Filed with the secretary of state on

These rules become effective 7 days after filing with the secretary of state.

(By authority conferred on the department of health and human services by section 6 of the social welfare act, 1939 PA 280, MCL 400.6)


R 400.3107 of the Michigan Administrative Code is amended, as follows:

R 400.3107  Applications.

  Rule 7.  (1) Any person may apply for assistance for himself or herself.  With the group's permission, a person who is age 18 years of age or older may be authorized to represent, and apply on behalf of, the group.

  (2) A person may submit an application by fax on a form prescribed by the department.  The original, signed application must be received by the department before benefits are approved.

  (3) A person shall complete a department application form when first applying for assistance benefits and when eligibility is redetermined.

  (4) The department shall must accept an application and register it as soon as it is filed if it contains the minimum information established by the department and is signed by the client or the client's authorized representative.

  (5) Upon receipt of an incomplete application, the department staff shall provide the client with an appropriate form identifying the information needed to render the application complete and shall specify a due date by which the information must be provided. The department shall must deny eligibility, or terminate an ongoing assistance case , if the application remains incomplete.  An incomplete application is valid through the last day of the month after the month of denial or termination and may be updated during that period.

  (6) As part of the application and redetermination process, the department may conduct an official, confidential interview with the client, another responsible applicant group member, or the authorized representative.  An interview shall must be conducted in a department local office during normal weekday office hours or by telephone. if client hardship prevents a physical appearance. An interview may be conducted in  the   group's  home  if  the client is physically unable to come to the office and the group  has  no  one else who can bring the client to the local office or  who  can  come  to  the local office on the group's behalf.