Filed with the secretary of state on


These rules take effect immediately upon filing with the secretary of state unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(6) of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a.  Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the secretary of state.


(By authority conferred on the director of the department of licensing and regulatory affairs by sections 16145, 16148, and 16811 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.16145, 333.16148, 333.16801, and 333.16811, and Executive Reorganization Order Nos. 1991-9, 1996-2, 2003-1 and 2011-4, MCL 338.3501, 445.2001, 445.2011, and 445.2030)

R 338.1, R 338.1a, R 338.2, R 338.3, R 338.4, R 338.5, R 338.6, R 338.7, R 338.8, R 338.9, R 338.10, R 338.11, and R 338.12 of the Michigan Administrative Code are amended, as follows:




R 338.1  Definitions.

  Rule 1.  (1)  As used in these rules:

    (a)  "Board" means the Michigan board of audiology created under section 16805 of the code, MCL 333.16805.

    (b)  "Code" means the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.1101 to 333.25211, 333.25211. also known as the public health code.

    (c)  "Department" means the department of licensing and regulatory affairs.

    (d)  "Endorsement" means the acknowledgement that the licensing criteria in 1 jurisdiction is substantially equivalent to the criteria established and described in section 16186 of the code, MCL 333.16186.

  (2)  Except as otherwise defined in these rules, the terms A term defined in the code have has the same meaning when used in these rules.



R 338.1a  Training standards for identifying victims of human trafficking; requirements.

  Rule 1a.  (1)  Pursuant to Under section 16148 of the code, MCL 333.16148, an individual licensed or seeking licensure shall complete training in identifying victims of human trafficking that meets satisfies the following standards:

    (a)  Training content shall must cover all of the following:

      (i)  Understanding the types and venues of human trafficking in Michigan or the United States.

      (ii)  Identifying victims of human trafficking in health care settings.

      (iii)  Identifying the warning signs of human trafficking in health care settings for adults and minors.

      (iv)  Resources for reporting the suspected victims of human trafficking.

    (b)  Acceptable providers or methods of training include any of the following:

      (i)  Training offered by a nationally recognized or state-recognized, health-related organization.

      (ii) Training offered by, or in conjunction with, a state or federal agency.

      (iii)  Training obtained in an educational program that has been approved by the board for initial licensure, or by a college or university.

      (iv)  Reading an article related to the identification of victims of human trafficking that meets satisfies the requirements of subrule (1)(a) of this rule and is published in a peer review journal, health care journal, or professional or scientific journal.

    (c)  Acceptable modalities of training may include any of the following:

      (i)  Teleconference or webinar.

      (ii)  Online presentation.

      (iii)  Live presentation.

      (iv)  Printed or electronic media.

  (2)  The department may select and audit a sample of individuals and request documentation of proof of completion of training.   If audited by the department, an individual shall provide an acceptable proof of completion of training, including either of the following:

    (a)  Proof of completion certificate issued by the training provider that includes the date, provider name, name of training, and individual’s name.  

    (b)  A self-certification statement by an individual.  The certification statement shall must include the individual’s name and either of the following:

      (i)  For training completed pursuant to under subrule (1)(b)(i) to (iii) of this rule, the date, training provider name, and name of training.

      (ii)  For training completed pursuant to under subrule (1)(b)(iv) of this rule, the title of article, author, publication name of peer review journal, health care journal, or professional or scientific journal, and date, volume, and issue of publication, as applicable.

  (3)  Pursuant to Under section 16148 of the code, MCL 333.16148, the requirements specified in subrule (1) of this rule apply for license renewals beginning with the 2017 renewal cycle and for initial licenses issued after April 22, 2021.



R 338.2  Application for audiologist license; requirements.

  Rule 2.  (1)  An applicant for an audiologist license, in addition to meeting satisfying the requirements of the code and the administrative rules promulgated under the code, shall comply with satisfy all of the following requirements:

    (a)  Submit a completed application on a form provided by the department, together with the requisite fee.

    (b)  Possess a master's or doctoral degree in audiology from an accredited educational program that is acceptable to the board under R 338.8.

