Filed with the secretary of state on
These rules take effect immediately upon filing with the secretary of state unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(6) of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a.  Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the secretary of state.
(By authority conferred on the director of the department of   commerce   insurance and financial services by section 22 of the debt management act, 1975 PA 148, MCL of Act No. 148 of the Public Acts of 1975,   being   S451.432   of the Michigan Compiled Laws)
R 451.1229, R 451.1231, R 451.1232, and R 451.1244 of the Michigan Administrative Code are rescinded, and R 451.1221, R 451.1222, R 451.1223, R 451.1225, R 451.1226, R 451.1227, R 451.1228, R 451.1233, R 451.1234, R 451.1235, R 451.1236, R 451.1237, R 451.1238, R 451.1239, R 451.1240, R 451.1241, R 451.1242, R 451.1243, and R 451.1245 are amended, as follows:
R  451.1221   Definitions.
  Rule 1. As used in these rules:
  (a) "Act" means the debt management act, 1975 PA 148, MCL 451.411 to 451.437. Act No. 148 of the Public Acts of 1975, being S451.411 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws, known as the debt management act.
  (b) “Certified counselor” means that term as defined in section 2(b) of the act, MCL 451.412. 
  (c) “Department” means the department of insurance and financial services.
  (bd) "Firm" means a debt management licensee or exempt person.
  (ce) "Monthly amortizable amount" means the payment made  in  equal  monthly amounts, extinguishing the fees and charges stated in  the   contract,   less the $25.00 $50.00 initial fee. No more than 1 monthly fee may  be   taken   in   any calendar month.
  (d) "Qualified person" means a person who has  successfully  completed  the examination required by section 6(3) of the act.
  (ef) "Rate" means the percentage of a firm's fees or charges in  relation to the debt to be liquidated during the life of the contract.
  (f) "Trainee" means a person who  has  not   successfully   completed   the qualification examination provided by section 6(3) of the act.
R  451.1222   Application  for  license  or    exemption    order;    renewal application.
  Rule 2. (1) The application for license or exemption order  shall  must be   on the form prescribed by the bureau department.
  (2) The application shall  must be accompanied by the  financial  statements   of the applicant for its last fiscal year and as of a date not  more   than   45 days prior to the filing.
  (3) Financial statements, for the purposes of this rule,  shall  must include  a balance sheet and income statement prepared in  accordance   with   generally accepted accounting principles.
  (4) Payment of fees shall  must be made by a check payable to   the   "State   of Michigan."
  (5) The original application shall  must be accompanied by  a  business   history form, 3 affidavits of character, and a fingerprint card  for   each   officer and director of if an association or  corporation,  for  each   partner   if   a partnership, for each member if a limited liability company, and for each proprietor, counselor, and   officer   manager.   A credit report on the firm shall  must also be submitted.
  (6) A firm that has operated without interruption during  the   past   year under a license or exemption order pursuant to section 4(2) of  the  act, MCL 451.414,  may file a renewal application on the form prescribed by the bureau department.
  (7) The application shall  must request a license or exemption  order  for   each location from which the business of debt management is conducted.
  (8) In the event of a change of business form, a new  application  shall  must be filed prior to the effective date  of  the  change.  The  application   shall  must include payment of a new fee as on renewal application.
  (9) The bureau department shall not accept for filing an application   with   a   name that  would  cause  confusion  with  the  name  of  an   existing   form firm  or governmental agency or cause confusion about services to be received  from  a licensee.
R  451.1223   Amended application.
  Rule 3. (1) A proposed change of name of a firm shall  must be  filed  with   the bureau department for approval prior to effecting the change. The   bureau department shall   not accept a name change that would be confusing with the name  of  an   existing firm or governmental agency, or  cause  confusion  about   services   to   be received  from  a  licensee.  An  amended  application   shall  must be    filed contemporaneously with the name change.
  (2) A firm shall file an amended application with the   bureau department within   5 days of the occurrence of any of the following:
  (a) If a firm is a corporation, a change in its officers  or  directors.
  (b) If a firm is a partnership, a change in its members partners.
  (c) If a firm is a sole proprietorship, a change in ownership.
