filing number bears no relation to the time of filing and is not an indicator of priority.

   (e) “Filing office” and “filing officer” mean the UCC section of the office of secretary of state or its successor.

   (f) “Individual” means a human being, or a decedent in the case of a debtor that is the decedent’s estate.

   (g) “Initial financing statement” means a financing statement containing the information required by UCC section 9502 of the UCC, MCL 440.9502, which, when filed, creates the initial record in the UCC information management system.

   (h) “Remitter” means a person who tenders a financing statement to the filing officer for filing, whether the person is a filer or an agent of a filer responsible for tendering the record for filing.  “Remitter” does not include a person responsible merely for the delivery of the financing statement to the filing office, such as the postal service or a courier service, but does include a service provider who acts as a filer’s representative in the filing process.

   (i) “Request for expediting” means a search request to provide a search report on the day of the inquiry.

   (j) (i) “UCC” means the uniform commercial code, 1962 PA 174, MCL 440.1101 to 440.9994 as adopted in this state and in effect from time to time.

   (k)(j) “UCC information management system” means the information management system used by the filing officer to store, index, and retrieve information relating to financing statements.

   (l)(k) “Unique identification number" or "identification number" means a number that includes the year of filing expressed as the first 4 digits of a unique number assigned to the financing statement by the filing office and a 1-digit verification number, to be referred to as a check digit, assigned by the filing office, but mathematically derived from other numbers in the unique number.

  (2) A word or term defined in the UCC has the same meaning when used in these rules.



R 440.103  Financing statement delivery.

  Rule 103. Financing statements may be tendered for filing at the office as follows:

  (a) By personal delivery at the filing office’s street address.

  (b)(a) By courier delivery at the filing office’s street address.

  (c)(b) By postal service delivery to the filing office’s mailing address.

  (d)(c) When made available by the filing office, bBy electronic transmission to the filing office in a manner prescribed by the filing officer using a standard approved by the international association of corporation commercial administrators and adopted by the filing office.

  (e) By telefacsimile delivery to the filing office’s fax filing telephone number.

  (fd) When made available by the filing office, bBy direct online on-line or web page data entry transmission to the filing office in a manner prescribed by the filing officer.

  (ge) By email e-mail delivery to the filing office's email  e-mail address.



R 400.104  Search request delivery.

  Rule 104. (1) UCC search requests may be delivered to the filing office by any of the means by which financing statements may be delivered to the filing office. A request for expediting may also be delivered by telephone.

  (2) UCC search requests upon a debtor named on an initial financing statement may be made by an appropriate indication on the face of the initial financing statement form if the form is entitled to be filed. The filing office may require that the relevant search fee be tendered with the initial financing statement.



R 400.105  Approved forms. Rescinded.

  Rule 105. (1) The following forms are approved for filing a written initial financing statement or a written financing statement amendment:

   (a) An initial financing statement form as prescribed in UCC section 9521(1).

   (b) A financing statement amendment form as prescribed in UCC section 9521(2).

   (c) An initial financing statement form or financing statement amendment form approved by the international association of corporate administrators after July 1, 2001.

   (d) An initial financing statement form or financing statement amendment form approved the national conference of commissioners on uniform state laws after July 1, 2001.

   (e) An initial financing statement form or financing statement amendment form approved by the filing officer after July 1, 2001.

   (f) If and when operational as determined by the filing officer, an initial financing statement or financing statement amendment transmitted electronically as prescribed by the filing officer.

  (2) The additional filing fee provided in UCC section 9525(1)(a) shall not apply to a written initial financing statement or a written financing statement amendment specified in subrule (1)(a) or (b) of this rule.

  (3) The additional filing fee provided in UCC section 9525(1)(a) shall apply to an initial financing statement or a financing statement amendment not specified in subrule (1)(a) or (b) of this rule.



R 440.106  Methods of payment.

  Rule 106. Filing fees and fees for public records services may be paid by the following methods:

  (a) Cash.

  (b) Checks. personal checks, cashier’s checks, and money orders must be A check made payable to the "State of Michigan,". including checks in an amount to be filled in by a filing officer, but not to exceed a particular amount, will be accepted for payment if it is a cashier's check or certified check drawn on a bank acceptable to the filing office or if the drawer is acceptable to the filing office.

  (c) Billing account.

