Filed with the secretary of state on
These rules take effect immediately upon filing with the secretary of state unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(6)(9) of the administrative procedures act of 1969,1969 PA
306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a. Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the secretary of state.
(By authority conferred on the director of thedepartment of community healthdepartment of licensing and regulatory affairs by sections 16145,and1770117753, and 17767 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.16145,and333.17701333.17753,et seq.and 333.17767, and Executive Reorganization OrderNumbersNos.1996-11991-9, 1996-2,and2003-1, and 2011-4,beingMCL330.3101338.3501, 445.2001,and445.2011, and 445.2030)
R 338.3051, R 338.3052, R 338.3053, R 338.3054, R 338.3055, and R 338.3056 of the Michigan Administrative Code are amended, as follows:
R 338.3051 Definitions.
Rule 1. (1) As used in these rulesparts 1 and 2 of the centralized prescription processing rules, R 338.3051 to R 338.3054:
(a) “Board” means the Michigan board of pharmacy, created in section 17721 of the code, MCL 333.17721.
(b)(a)"Centralized prescriptionCentral fill pharmacyprocessing center" means a pharmacyoperated under the direction of a pharmacistthatprocesses information related to the practice of pharmacy andengages in centralized prescription processing at the request of an originating pharmacy.
(b)"Centralized prescription processing" is the term defined in section 17753(3) of the code.
(c) "Code" means the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.1101et 333.25211.
(d) "Deliver," as used in this part, means the actual, constructive, or attempted transfer ofto issuea prescription drug, including a controlled substance, directly to a patient or a patient's agent by the lawful order of a practitioner. Acentralized prescriptioncentral fillprocessing centerpharmacy that provides a prescription product to another pharmacy for subsequent issuance to a patient or a patient's agent has not met the definition of deliver as defined in thissubrulesubdivision.
(e) "Delivering pharmacist" means a pharmacist who is responsible for delivering a prescription directly to a patient or a patient's agent.
(f) "Delivering pharmacy" means the pharmacy that delivers the filled or refilled prescription to the patient or the patient'sauthorized representativeagent. The delivering pharmacyshallmust be either the originating pharmacy or thecentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacy.
(g) “Department” means the department of licensing and regulatory affairs (LARA).
(g)(h) "Originating pharmacy" means a pharmacy that initially receives a patient's or a prescribing practitioner's request to fill or refill a prescription.
(2) Unless otherwise defined in these rules, aThetermsterm defined in the codehavehas the samemeaningsmeaningwhenif used in these rules.
R 338.3052Centralized prescription processingCentral fill pharmacies rules; prevail
over other pharmacy rules.
Rule 2.ToIn addition to these rules, central fill pharmacies must follow all applicable board rules. However, to the extent thatany rule in parts 1 and 2 ofthe centralized prescription processingthese rulesconflictsconflict with other boardof pharmacyrules, the provisions inparts 1 and 2 of the centralized prescription processingthese rulesshallmust prevail.
R 338.3053 Centralized prescription processing; requirements.
Rule 3. (1) In addition to complying with the requirements of section 17753 of the code, MCL 333.17753, a pharmacy must meet all of the following requirements before it either performsmay performcentralized prescription processingservicesoroutsourceoutsourcesthese servicescentralized prescription processing to another pharmacy:. Pharmacies that perform or outsource prescription processing services shall meet all of the following requirements:
(a)Be licensed by the Michigan board of pharmacyHold a pharmacy license in this state.
(b) Share sufficient patient and drug information to minimize the possibility of an adverse drug event.
(c) Maintain prescription information or an
equivalent record, as prescribed in section 17752(1) of the code, and
the records required in R 338.3054 of this part, for 5 years from
the date of dispensing. A centralized prescription processing center and
an original pharmacy The pharmacy shall ensure that the informationrecords
isare readily retrievable within 48 hours after the board's
agent department makes a request for the informationrecords.
If the records are maintained in a digital format, a printed copy shallmust
be made available to the department or other authorized individualimmediately
to the board's agent upon request.
(d) The originating pharmacy shall maintain the original prescription for a period of 5 years after the date the prescription was filled.
(2) After 2 years, the originating pharmacy may make an electronic duplicate of the original paper prescription, which becomes the original prescription. The originating pharmacy shall present a printed copy of the electronic duplicate of the prescription to the department or board upon request.
(2)(3) A pharmacy engaging in centralized prescription
processing shall beis responsible for each function of the prescription's
processing performed by that pharmacy.
(3)(4) A delivering pharmacistshall beis responsible for complying withR 338.490(4)R 338.589(4) regarding patient counseling.
(4)(5) The prescription label for a prescription that was filled by acentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacyshallmust identify each pharmacy that was involved inpreparingdispensing and deliveringathe prescription. Acentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacy may be identified on a prescription label by use of a unique identifier that is recognized by the delivering pharmacist. As used in this subrule, "unique identifier" means a unique combination of letters, numbers, or symbols that allows the delivering pharmacy to identify the specificcentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacy involved in the processing of the prescription. Acentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacy shall create and maintain a unique identifier andshallcommunicate the unique identifier to all pharmacies that use its services.