  (d) If a firm is limited liability company, a change in its members.
  (de) Conviction of an officer, director, partner, member, or  sole   proprietor   of the firm of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.
  (ef) Insolvency, filing in bankruptcy, receivership,   or   assignment   for the benefit of creditors of the licensee.
  (3) If a firm transfers its debt management business to  another  office at a different address, its license shall be  deemed  to  apply applies  to   its   new office only if the following requirements are met:
  (a) The bureau department amends its application to reflect the  effective   date   of the transfer.
  (b) The firm ceases to conduct  debt  management  business   at   the   old address on the date indicated, and has notified its clients of the  change of address not less than 5 days prior to the change.
  (c) The surety company has notified the bureau department that  the   bond   furnished pursuant to the act shall apply applies in full force and effect to  the  new  office after the date of the transfer.
  (d) The firm has submitted its  license  certificate  or   order   to   the bureau department for reissuance to cover the new office, and the   license   or   order has been so reissued.
  (4) The firm  shall  promptly  file  an  amended   application   upon   the occurrence of any material event affecting the accuracy  of  the  information contained in the current application.
  (5)  When If the  partnership  agreement  of  a  firm   provides   for    the substitution, withdrawal,  or  addition  of  members  partners of   the   partnership without winding up the partnership business, it shall is not  be  necessary   to obtain  a  new  license  or  exemption  order   because   of   substitutions, withdrawals, or additions  if  evidence  satisfactory  to   the   bureau department is furnished as to the following:
  (a) That the surety bond furnished pursuant to the act  shall  continue  in full force and effect.
  (b) The financial responsibility, experience,  character, and  general fitness of new members partners. The licensee shall furnish   an   executed   business history form, 3 affidavits of character, and a fingerprint  card   for   each new partner.
  (c) That the withdrawal or substitution of new partners  will  not   render the partnership insolvent.
  (d) That at least 2/3 in number and interest of those  who  were   partners when the license was applied for and issued are continuing  as   members  partners of the partnership, or that 1 of the original partners remains  in  a   2-person partnership and a new partner is added simultaneously with  the  departure of original partner.
  (6) A change in the  ownership  of  a  sole   proprietorship   firm   shall operate to  terminates  the  license  and  requires  the  filing   of   a   new application and the issuance of a new license before   continuance   of   the debt management business.
  (7) If the firm seeks to open an additional branch office,  it  shall amend its current application to reflect the address of the additional office and the name of the office manager. The licensee or exempted person shall file the appropriate forms with the bureau department and pay  the statutory fee.
R  451.1225   Bond; cash or securities in lieu of bond. Notice of termination of bond.
  Rule 5. (1) Bond coverage in the penal  amount  of   $5,000.00   for   each office shall be filed with  an  original  or  a   renewal   application.   An extension of an existing bond shall not be acceptable.
  (2) If a surety company gives 30 days' notice of termination  of  a   bond, the firm, if continuing in the debt management business,  shall   furnish   a satisfactory new bond before the expiration of the  30   days.   Failure   to maintain a bond shall be is cause for issuance of a summary suspension order.
  (3) In lieu of bond, the bureau may approve for a  firm   which   maintains net worth of at least $10,000.00 for each licensed or  exempted  office   the following:
  (a) A deposit of cash in a certificate of deposit   or   savings   account, which may be withdrawn only upon order of the bureau.
  (b) A deposit in escrow at a Michigan-based bank  or   savings   and   loan association of securities which have sufficient trading  volume   to   assure immediate liquidity, which securities may only be removed  from  escrow  upon order of the bureau and over which the bureau is given a  stock  power.   The bureau shall assess  a  discount  of  25%  of  the  market   value   of   the securities in determining the appropriate amount of deposit.
  (c) The amount of deposit of cash or securities in lieu of  bond  and   the duration of the deposit shall be determined by, but not be  limited  to,  the following:
  (i) The financial condition of the applicant.
  (ii) The liabilities of the applicant.
  (iii) The number of debtors assisted by the applicant.
  (iv) The current asset position of the applicant.
  (v) The existence of appropriate fidelity bond.
  (vi) The number of employees of the firm.