  (d) The filing office will shall accept payment via electronic funds transfer under national automated clearing house association ("NACHA") rules from remitters that who have entered into appropriate NACHA-approved arrangements for such the transfers and that who authorize the relevant transfer pursuant to such arrangements and rules.

  (e) Debit and credit card. The filing office shall accept payment via Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express credit and debit cards. If and when operational as determined by the filing officer, the filing office may accept a credit card issued by approved credit card issuers, in place of cash or a check, as payment for filing fees and fees for public records services. Remitters shall provide the filing officer with the card number, the expiration date of the card, the name of the approved card issuer, the name of the person or entity to whom the card was issued and the billing address for the card. Payment will not be deemed tendered until the issuer or its agent has confirmed to the filing office that payment will be forthcoming.





R 440.201  Duty to file.

  Rule 201. If there is no ground to refuse acceptance of the document under sections 9516(2) or 9520(5) of the UCC, MCL 440.9516 and 440.9520 R 440.202, then a financing statement is filed upon its receipt by the filing officer with the filing fee and the filing officer shall promptly assign a file number or identification number to the financing statement and index it in the information management system.



R 440.202  Grounds for refusal. Rescinded.

  Rule 202. (1) The following grounds are the sole grounds for the filing officer’s refusal to accept a financing statement for filing:

   (a) Except as provided in paragraph (v) of this subdivision, a financing statement that adds 1 or more debtors shall be refused if any of the following circumstances exist:

    (i) The document is an initial financing statement and fails to include any of the following information:

     (A) A legible debtor name.

     (B) A legible debtor address.

     (C) The identification of each named debtor as an individual or an organization.

    (ii) The document is an amendment and fails to include any of the following information:

(A) A legible debtor name for the debtor being added.

(B) A legible address for the debtor being added.

(C) The identification of each named debtor as an individual or an organization.

    (iii) The last name of each individual debtor is not identified.

    (iv) For each debtor identified as an organization, the document fails to include any of the following in legible form:

(A) The organization type,

(B) The state of organization.

(C) The organization number, or a statement that the debtor does not have an organization number.

    (v) If the document contains more than 1 debtor name or  address  and some names or addresses are missing or illegible, the filing officer shall index the legible name and address pairings, and provide a notice to the remitter containing the file number or identification number of the document, identification of the debtor names that were indexed, and a statement that debtors with illegible or missing names or addresses were not indexed.

   (b) Except as provided in paragraph (iv) of this subdivision, a financing statement adding 1 or more secured parties of record or assignees shall be refused if any of the following exist:

    (i) The document is an initial financing statement and fails to include either of the following in legible form:

     (A) Secured party name.

     (B) Secured party address.

    (ii) The document is an amendment and fails to include either of the following in legible form:

     (A) A name for the secured party being added.

     (B) An address for the secured party being added.

    (iii) The document is an assignment and fails to include either of the following in legible form:

     (A) A name for the assignee.

     (B) An address for the assignee.

    (iv) If the document contains more than 1 secured party, or assignee, name or address and some names or addresses are missing or illegible, the filing officer shall index the legible name and address pairings, and provide a notice to the remitter containing the file number or identification number of the document, identification of the secured party, or assignee names that were indexed, and a statement that secured parties and assignees with illegible or missing names or addresses were not indexed.  

   (c) A financing statement other than an initial financing statement shall be refused if the document does not provide a file number of a financing statement in the UCC information management system that has not lapsed, or, until June 30, 2006, a number associated with a UCC financing statement filed in this state before June 30, 2001, that has not lapsed.

   (d) A continuation shall be refused if it is not received during the 6-month period concluding on the day upon which the related financing statement would lapse. Both of the following apply to filing a continuation:

    (i) The first day on which a continuation may be filed is the date of the month corresponding to the date upon which the financing statement would lapse, 6 months preceding the month in which the financing statement would lapse. If there is no such corresponding date during the sixth month preceding the month in which the financing statement would  lapse, then the first day on which a continuation may be filed is the last day of the sixth month preceding the month in which the financing statement would lapse, although filing by certain means may not be possible on such date if the filing office is not open on such date.

    (ii) The last day on which a continuation may be filed is the date upon which the financing statement lapses.

   (e) A financing statement shall be refused if the document is accompanied by less than the full filing fee tendered by a method described in R 440.106.

   (f) Financing statements communicated to the filing office by a means of communication not authorized by the filing officer for the communication of financing statements shall be refused.