    (c)  Successfully completed a minimum of 9 months of supervised clinical experience in audiology as demonstrated shown by 1 of the following: following requirements:

      (i)  For an applicant who possesses a doctor of audiology (Au.D.) degree, submission of an official transcript that indicates the awarding of a doctor of audiology (Au.D.) degree from an accredited educational institution that is acceptable to the board under R 338.8.

      (ii)  For an applicant who possesses has either a doctoral or master's degree in audiology, submission of a certification of clinical experience form that indicates that the applicant completed the required supervised clinical experience.

    (d)  Successfully completed an examination in audiology under R 338.7.

  (2)  If an applicant for an audiologist license submits either certification of clinical   competence in audiology a Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology (CCC-A) from the American speech-language-hearing association Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) or board certification in audiology by an American Board of Audiology Certified credential from the American board of audiology Board of Audiology (ABA) that has been held up to September 1, 1995, then it is presumed that the applicant meets satisfies the requirements of subdivisions (b), (c), and (d) of subrule (1) of this rule.



R 338.3  Licensure by endorsement; audiologist.

  Rule 3.  (1)  An applicant for an audiologist license by endorsement shall submit a completed application on a form provided by the department, together with the requisite fee.  In addition to meeting satisfying the requirements of the code and the administrative rules promulgated under the code, an applicant shall satisfy the requirements of this rule.

  (2)  If an applicant was registered or licensed as an audiologist in another state with substantially equivalent requirements and holds a current and unencumbered registration or license as a an audiologist in that state, then it is presumed that the applicant meets satisfies the requirements of section 16811(1)(a) or (b), and (2) or (3) of the code, MCL 333.16811(1)(a) or (b), and (2) or (3).

  (3)  If an applicant does not meet satisfy the requirements of subrule (2) of this rule, then the applicant shall meet satisfy all of the following, following requirements, in addition to meeting satisfying the requirements of the code:

    (a)  Possess a master's or doctoral degree in audiology from an accredited educational program that is acceptable to the board under R 338.8.

    (b)  Have successfully completed a minimum of 9 months of supervised clinical experience in audiology.

    (c)  Have successfully completed an examination in audiology under R 338.7.

    (d)  Verify that the registration or license from the other jurisdiction located found in another state or territory of the United States, whether current or expired, is in good standing.

    (e)  In place of subdivisions (a), (b) and (c) of this subrule, submit certification of clinical competence in audiology a Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology (CCC-A) from the American speech-language-hearing association (ASHA) ASHA or board certification in audiology by an American Board of Audiology Certified credential from the American board of audiology (ABA). ABA.

R 338.4  Supervised clinical experience; limited license requirements.
  Rules 4.  (1)  An applicant for an  audiology license who has earned a master's or doctoral degree in audiology but who still must complete the required 9 months of supervised clinical experience in audiology shall must submit a completed application for a limited license on a form provided by the department, together with the requisite fee.  In addition to meeting satisfying other requirements of the code and administrative rules, an applicant for a limited license shall establish both of the following: following requirements:
    (a)  That the applicant is a graduate of an accredited educational program in audiology, as described in R 338.8.
    (b)  That the applicant has been accepted for training in a clinical situation under the supervision of an individual who is licensed in audiology in this state or who holds a current certification of clinical competence Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology (CCC-A) from the American speech-language-hearing  association (asha) ASHA or board certification in audiology by an American Board of Audiology Certified credential from the American board  of audiology (aba). ABA.
  (2)  The applicant shall complete 9 months of clinical supervised experience (1,080 clock hours) or the equivalent of 9 months of experience after having graduated from an accredited master's degree program in audiology, as described in R 338.8.  Both of the following requirements shall apply:
    (a)  The experience shall be is subject to R 338.5.
    (b)  Only experience obtained in an approved supervised clinical situation by an individual who holds a limited license shall count counts toward the experience requirement.
  (3)  If an applicant transfers to a different supervised clinical situation, then he or she shall notify the department by submitting information about the new supervised clinical situation on a form provided by the department.


R 338.5  Clinical experience requirements.

  Rule 5.  (1)  The 9 months of supervised clinical experience required for licensure in R 338.2 (1)(c), R 338.3 (3)(b), and R 338.4(2) shall comply with must satisfy the following requirements:

    (a)  The experience shall must be obtained under the supervision of a licensed audiologist.