R  451.1226   Debt management contract; budget  analysis  format;   creditors agreement form.
  Rule 6. (1) The applicant  shall  file  a  copy  of   its   proposed   debt management contract for debtors at the time of filing  its  application   for review and acceptance by the bureau departmentThe  contract   or   revised   contract shall not be used without bureau review and letter of acceptance.
  (2) The applicant shall file a copy  of  its   proposed   budget   analysis format with the bureau department. This format, as accepted by the  bureau,   shall   be completed for each debtor prior  to  entry  into  any   contract   with   the debtor. The format shall contain not less than the following  information:
  (a) Name and address of the debtor.
  (b) Marital status and number of dependents.
  (c) All wages, salary, and other income, as well as  the  source   thereof, which shall include, but not be limited to,  aid   to   dependent   children, food stamps, welfare, or child support.
  (d) Number of exemptions claimed for federal income tax withholding.
  (e) Payroll deductions and net take-home pay.
  (f) If the debtor is the owner of  a  home,  any   encumbrance,   tax   not included in monthly payment, and monthly payment on the home;  if  a  tenant, monthly rent.
  (g) Amount and kind of other fixed periodic payments.
  (h) Complete list of living  expenses  for   food,   clothing,   utilities, auto, insurance, and other expenses.
  (i) List of creditors, showing accounts to be adjusted and accounts  not to be adjusted.
  (j) Information on any existing garnishments and judgments.
  (k) Periodic amount available for payment toward the plan.
  (3) A true copy of the budget analysis shall  must be provided  to  each   debtor before a contract is signed.
  (4) The applicant shall file a copy of its  proposed  creditor's  agreement form with the bureau department. This form shall be accepted as to form  and  content by the bureau prior to use.
R  451.1227   Books and records.
  Rule 7. The firm shall make and keep current  the   following   books   and records relating to its business:
  (a) Journals or other records of original entry  containing   an   itemized daily record of all payments and receipts for, or on behalf  of,  debtors  of the firm, all receipts and disbursements of cash, and all  other  debits and credits.
  (b) Ledgers or other records reflecting all  assets,  liabilities,  income, expense, and capital accounts.
  (c) Ledger accounts or other records, itemizing separately   as   to   each debtor  all  receipts  from  the  debtor,  payments  to   the    firm,    and disbursements on behalf  of  the  debtor,   the   creditor's   representative contacted, the response obtained or whether  there  has   been   a   response within 14 days after the mailing of the creditor consent form, any revised or special conditions or arrangements conditioning the  consent,  and  the  date at which the required consents were secured. The  record  shall  also contain a certification by an officer, partner, sole proprietor,  or  office  manager that consents required by section  13(1)  of  the  act  have  been obtained,  the   date   that    the    requirement     was     satisfied,     and     an identification of the creditors constituting the acceptance base.
  (d) A complaint file containing copies of all written  complaints  made  to the firm by debtors.
  (e) Personnel files  for  all  employees,  listing   name,   current   home address, home phone number, social security number, and a   record   of   all compensation.
R  451.1228   Financial reports; audit.
  Rule 8. (1) Each firm shall submit a detailed balance  sheet   and   income statement within 4 months after the end of its fiscal year.  The  bureau  may modify or waive the income statement requirement. These  statements,  if  not pursuant to audit, shall be certified as to  correctness   by   an   officer, partner, or proprietor of the firm. If the firm is a  sole  proprietorship  a personal balance sheet of the proprietor shall be submitted with,  and  as of the same date as, the balance sheet of the firm.
  (2) (1) The bureau department may at any time require the filing of  special  financial or other operational reports if it finds that  such  filing  is  in  the  public interest and for the protection of debtors.
  (3) (2) If a firm services more than 100 debtors, an audit shall be is required of the firm annually. The audit shall  must be  done  pursuant  to  an  approved audit plan submitted by an independent  accountant  and  accepted  by the  bureau department in writing.
R  451.1229   Incomplete applications. Rescinded.
  Rule 9.  If  an  applicant  fails  to  complete,  or,   if   an   applicant withdraws, an application within 6 months from the  date   of   filing,   the administrator may summarily deny the application  as   an   inactive   filing without prejudice to reapplication.