  (2) As used in this rule, the term "legible" is not limited to refer only to written expressions on paper. It requires a machine-readable transmission for electronic transmissions and an otherwise readily decipherable transmission in other cases.

  (3) A financing statement that does not identify itself as an amendment or identify an initial financing statement to which it relates, as required by MCL 440.9512, 440.9514, or 440.9518, is an initial financing statement.



R 440.203  Grounds Ground not warranting refusal.

  R 203. (1) The only sole grounds for the filing officer's refusal to accept a financing statement for filing are enumerated in sections 9516(2) and 9520(5) of the UCC, MCL 440.9516 and 440.9520 R 440.202.

  (2) The following are examples of defects that do not constitute grounds for refusal to accept a document:

   (a) The financing statement contains or appears to contain a misspelling or other apparently erroneous information.

   (b) The financing statement appears to identify a debtor incorrectly.

   (c) The financing statement appears to identify a secured party or a secured party of record incorrectly.

   (d) The financing statement contains additional or extraneous information of any kind.

   (e) The financing statement does not contain all of contains less than the information required by article 9 of the UCC, MCL 440.9101 to 440.9994, provided that if the document contains the information required in section 9516(2) of the UCC, MCL 440.9516R 440.202.

   (f) The financing statement incorrectly identifies collateral, or contains an illegible or unintelligible description of collateral, or does not appear to contain a description of collateral.

   (g) The document is accompanied by funds money in excess of the full filing fee.

  (3) The examples enumerated in subrule (2) of this rule are not a comprehensive enumeration of defects outside the scope of permitted grounds for refusal to accept a financing statement for filing.



R 440.204  Procedure upon refusal.

  R 204. If the filing officer finds grounds under sections 9516(2) or 9520(5) of the UCC, MCL 440.9516 and 440.9520, R 440.202 to refuse acceptance of a financing statement, then the filing officer shall return the document, if written, to the remitter and shall refund the filing fee upon request. The filing officer shall send a notice that contains the date and time the document would have been filed had it been accepted for filing, unless the date and time are stamped on the document, and a brief description of the reason for refusal to accept the document under sections 9516(2) or 9520(5), MCL 440.9516 and 440.9520 R 440.202. The notice shall must be sent to a secured party or the remitter, as provided in R 440.402(3) (2)(b), not later than the second business day after the filing office receives the document. The refund may be delivered with the notice or under separate cover.



R 440.207  Refusal errors.

  Rule 207. If a secured party or a remitter demonstrates to the satisfaction of the filing officer that a financing statement that was refused for filing should not have been refused under sections 9516(2) or 9520(5) of the UCC, MCL 440.9516 and 440.9520 R 440.202, then the filing officer shall file the financing statement as provided in these rules, reflecting a filing date and time when filing should have occurred. The filing officer shall also file a filing officer statement that states stating that the effective date and time of filing is the date and time the financing statement was originally tendered for filing, and sets forth the date and time. The demonstration of error shall constitute the secured party's or remitter's authorization to file the filing officer's correction statement.





R 440.302  Names of individuals.

  Rule 302. The following provisions apply to the name of an individual who, or whose estate, is a debtor or a secured party on a financing statement:

  (a) Separate data entry fields are established for first personal name, additional name or names or initial or initialsmiddle, and surnames last names of individuals. The filing officer assumes no responsibility for the accurate designation of the components of a names, but will shall accurately enter the data in accordance with the filer's designations, as required by R 440.407(2)(b).

  (b) Title Titles and prefixes, such as “doctor,” “reverend,” Mr.,” and “Ms.,” should not be provided by filers in financing statements. However, as provided in R 440.407, when if a financing statement is submitted with designated name fields, the data shall must be entered in the UCC information management system exactly as it appears.

  (c) Titles and suffixes, or indications of status, such as “M.D.” and “esquire,” are not part of an individual's name and should not be provided by filers in financing statements. However, as provided in R 440.407, when if a financing statement is submitted with designated name fields, the data shall must be entered in the UCC information management system exactly as it appears.

  (d) Suffixes that indicate which individual is being named, such as "senior," "junior," "I," "II," and "III," are appropriate and shall must be entered exactly as it appears into the UCC information management system in a field designated for name suffixes.

  (e) Name fields for individuals in the UCC information management system are fixed in length. Although filers shall continue to provide full names of individuals on their financing statements, a name that exceeds the fixed length of a name field is entered as presented to the filing officer, up to the maximum length of the field. The maximum lengths of name fields are as follows:

   (i) First personal name: 50 40 characters.