    (b)  The experience shall must be full time, which means at least 30 hours per week, and be obtained within 24 consecutive months.

  (2)  The supervised clinical experience required under subrule (1) of this rule may be fulfilled on a part-time basis and shall comply with must satisfy the following requirements:

    (a)  The experience shall must be obtained under the supervision of a licensed audiologist.

    (b)  The experience shall must be part time, which means at least 15 hours per week, and be obtained within 36 consecutive months.



R 338.6  Foreign trained applicants; licensure requirements.

  Rule 6.  An applicant for an audiologist license who graduated from a postsecondary institution that is located outside of the United States shall establish all of the following: following requirements:

    (a)  That the applicant has completed an educational degree program in audiology that is substantially equivalent to the educational requirements in R 338.2(1)(b) for licensure or R 338.3(3)(a) for licensure by endorsement.  The department shall accept accepts as proof of an applicant's completion of the educational requirements a credential evaluation completed by a credential evaluation organization that is a current member organization of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES).

    (b)  That the applicant is authorized to may practice as an audiologist without limitation in a country currently recognized by the United States.  An applicant shall have his or her license, certification, or registration verified by the licensing agency of any country in which the applicant holds a current license, certification, or registration or has ever held a license, certification, or registration as an audiologist.  If applicable, verification shall must include the record of any disciplinary action taken or pending against the applicant.

    (c)  That the applicant whose audiology educational program was taught in a language other than English demonstrates a working knowledge of the English language.  To demonstrate a working knowledge of the English language, an applicant shall establish that he or she has obtained a total score of not less than 80 on the test of English as a foreign language internet-based test (TOEFL-IBT) administered by the educational testing service and obtained the following section scores:

      (i)  Not less than 18 on the reading section.

      (ii)  Not less than 18 on the listening section.

      (iii)  Not less than 22 on the speaking section.

      (iv)  Not less than 20 on the writing section.

    (d) (c)  That the applicant has completed, in the United States, 9 months of supervised clinical experience under a licensed audiologist, and the supervised clinical experience meets satisfies R 338.5.



R 338.7  Examination; adoption; passing scores.

  Rule 7.  The board approves and adopts the national teacher's examination in audiology Examinations approved and adopted are the National Teachers Examination (NTE) in Audiology or the praxis series II audiology test Praxis Series II Examination in Audiology that is are administered by the educational testing service Educational Testing Service (ETS) or its successor organization.  Applicants shall be are required to achieve a passing score on the national teacher's examination in audiology National Teachers Examination (NTE) in Audiology or the praxis series II test examination in audiology Praxis Series II Examination in Audiology or any successor examination.



R 338.8  Educational standards; adoption by reference.

  Rule 8.  (1)  The board adopts by reference in these rules the standards of either of the following organizations: Educational standards approved and adopted by reference in these rules include the following:

    (a)  The council on academic accreditation in audiology and speech language pathology (caa) Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) for the accreditation of audiology education programs as in the publication entitled "Standards for Accreditation of Graduate Education Programs in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology," August 2017, which is available from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD Maryland 20850 at no cost from the association's website at  A copy of the standards also is available for inspection and distribution at a cost of 10 cents per page from the Board of Audiology, Bureau of Professional Licensing, Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, 611 West Ottawa Street, Lansing, MI Michigan 48909.  Completion Evidence of completion of an accredited audiology education educational program at the level required by the code shall be evidence is proof of completion of an acceptable program. a program acceptable to the department and approved by the board.

    (b)  The accreditation commission for audiology education Accreditation Commission for Audiology Education (ACAE) for the accreditation of doctor of audiology programs as in the publication entitled "Accreditation Standards for the Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) Program", adopted March 2016, which is available at no cost from the Accreditation Commission for Audiology Education, 11480 Commerce Park Dr., Ste. 220, Reston, VA Virginia 20191 or at no cost from the commission's website at  Copies of the standards are available for inspection and distribution at a cost of 10 cents per page from the Board of Audiology, Bureau of Professional Licensing, Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, 611 West Ottawa Street, Lansing, MI Michigan 48909.  Evidence of completion of an accredited audiology educational program is proof of completion of an acceptable program.