R  451.1231   Qualifications of  applicant; examination; trainees; fee; terms of qualified person; termination of employment. Rescinded.
  Rule 11. (1) An  applicant  for  a  license or   exemption order shall demonstrate education or experience sufficient to provide understanding of laws governing debtor-creditor relationships,  business   transactions,   the debt management act,  the  rules  promulgated  pursuant thereto, and   an understanding of accounting procedures by the successful  completion  of   an examination administered by the bureau or its designee.
  (2) Each officer, partner, or proprietor of an   applicant,   each   person serving in a managerial capacity involving counseling,  and  each  individual counselor  to  be  employed  by  an  applicant  shall  take   and   pass   an examination administered by the bureau or its designee  pursuant  to  section 6(e) of the act.
  (3) Trainees may not serve as office managers, and shall   be   under   the complete supervision of  a  person  who  has   successfully   completed   the examination or a person exempted by section 7 of the act.
  (4) All persons not exempted from the examination provisions  of  the   act pursuant to section 7 shall  successfully  complete   the   examination   not later than January 1, 1978.
  (5)  A  nonrefundable  fee  of  $25.00  shall  be   assessed    for    each examination.
  (6) A qualified person may be transferred from one firm  to   another,   if both of the following apply:
  (a) Prior to transfer, the qualified person   terminates   the   employment with the original firm, and that firm and the  person  file   a   notice   of termination on the form prescribed by the bureau.
  (b) The new firm and the person transferring file a notice of employment on the form prescribed by the bureau.
  (7) A firm or person shall not refuse to sign a   termination   form   when requested.
  (8) If a qualified person's employment is terminated,  the  employing  firm and the person shall file a notice of termination on the  form  prescribed by the bureau within 7 days of the termination.
  (9) If a qualified person has not been employed by a firm for  the  past 12  months,  that  person   must   retake   and   successfully   complete    the examination prior  to  conducting  a  scheduling,   counseling,   or   budget analysis function, except as a trainee under the direct  supervision   of   a qualified person.
R  451.1232   Change in business form not requiring examination. Rescinded.
  Rule 12. A person exempt from the  examination   requirement   of   section 6(3) of the act by section 7 of the act shall not be required to  complete an examination because of a change in the business form  of  the  firm if there is no interruption of the services provided by the firm.
R  451.1233   Renewal applications.
  Rule 13. Renewal applications shall  must be  filed  at with  the   central   bureau office department by December 1 of each year. Failure to file by that date may will result in summary suspension until the application is received the expiration of the license or order.
R  451.1234   Dishonest or unethical business conduct.
  Rule 14. Dishonest or unethical business conduct, as provided in section 9 of the act, MCL 451.419, includes, but is not limited to, the following:
  (a)  Failure  to  promptly  refund  a  debtor's    money    upon    written cancellation of a contract.
  (b) Borrowing money from a debtor.
  (c) Giving preference to creditors for the convenience or benefit of  the firm rather than the primary benefit of the debtor.
  (d) Receiving money from the debtor, except as provided  in  the contract with the debtor, which contract has been accepted as to form  and  content by the bureau department.
  (e) Failing to promptly record on the books of the  firm  any   transaction involving funds of the debtor.
  (f) Paying funds of a debtor to a fictitious creditor.
  (g) Accepting a rebate, kickback, or other remuneration for payment  of  a debtor's obligations, except under a plan approved by the  bureau department and  fully disclosed to the debtor.
  (h) Using debtors' funds as compensating balances for loans.
  (i) Making erasures or changes on the portion of the client  account  card used for recording payments received from the debtor, on  checks  issued   to creditors, on fees taken, or on the dates of such entries. If a correction is needed, the error shall  must have 1 line drawn through it and  be  initialed by  a 
qualified person an individual authorized by the licensee who did not  make  the  correction  or  change.  All entries should must be made with ink, shall be typewritten, or  shall  be  made  by  other machine entry.
R  451.1235   Posting statutory  provision,  address,   and   phone   number; filing fee schedule and amendments thereto.