   (ii) Middle Additional name or names or initial or initials:, 20 50 characters.

   (iii) Surname: Last name, 70 50 characters.

   (iv) Suffix:, 20 characters.



R 400.303  Names of organizations.

  Rule 303. Both of the following provisions apply to the name of an organization that is a debtor or a secured party on a financing statement:

  (a) A single field is used to store an organization name.

  (b) The organization name field in the UCC information management system is fixed in length. The maximum length is 255 250 characters. Although filers shall continue to provide full names of organizations on their financing statements, a name that exceeds the fixed length is entered as presented to the filing officer, up to the maximum length of the field.



R 440.311  Information Correction statement.

  Rule 311. Upon On the filing of an information correction statement, the status of the parties and the status of the financing statement shall be is as follows:

  (a) The filing of an information correction statement shall have has no effect upon the status of any party to the financing statement.

  (b) The filing of an information correction statement shall have has no effect upon the status of the financing statement.



R 440.312  Procedure upon lapse.

  Rule 312. (1) If there is no timely filing of a continuation with respect to a financing statement, then the financing statement lapses on its lapse date, but shall remains active in the UCC information management system until the first anniversary of its lapse date.

  (2) On the first anniversary of the lapse date of a financing statement, the financing statement shall be deemed is inactive in the UCC information management system and the financing statement shall is no longer be made available to a searcher. unless inactive financing statements are requested by the searcher. and the financing statement is still retrievable by the UCC information management system.





R 440.402  Document indexing.

  Rule 402. (1) The date and time of filing receipt are noted on the document or otherwise and permanently associated with the record maintained for a financing statement in the UCC information management system at the earliest possible time.

  (2) The filing office determines whether a grounds exists to refuse the document under sections 9516(2) or 9520(5) of the UCC, MCL 440.9516 and 440.9520 R 440.202. If there is no ground for refusal of the document, then all of the following provisions apply:

   (ia) The document is stamped or deemed filed and a unique identification number and the filing date is stamped on the document or otherwise permanently associated with the record maintained for a financing statement in the UCC information management system.

   (iib) An acknowledgment of filing is prepared as provided in R 440.2065 and delivered as provided in subrule (3) of this rule.

   (iiic) The sequence of the identification number is not an indication of the order in which the document was received. If there is a ground for refusal of the document, then notification of refusal to accept the document is prepared as provided in R 440.2054 and delivered as provided in subrule (3) of this rule.

  (3) If the financing statement was tendered in person, then notice of refusal or acknowledgment of the filing may be given by delivering the notice or acknowledgment to the person tendering the filing by personal delivery, or by first class mail or overnight courier as provided in this subrule. If the financing statement was tendered by on-line access, then notice of refusal or acknowledgment of filing is given by delivering the notice or acknowledgment to the remitter by on-line response that includes the information required by R 440.205 or R 440.206. Acknowledgment of filing or notice of refusal of a financing statement that includes the information required by R 440.2054 or R 440.2065 tendered by any other means is given by delivering the notice or acknowledgment to the secured party, or the first secured party if there are more than 1 named on the financing statement, by first-class first class mail, or, if the remitter so requests, by first-class first class mail to the remitter, or by overnight courier to the remitter if the remitter provides a prepaid waybill or access to the remitter's account with the courier.



R 440.403  Filing date and time.

  Rule 403. (1) Except as provided in subrule (2) of this rule, the filing date and time of a financing statement received with the proper filing fee is determined in the following manner:

   (a) For a financing statement delivered to the filing office as provided in R 440.103 (g) (a), the date and time delivery is receipted by the filing office.

   (ab) Notwithstanding the time of delivery, for a financing statement delivered to the filing office as provided in R 440.103 (a) or (b), or (c), , or (g) during regular business hours, the earlier of the date and time delivery is receipted, or the next close of business following delivery.

   (bc) For a financing statement transmitted to the filing office as provided in R 440.103(c) (d), the date and time the filing office determines that all required elements of the transmission have been received in the required format and are machine- readable.

   (cd) For a financing statement transmitted to the filing office as provided in R 440.103(d), (f), the date and time the financing statement has been accepted for filing by the filing office's direct online on-line entry system.