  (2)  A higher education institution is considered approved by the board if it is accredited by the accrediting body of the region in which the institution is located and the accrediting body meets satisfies either the recognition standards and criteria of the council for higher education accreditation Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the recognition procedures and criteria of the United States department Department of Educationeducation.  The department in consultation with the board adopts by reference the recognition standards and criteria of the council for higher education accreditation (CHEA), CHEA, effective June 28, 2010, September 24, 2018, and the procedures and criteria for recognizing accrediting agencies of the United States department Department of education Education, effective July 1, 2010, as contained in Title 34, Part 602 of the Code of Federal Regulations, 34 CFR 34 602.10 to 602.38.  Copies of the standards and criteria of the council for higher education accreditation (CHEA) CHEA and the United States department of education are available for inspection and distribution at a cost of 10 cents per page from the Board of Audiology, Bureau of Professional Licensing, Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, 611 West Ottawa, Ottawa Street, P.O. Box 30670, Lansing, MI Michigan 48909.  The CHEA recognition standards also may be obtained from the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20036-1110, or from the council's website at at no cost.  The federal recognition criteria may be obtained from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education, 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006 or from the department's website at at no cost.



R 338.9  Relicensure.

  Rule 9.  (1)  An applicant whose license has lapsed for less than 3 years preceding the date of application for relicensure may be relicensed under section 16201(3) of the code, MCL 333.16201(3), if the applicant satisfies all of the following requirements:

    (a)  Submits the required fee and a completed application on a form provided by the department.

    (b)  Establishes that he or she is of good moral character as defined under sections 1 to 7 of 1974 PA 381, MCL 338.41 to 338.47.

    (c)  Submits proof to the department of accumulating not less than 20 hours of continuing education credit that meets satisfies the requirements of R 338.10 and R 338.11 during the 2 years immediately preceding the application for relicensure.

  (2)  An applicant whose license has lapsed for 3 years or more preceding the date of application for relicensure may be relicensed under section 16201(4) of the code, MCL 333.16201(4), if the applicant satisfies all of the following requirements:

    (a)  Submits the required fee and a completed application on a form provided by the department.

    (b)  Establishes that he or she is of good moral character as defined under sections 1 to 7 of 1974 PA 381, MCL 338.41 to 338.47.

    (c)  Submits fingerprints as required under section 16174(3) of the code, MCL 333.16174(3).

    (d)  Complies with either of the following requirements:

      (i)  Pass an examination required under R 338.7.

      (ii)  Presents evidence proof to the department that he or she was registered or licensed as an audiologist in another state during the 2-year period immediately preceding prior to the application for relicensure.

  (3)  An applicant shall have his or her license, certification, or registration verified by the licensing agency of any state of the United States in which the applicant holds a current license, certification, or registration or has ever held a license, certification, or registration as an audiologist.  If applicable, verification shall must include the record of any disciplinary action taken or pending against the applicant.



R 338.10  License renewal; requirements; applicability.

  Rule 10.  (1)  This rule applies to applications for renewal of an audiology license under sections 16201 and 16811 of the code, MCL 333.16201 and 333.16811.

  (2)  An applicant for license renewal who has been licensed for the 2-year period immediately preceding the expiration date of the license shall accumulate not less than 20 hours of continuing education in activities approved by the board under these rules during the 2 years immediately preceding the application for renewal. end of the license cycle.

  (3)  Submission of an application for renewal shall constitute constitutes the applicant's certification of compliance with the requirements of this rule.  A licensee shall retain documentation of meeting satisfying the requirements of this rule for a period of 4 years from the date of applying for license renewal.  Failure to comply with satisfy this rule is a violation of section 16221(h) of the code, MCL 333.16221(h).



R 338.11  Acceptable continuing education; requirements; limitations.

  Rule 11.  (1)  The 20 hours of continuing education required pursuant to under R 338.10(2) for the renewal of an audiology license shall comply with must satisfy the following: following requirements:

    (a)  For the purpose of this rule, "instruction" means education time, exclusive of coffee breaks; breakfast, luncheon, or dinner periods; or, any other breaks in the program.

    (b)  Not more than 10 hours of continuing education shall may be earned during a 24-hour period.

    (c)  A licensee shall not may not earn credit for a continuing education program or activity that is identical or substantially identical to a program or activity the licensee has already earned credit for during that license cycle.