(5)(6) A prescription that was not delivered to a patient may be transferred back to the pharmacy that filled the prescription,provided thatif the transfer records are maintained. Acentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacy and an originating pharmacy shall establish procedures for the disposition of prescription medication that was not delivered to patients. This medication may be returned to stock and may bere-deliveredre-dispensed without constituting a violation of R338.472(1)338.503(1).
(6)(7) A pharmacy that performs or contracts for centralized prescription processingservicesshall comply with the procedures described in its policies and procedures manual,as provided inpursuant to section 17753(2) of the code, MCL 333.17753.
R 338.3054 Records maintenance; requirements for centralized prescription processing
central fill pharmacies.
Rule 4. (1) An originating pharmacy shall maintain records that indicate all of the following:
(a) The date the request for centralized prescription processingserviceswas transmitted to acentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacy.
(b) The method of transmittal.
(c) The identification of the pharmacist responsible for the transmission.
(d) The name and address of thecentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacyto whichwhere the request for centralized prescription processingserviceswas transmitted.
(e) The date the delivering pharmacy received the filled prescription from thecentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacy.
(f) The name of the pharmacy employee who accepted thedeliverytransfer of a filled prescription from acentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacy.
(g) The identification of the pharmacist who was responsible for delivering the prescription to the patient or the patient's agent.
(2) Acentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacy that receives the transmitted prescription shall maintain records that indicate all of the following, as applicable to its function:
(a) The date the request for centralized prescription processing services was received from the originating pharmacy.
(b) The name and address of the originating pharmacyfrom whichwhere the request for centralized prescription processingserviceswas received.
(c) The date the prescription was processed, verified, or filled.
(d) The identification ofanythepharmacistpharmacists whowaswere responsible for processing the prescription and shippingathe filled prescription to an originating pharmacy or deliveringathe filled prescription to a patient or a patient's agent.
(e) The date the filled prescription was shipped to the originating pharmacy or was shipped or delivered to the patient or the patient's agent.
(f)If shipped, theThe name and address of the patient to whom the filled prescription was shipped, if shipped.
(g) The method of delivery, such as private, common, or contract carrier, if shipped.
(3) If a prescription was not delivered to a patient and was transferred back to the pharmacy that filled the prescription, that pharmacy shall maintain the transfer records.
R 338.3055 Schedule 2, 3, 4, or 5 controlled substances prescriptions; requirements for
centralized prescription processingcentral fill pharmacies.
Rule 5. (1) In addition to complying with the requirements ofPartpart 1 of these rules, a pharmacy that performs or contracts for centralized prescription processingservicesshall comply with this rulewhenif processing a prescription for a schedule 2, 3, 4, or 5 controlled substance.
(2) Prescriptions for controlled substances may be transmitted electronically, including by facsimile, from an originating pharmacy to acentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacy.
(3) An originating pharmacy that transmits prescription information for a controlled substance to acentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacy shall comply with all of the following:
(a) Ensure that the words "CENTRAL FILL" are on the face of the original prescription and the originating pharmacy shall record all of the following information:
(i)theThe name, address, and thefederal drug enforcement administration (dea)Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) registration number of thecentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacyto whichwhere the prescriptionhad beenwas transmitted;.
(ii)theThe name of the pharmacist at the originating pharmacy who transmitted the prescription;.
(iii)and, theThe date of transmittal.
(b) Ensure thatallthe information that is requiredto beon a prescriptionpursuant tounderthe provisions of21 CFRC.F.R. §section 1306.05 and R 338.3161 is transmitted to thecentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacy, either on the face of the original prescription or in the electronic transmission of the prescriptioninformation.
(c)IndicateInclude all of the following in the prescriptioninformation that is transmitted,:
(i)theThe number of refills already dispensed.
(ii)and theThe number of refills remaining.
(d) Maintain the original prescription for a period of 5 years from the date the prescription was filled.
(4) After 2 years, the originating pharmacy may make an electronic duplicate of the original printed prescription, which becomes the original prescription. A pharmacy shall present a printed copy of the electronic duplicate of the prescription to the department or board upon request.
(4)(5) In addition to complying with the requirements in R338.3053338.3054(2)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g), acentralized prescription processing centercentral fill pharmacy that receives the transmitted prescription shall comply withbothall of the following:
(a) Maintain records for 5 years after the date of transmittal.
(b)KeepMaintain a copy of the prescription if it was sent via facsimile or an electronic record of all the information transmitted by the originating pharmacy, including the name, address, anddeaDEA registration number of the originating pharmacy that transmitted the prescription.
(c) Maintain a record of the date the filled prescription was dispensed and the method of dispensing.
R 338.3056 Reporting to the electronic system for monitoring controlled substances.
Rule 6. As used in this part, the pharmacy that uses its stock to fill a prescription for a controlled substanceshall beis the pharmacy responsible to report to the department or the department's contractor the information required in R 338.3162b for each controlled substance prescriptionof a controlled substance.