  (2) Except as provided in subrule (1)(b) and (c) and (d) of this rule, the filing date and time of a financing statement received after regular business hours or on a day the filing office is not open for business is the earlier of the date and time delivery is receipted by the filing office on the next day the office is open for business, or the close of business on the next day the filing office is open for business.

  (3) The filing officer may perform any duty relating to a financing statement on the filing date or on a date after the filing date.



R 440.406  Errors other than filing office errors.

  Rule 406. An error by a filer is the responsibility of the filer. A filer can correct an error by filing an amendment. A person under whose name a record is indexed can disclose an error by filing an information correction statement.



R 440.407  Data entry of names; designated fields.

  Rule 407. (1) A financing statement shall must designate whether a name is a name of an individual or an organization and, if an individual, shall must also designate the first personal name, additional name or names or initial or initials middle, and surname last names and any suffix.

  (2) Both of the following provisions apply to the data entry of names into the UCC information management system:

   (a) Organization names are entered in the field designated for an organization name exactly as set forth in the financing statement, even if it appears that multiple names are set forth in the document or if it appears that the name of an individual has been included in the field designated for an organization name.

   (b) Individual names are entered into the first personal name, additional name or names or initial or initials middle, and surname last name and suffix fields exactly as set forth on the financing statement.



R 440.408  Data entry of names; no designated fields.

  Rule 408. (1) If an initial financing statement or an amendment that adds a debtor to a financing statement fails to specify whether the debtor is an individual or an organization and is accepted for filing in error, then all of the following provisions apply:

   (a) When If not set forth in a field designated for individual names, a name is treated as an organization name if it contains words or abbreviations that indicate status, such as any of the following and similar words or abbreviations in foreign languages:

    (i) Association.

    (ii) Church.

    (iii) College.

    (iv) Company.

    (v) Co.

    (vi) Corp.

    (vii) Corporation.

    (viii) Inc.,

    (ix) Limited.

    (x) Ltd.

    (xi) Club.

    (xii) Foundation.

    (xiii) Fund.

    (xiv) L.L.C.

    (xv) Limited liability company.

    (xvi) Institute.

    (xvii) Society.

    (xviii) Union.

    (xix) Syndicate.

    (xx) GmBH.

    (xxi) S.A. de C.V.

    (xxii) Limited partnership.

    (xxiii) L.P.

    (xxiv) Limited liability partnership.

    (xxv) L.L.P.

    (xxvi) Trust.

    (xxvii) Business trust.

    (xxviii) Co-op.

    (xxix) Cooperative.

    (xxx) Other designations established by statutes to indicate a statutory organization. In cases where organization or individual status is not designated by the filer and is not clear, the filing officer shall enter the name in the organization field.

   (b) A name is entered as the name of an individual and not the name of an organization if when the name is followed by a title substantially similar to one 1 of the following titles or the equivalent of one 1 of the following titles in a foreign language:

    (i) Proprietor.

    (ii) Sole proprietor.

    (iii) Proprietorship.

    (iv) Sole proprietorship.

    (v) Partner.

    (vi) General partner.

    (vii) President.

    (viii) Vice president.

    (ix) Secretary.

    (x) Treasurer.

    (xi) M.D.

    (xii) O.D.

    (xiii) D.D.S.

    (xiv) Attorney at law.

    (xv) Esq.

    (xvi) Accountant.

    (xvii) CPA.

In such cases, the title is not entered.

   (c) Where If it is apparent that the name of an individual and the name of an organization are stated on a single line and not in a designated individual name field, the name of the individual and the name of the organization shall must be entered as 1 debtor. 2 separate debtors, 1 as an individual and 1 as an organization. Additional filing fees for the additional debtor name will be required.

  (2) If an initial financing statement or an amendment that adds a debtor to a financing statement fails to designate the last name of an individual debtor and is accepted for filing in error, or if only the last name of an individual debtor is designated in an initial financing statement or an amendment that adds a debtor to a financing statement, then all of the following provisions apply:

   (a) An initial in the first position of the name is treated as a first name. An initial in the second position of the name is treated as a middle name.

   (b) An initial and a name to which the initial apparently corresponds, as indicated by parentheses or similar punctuation, is entered into 1 name field only.

   (c) Two individual names contained in a single line are entered as 2 different debtors.

   (d) (c) A 1-word name is entered as a last name.

   (e)(d) A nickname, as indicated by parentheses or similar punctuation, is entered in the name field together with the name preceding the nickname, or if none, then as the first name.