    (d)  Pursuant to Under section 16204 of the code, MCL 333.16204, at least 1 hour of continuing education shall must be earned in the area of pain and symptom management. Continuing education hours in pain and symptom management may include, but are not limited to, courses in behavior management, behavior modification, stress management, and clinical applications, as they relate to professional practice under sections 16801 to 16811 of the code, MCL 333.16801 to MCL 333.16811.  The requirement specified in this subrule applies to license renewals beginning with the first renewal cycle after the promulgation of this amended rule.

  (2)  The following are board shall consider the following as acceptable continuing education: education activities:




Activity and Proof Required

Number of continuing education hours granted/permitted allowed per activity


Initial presentation of a continuing education program related to the practice of audiology provided to a state, regional, national, or international audiology organization. 


To receive credit, the presentation shall must not be a part of the licensee's regular job description and shall comply with must satisfy the standards in R 338.12.


If audited, the licensee shall submit a copy of the presentation notice or advertisement showing the date of the presentation, the licensee’s name listed as a presenter, and the name of the organization that approved or offered the presentation for continuing education credit.

Three hours of continuing education shall be are granted for each 50 to 60 minutes of presentation. 


No additional other credit shall be is granted for preparation of a presentation. 


A maximum of 9 hours of continuing education are may be earned allowed for this activity in each renewal period. 


Pursuant to Under R 338.11(1)(c), credit for a presentation is shall be granted once per renewal period.


Initial presentation of a scientific exhibit, paper, or clinical demonstration to an audiology organization.


To receive credit, the presentation shall must not be part of the licensee’s regular job description or performed in the normal course of the licensee’s employment.


If audited, the licensee shall submit a copy of the document presented with evidence proof of presentation or a letter from the program sponsor verifying the length and date of the presentation.

Two hours of continuing education shall be are granted for each 50 to 60 minutes of presentation.


No additional other credit shall be is granted for preparation of a presentation.


A maximum of 6 hours of continuing education are may be earned allowed for this activity in each renewal period.


Pursuant to Under R 338.11(1)(c), credit for a presentation is shall be granted once per renewal period.


Passing a postgraduate academic course related to the practice of audiology offered in an educational program approved by the board under R 338.8.


If audited, the licensee shall submit an official transcript documenting successful completion of the course.

Five hours of continuing education areshall be granted for each academic credit hour passed. 


Three hours of continuing education shall be are granted for each academic term or quarter credit hour passed. 


A maximum of 20 hours of continuing education are may be earned allowed for this activity in each renewal period.


Attendance at a continuing education program that has been granted approval approved by the board under R 338.12.

If audited, the licensee shall submit a program description, a copy of a letter or certificate of completion showing the licensee’s name, number of continuing education hours earned, sponsor name or the name of the organization that approved the program or activity for continuing education credit, and the date on which the program was held or activity completed.

One continuing education clock hour isshall be earned granted for each 50 to 60 minutes of program attendance.


A maximum of 20 hours of continuing education are may be earned allowed for this activity in each renewal period.


Attendance at a continuing education program that has been granted approval approved by another state board of audiology.


If audited, the licensee shall submit a program description, a copy of a letter or certificate of completion showing the licensee’s name, number of continuing education hours earned, sponsor name or the name of the organization that approved the program or activity for continuing education credit, and the date on which the program was held or activity completed.

One continuing education clock hour shall be earned is granted for each 50 to 60 minutes of program attendance.


A maximum of 20 hours of continuing education are may be earned allowed for this activity in each renewal period.


Initial publication of an article related to the practice of audiology in a non-peer reviewed journal or newsletter.


If audited, the licensee shall submit a copy of the publication that identifies the licensee as the author or a publication acceptance letter.

One hour of continuing education shall be is granted for each article.  A maximum of 5 hours of continuing education may be earned for this activity in each renewal period.


A maximum of 5 hours of continuing education are allowed for this activity in each renewal period.


Pursuant to Under R 338.11(1)(c), credit for publication shall be is granted once per renewal period.


Initial publication of a chapter related to the practice of audiology in either of the following:


A professional or health care textbook.

A peer-reviewed journal.