  Rule 15. (1) The firm shall prominently post at all offices,  in  not  less than 8-point type, each business location and website the provisions of sections 13(1), 14(1), and  18  13(1) and (2), 14(1), and 18 of   the act, MCL 451.423, 451.424, and 451.328, as well as the address and phone number of the bureau department.
  (2) The firm shall annually file with the bureau department its fee  schedule   or   a schedule of its range of fees, and shall file amendments to that  schedule  5 days prior to any change in fees charged to the debtor.
R  451.1236   Employment qualifications.
  Rule 16. Except as approved by the administrator, a A firm shall not knowingly employ as an office manager or counselor a person, except as  approved by the administrator, as an office manager or counselor who has done any of the following:
  (a) Been convicted of a crime involving  moral   turpitude,   which   shall includes forgery, embezzlement,  obtaining  money   under   false   pretenses, larceny, extortion, conspiracy to defraud, or any other like offense.
  (b) Violated or failed to comply with a provision of the act, or a  rule or order promulgated or issued pursuant to the act.
  (c) Had a license to engage in the business of debt  management  revoked or suspended in this state or another  state   for   any   reason   other   than failure to pay licensing fees.
  (d) Defaulted in the payment of money collected   for   others,   including the discharge of debts, because of bankruptcy   proceedings.   The   director of the department may, at his or her discretion, waive this restriction if provided  with  evidence of justifiable cause for the  bankruptcy,  plus  convincing  evidence   of   the fitness of the bankrupt party to carry out his or her  functions  under   the act.
R  451.1237   Procedures;   review;   verification    of     receipts     and disbursements.
  Rule 17. (1) Each firm shall prepare and maintain a  manual  detailing  the procedures for compliance with the act.
  (2) Each qualified person certified counselor or trainee of the firm shall  be  provided   with the manual.
  (3) An officer, partner, or sole  proprietor,  or  a   person   under   the direct supervision of such a person, shall review the  following   at   least quarterly:
  (a) Debtors' accounts.
  (b) Checks paid by the firm.
  (c) Procedures for handling cash and checks of the firm.
  (d) The firm complaint file.
  (e) Selected creditor accounts to verify payment.
  (f) Selected counselor records and work  papers  of   each   counselor   to verify the accuracy of counselor guidance to the debtor.
  (4) At least annually, the firm  or  its  accountant   shall   verify   the receipts and disbursements with the debtor.
R  451.1238   License.
  Rule 18. (1) A license shall  must be issued for each main  office   and   branch office rendering debt management service.
  (2) Whenever a licensee or exempt person discontinues   the   business   of debt management, whether totally or at a specific   location,   the   license certificate, or exemption order, shall  must be mailed to  the   bureau's   central office department within 5 days. An explanation of the reason  for   discontinuance,   a statement of any amounts remaining in the client trust   account,   and   the plan  and  timetable  for  disbursement  shall  must accompany    the    license certificate, or exemption order,  unless  all   accounts   are   transferred, without interruption in service, to another of the firm's branches.
  (3) A license shall  must not be terminated for a firm unless it  is  revoked  or unless all payments due creditors or  debtors  have  been   made,   and   the bureau department issues an order terminating the license.
R  451.1239   Budget analysis.
  Rule 19. (1) A copy of the budget analysis  shall  must be   retained   in   the debtor's file for a period of 6 years after the last transaction.
  (2) The budget analysis shall  must be signed by a  qualified   person  certified counselor of   the firm who participated in the preparation of the analysis.
R  451.1240   Certification of compliance.
  Rule 20. (1) Every contract between a licensee or   exempted   person   and the debtor shall be signed by both parties, and the   debtor's   copy   shall also be manually executed. The copy retained by the  licensee   or   exempted person shall be kept in the debtor's file for 6 years after   the   date   of the last transaction.
  (2) Every contract shall specify in detail  the  amount   and   method   of taking any fees or charges which the debtor shall be  assessed   during   the life of the contract.
  (31) Every contract shall  must set  forth,  in  bold  type,   the   set-up   and cancellation fee provisions and amounts, and advise the prospective client to note these carefully before signing the contract.