R 440.412  Correction Information statement record.

  Rule 412. (1) A record is created for an information correction statement that bears the identification number for the information correction statement and the date and time of filing.

  (2) The record of the information correction statement is associated with the record of the related initial financing statement in a manner that causes the information correction statement to be retrievable each time a record of the financing statement is retrieved.



R 440.413 Global filings. Rescinded.

  Rule 413. The filing officer may accept for filing a single financing statement for the purpose of amending more than 1 financing statement for either or both of the following purposes:

(a)   To change secured party name.

   (b)To change secured party address.






R 440.502  Search requests; contents and processing.

  Rule 502. (1) A search request shall must be accompanied by the appropriate fee, payable by a method described in R 440.106, and must shall contain all of the following information:

   (a) The full correct name of a debtor or the name variant desired to be searched.

   (b) Specify whether the debtor is an individual or an organization.

   (c) The name and address of the person to whom the search report is sent to. to be sent.

  (2) A search request shall must be processed using the name in the exact form it is submitted.

  (3) For purposes of this rule, both of the following provisions apply:

   (a) The full name of an individual shall must consist of a first personal name, a middle name or initial, and a surname last name followed by any suffix that may apply to the name.

   (b) The full name of an organization shall must consist of the name of the organization as stated on the articles of incorporation or other organic documents in the state or country of organization or the name variant desired to be searched.



R 440.503  Requests for expediting; identification; method; certification date.

  Rule 503. (1) A request for expediting shall must be identified as such by the requestor.

  (2) A request for expediting shall must state whether the requestor desires current certification. Current certification is certification to the end of the business day preceding the day of the request.

  (3) If the requestor does not expressly request current certification, then the certification date shall be is the date under R 440.507.



R 440.504  Request for expediting; payment; account.

  Rule 504. (1) A request for expediting shall not be accepted by the filing office by telephone unless the requestor has a billing account with the filing office and authorizes the filing office to make a charge to the account for the search.

 (2) A request for expediting made by any other means provided in R 440.103104 shall must be accompanied by cash or a check, in the correct amount, for the statutory fee, or the requestor shall have a billing account with the filing office and shall authorize the filing office to make a charge to the account for the search.



R 440.505  Response to request for expediting; mailing or personal delivery; time. Rescinded.

Rule 505. (1) The response to a request for expediting received by the filing office before 11:00 a.m. on a business day shall be available for mailing or personal delivery between 3:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on the day the request is received.

(2)   A request for expediting received by the filing office after 11:00 a.m. shall be considered a request for expediting and shall be processed on the next business day. If there is no personal delivery by the requestor on the day personal delivery is requested, then the information shall be mailed.

(3)    If the requestor specifies a current certification date in the request for expediting, then the information shall be available on the day of the request by personal delivery only.



R 440.508  Limited or modified search requests.

  Rule 508. (1) A person requesting a UCC search may limit or modify the search by requesting either or both of the following:

   (a) That copies of documents referred to in the report be included with the report.

   (b) To limit the scope of the search and copies by reference to any 1 or more of the following:

    (i) The initial financing statement identification number.

    (ii) The city of the debtor.

    (iii) The identity of a secured party of record.

    (iv) The date of filing.

    (viii) A range of dates between 2 specified dates.

    (vi) A range of dates before or after a specified date.

  (2) A report created by the filing officer in response to a request that a UCC search be limited under this rule shall must contain the following statement: "A search request limited under R 440.508(1) may not reveal all filings against the debtor searched. The searcher bears the risk of relying on the limited search."



R 440.509  Personal inspection of information; filing request; time; access to files; charges; separate request for certification, updating, or copying. Rescinded.

  Rule 509. (1) A request for personal inspection of information filed with the filing office pursuant to the UCC shall specify a date and time for the personal inspection. The inspection shall be made not less than 3 business days after the request is received by the filing office.

  (2) A request for personal inspection of files may be made by telephone, in person, or by mail.

  (3) The requestor shall only be given access to files specified in writing by the requestor on the date of the request. The charge for personal inspection shall be the statutory fee for expediting of the regular search process, plus the regular statutory fee for each name of a debtor specified in the written request for inspection.

  (4) The request for inspection of files shall not include a request for certification, updating, or copying of documents. A separate request shall be made for certification, updating, or copying by the secretary of state, and shall be subject to a separate statutory fee.