If audited, the licensee shall submit a copy of the publication that identifies the licensee as the author or a publication acceptance letter.

Five hours of continuing education shall be are granted for serving as the primary author.


Two hours of continuing education shall be are granted for serving as the secondary author.


Pursuant to Under R 338.11(1)(c), credit for publication shall be is granted once per renewal period.


Reading an audiology professional journal and successfully completing an evaluation created for continuing education credit in audiology practice education.


If audited, the licensee shall submit a copy of the publication and the evaluation created for continuing education credit in audiology practice education.

One hour of continuing education shall be is granted for each 50 to 60 minutes of this activity.


A maximum of 5 hours of continuing education aremay be earned allowed for this activity in each renewal period.


Attendance at a program approved by the board of medicine for continuing education by the board of medicine or the board of osteopathic medicine related to audiology practice.


If audited, the licensee shall submit a program description, a copy of a letter or certificate of completion showing the licensee’s name, number of continuing education hours earned, sponsor name or the name of the organization that approved the program or activity for continuing education credit, and the date on which the program was held or activity completed.

One continuing education clock hour shall be earned is granted for each 50 to 60 minutes of program attendance.


A maximum of 5 hours of continuing education are may be earned allowed for this activity in each renewal period.


Participating on a state or national committee, board, council, or association related to the field of audiology.  A committee, board, council, or association is considered acceptable by the board if it enhances must enhance the participant’s knowledge and understanding of the field of audiology.


If audited, the licensee shall submit documentation verifying the licensee’s participation in at least 50% of the regularly scheduled meetings of the committee, board, council, or association.

Two hours of continuing education shall be are granted for each committee, board, council, or association.


A maximum of 2 hours of continuing education are may be earned allowed for this activity in each renewal period.




R 338.12  Continuing audiology education programs; methods of approval.

  Rule 12.  (1)  Approved and adopted by reference are The board approves and adopts by reference in these rules the standards of the American speech-language-hearing association continuing education board Speech-Language-Hearing Association Continuing Education Board (ASHA-CEB) for approved continuing education providers in the document entitled “American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Continuing Education Board Manual,August 2015, February 2019, which is available at no cost from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, ASHA, 2200 Research Boulevard, Rockville, MD Maryland 20850-3289 or from the association's website at  A copy of the guidelines also is available for inspection and distribution at a cost of 10 cents per page from the Michigan Board of Audiology, Bureau of Professional Licensing, Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, 611 West Ottawa Street, P.O. Box 30670, Lansing, MI  Michigan 48909.

  (2)  Approved and adopted by reference are The board approves and adopts by reference in these rules the standards of the American academy of audiology Academy of Audiology for approved continuing education programs in the document entitled “Continuing Education Algorithm”, “CE Provider Course Application Requirements and Guidelines,” September 2015, November 2018, which is available at no cost from the American Academy of Audiology, 11480 Commerce Park Drive, Suite 220, Reston, VA Virginia 20191 or from the academy’s website at  A copy of the guidelines also is available for inspection and distribution at cost from the Michigan Board of Audiology, Bureau of Professional Licensing, Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, 611 West Ottawa Street, P.O. Box 30670, Lansing, MI Michigan 48909.

  (3)  A course or program may be reviewed and approved by the board or any organization that has been authorized by the board to approve such courses or programs. 

  (4) (3)  The board may review a course or program.  Courses or programs that need to be reviewed and preapproved by the board or its designee shall must submit the following: following requirements:

    (a)  Course content related to current issues in audiology practice.

    (b)  An outline of the course or program provided with time allotted for each section of the program.

    (c)  Documentation of qualifications of presenters.

    (d)  Description of the The method for delivering the course or program. is described.

    (e)  Inclusion of defined Defined measurements of pre-knowledge and post-knowledge or skill improvement. are included.

    (f)  Monitoring of participant Participant attendance at the program or course. is monitored.

    (g)  Records of a course or program are maintained and include the number of participants in attendance, the date of the program, the program's location, the credentials of the presenters, rosters of the individuals who attended, and the continuing education time awarded to each participant.

    (h)  A participant shall must receive a certificate or written evidence proof of attendance at a program that indicates a participant's name, the date of the program, the location of program, the sponsor or program approval number, and the hours of continuing education awarded.