  (42) The bureau department may approve the accumulation of debtor's funds in payment of obligations which are required to be paid  in  large  lump  sums,   such   as income and property taxes, insurance premiums,  and   house   payments.   All such accumulations, however, shall  must be designated for   a   specific   purpose and shall  must not be used to pay for fees and charges, including  the  close  out fee of the firm.
R  451.1241   Reconciliation.
  Rule 21. (1) The trust account reconciliation  shall  must contain   provisions for recording and identifying the balance in each   debtor's   account,   the balance from the bank statement, the  check  number  and   amount   of   each outstanding check, the date and amount of deposits not yet  credited  by  the bank, the reconciled bank balance, the balance from the  checkbook,   and   a detailed breakdown of any differences.
  (2) Remedial action, as provided in section 15(45) of the  act, MCL 451.425,  shall  must be either an immediate replacement of funds, or  an   immediate   cessation   of business until sufficient funds are placed in the account.
R  451.1242   Receipt; statement Statement of disbursements.
  Rule 22. (1) A receipt, as provided in section 16(c) of  the   act,   shall not be required for payments by check or money order made  payable   to   the firm.
  (2) The statement prepared in compliance with section 16(1)(e)  of   the   act, MCL 451.426, shall  must be prepared as of a date no earlier than the date of  the  first   full distribution to creditors under the contract.
R  451.1243   Separate remuneration prohibition; waiver  or  modification.
  Rule 23. All  requests  for  waiver  or  modification   of   the   separate remuneration prohibition of section 19(h) of the  act, MCL 451.429,  shall  must be   made   in writing to the central office of the bureau department, setting forth  in   detail   the need for such waiver or modification; the persons or  entities   from   which the benefit will be solicited or  sought;  the  amount   or   percentage   of contribution solicited from donors in  the  capacity  of   creditor   for   a debtor; any relationship, affiliation, or connection creating  an  actual  or potential conflict of interest  between  the  parties   involved;   and   any reciprocal arrangements made or to be made. The bureau department shall   examine   the proposal promptly and shall,  within  15  days,  notify   the   licensee   or exempted person of its  decision,  or  of  the   necessity   for   additional information. All such decisions shall  must be in writing  and   shall  must give   the effective date of the declaratory ruling.
R  451.1244   Advertising. Rescinded.
  Rule 24. (1) Tombstone advertisements which contain  only  the  information provided below shall be exempt from the filing provisions of section 20(1) of the act, unless the bureau, by order, revokes the  exemption  as  to  a  firm or individual:
  (a) Name of the firm.
  (b) Address.
  (c) Phone number.
  (d) Brief description of the service.
  (e) Name of the officer, partner, sole proprietor, or  office  manager,  if desired.
  (f) Logotype or similar symbol, if desired.
  (2) Advertisements filed pursuant to section 20(1) of the  act   shall   be filed in duplicate.
  (3) The following items include, but are not limited  to,   actions   which constitute false, misleading, or deceptive advertising:
  (a) Failure to clearly identify the firm in all advertising.
  (b) Publication or dissemination of advertising which confuses, or tends to confuse, the public as to the actual identity of the firm or  service  to  be performed.
  (c)  Statement  guaranteeing,  or  otherwise   stating    or    excessively implying, the success of a  debt  management  program   for   a   prospective client.
  (d) Representation that services are offered at a reduction from  normal or competitive fees, if the statement is not true.
  (e) Representation that the fees or charges are otherwise   than   in   the contract and fee schedules on file with the bureau.
  (f) Representation that services offered to the  prospective   client   are other than debt management services.
  (g) Representation that the firm is sponsored, endorsed,  or  approved   by any organization or governmental agency when, in fact, a written  document to that effect, acceptable to the bureau, is not on file with the  bureau.
R  451.1245   Charges for other services.
  Rule 25. (1) A firm or affiliate thereof shall not charge  a   debtor   for any services or goods, or make other charges, unless the  firm  or  affiliate has filed with the bureau department a plan setting forth the basis  of   charges,   and the bureau department has determined that such charges in the future do not result in an excessive fee in violation of section 18 of the act, MCL 451.428.
  (2) If a firm or  affiliate  thereof  proposes  to  alter   its   plan   of charges, the amended plan shall  must be filed  with  the   bureau department and   approved prior to use.