Filed with the secretary of state on


These rules take effect immediately upon filing with the secretary of state unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(6) of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a.  Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the secretary of state.


(By authority conferred on the director of the Michigan Ddepartment of health and Hhuman Sservices by sections 2, 5, 10, and 14 of 1973 PA 116, and the Executive Reorganization Orders No. 1996-1, No. 1996-2, 2003-1 and 2004-4, MCL 722.112, 722.115, 722.120, and 722.124, 330.3101, 445.2001, 445.2011 and 400.226 and Executive Reorganization Order No. 2015-1, MCL 400.227.of the Michigan Compiled Laws)


R 400.4101 and R 400.4159 of the Michigan Administrative Code are amended, as follows:


R 400.4101 Definitions.

   Rule 101. (1) As used in these rules:

   (a) “Accredited college or university” means a college or university recognized by the

United States department of education.

   (b) “Act” means 1973 PA 116, as amended, being §§ MCL 722.111 to 722.128, and

known as the child care organization licensing act.

   (c) “Audit” means a review done by an auditor that conforms with generally

accepted accounting principles.

   (d) "Case record" means the individual file kept by an institution concerning a child

who has been placed at the institution.

   (e) "Chief administrator" means the person designated by the licensee as having the

onsite day-to-day responsibility for the overall administration of a child caring institution

and for assuring the care, safety, and protection of residents.

   (f) “Chief administrator designee” means a person above the level of the supervisor

who approved an action, and who was not involved in the decision being reviewed.

   (g) "Child caring institution," hereinafter referred to as "institution" or CCI, means

an institution as defined in section 1 of the act 1973 PA 116, MCL 722.111.

   (h) "Child caring institution staff member” means an individual who is 18 years or older, and to whom any of the following apply:

   (i) Is employed by a child caring institution for compensation, including adults who do not work directly with children.

   (ii) Is a contract employee or self-employed individual working with a child caring institution.

   (iii) Is an intern or other person who provides specific services under these rules.

   (i) “Child placing agency" means an agency as defined in section 1 of the act, MCL (h) "Child placing agency" means an agency as defined in section 1 of 1973 PA 116,

MCL 722.111.

   (j) “Children’s therapeutic group home” means the term as defined in section 1 of 1973 PA 116, MCL 722.111.

   (ki) “Corporal punishment” means hitting, paddling, shaking, slapping, spanking, or

any other use of physical force as a means of behavior management.

   (l) “Criminal history check” means that term as defined in section 1 of the act, MCL 722.111.

   (mj) “Detention facility” means an institution that primarily provides care and

supervision for youth pending adjudication for status or criminal offenses or pending

placement in a treatment facility post-adjudication.

   (nk) "Department" means the Michigan department of health and human services.

   (ol) "Developmentally disabled" means an individual who has an impairment of

general intellectual functioning or adaptive behavior which meets all of the following


   (i) It originated before the person became 18 years of age.

   (ii) It has continued since its origination or can be expected to continue indefinitely.

   (iii) It constitutes a substantial burden to the impaired person's ability to perform

normally in society.

   (iv) It is attributable to 1 or more of the following:

   (A) Significant cognitive impairment, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, or autism.

   (B) Any other condition of a person found to be closely related to significant

cognitive impairment because it produces a similar impairment or requires treatment and

services similar to those required for a person who is significantly cognitively impaired.

   (pm) "Direct care worker" means a person who provides direct care and supervision of

children in an institution.

   (qn) “Human behavioral science” means a course of study producing a degree from

an accredited college or university in any of the following:

   (i) Social work.

   (ii) Psychology.

   (iii) Guidance and counseling.

   (iv) Consumer or community services.

   (v) Criminal justice.

   (vi) Family ecology.

   (vii) Sociology.

   (ro) “Juvenile justice youth” means a youth pending adjudication for status or

criminal offenses or a youth who has been adjudicated under section 2(a) of chapter XIIA

of the probate code of 1939, 1939 PA 288, MCL 712A.2a, or section 1 of chapter IX of

the code of criminal procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 769.1.

   (sp) "License" means a license issued by the department to a non-governmentally

operated institution or a certificate of approval issued by the department to a

governmentally operated institution indicating that the institution is in compliance with

these rules.

   (tq) “Licensee" means the agency, association, corporation, firm, organization,

person, partnership, department, or agency of the state, county, city, or other political

subdivision that has submitted an original application for licensure or approval or has

been issued a license or certificate of approval to operate a child caring institution.

   (ur) “Licensee designee” means the individual who is authorized by the licensee,

board of directors, or the governing body for a public institution, to act on behalf of the

corporation or organization on licensing matters.

   (vs) "Licensing authority" means the administrative unit of the department that has the

responsibility for making licensing and approval recommendations for an institution.

   (wt) "Medication" means prescription and nonprescription medicines.

   (xu) “Misconduct” is conduct by a resident that affects the safety and security of

residents, staff, or the community.

   (yv) "Open institution" means an institution facility, or portion thereof, which is

used to house residents and which is not locked against egress, except for an approved

behavior management room.

   (zw) "Parent" means biological parent, including custodial and non-custodial parent,

adoptive parent, or guardian.

   (aa) “Personal restraint,”, also referred to as resident restraint, means personal

restraint as defined in section 2b of 1973 PA 116, MCL 722.112b.

    (bbx) "Protection" means the continual responsibility of the licensee to take reasonable

action to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of a resident while under the

supervision of the licensee or an agent or employee of the licensee, including protection

from physical harm, humiliation, intimidation, and social, moral, financial, and personal


   (ccy) "Resident" means a child who is admitted to and resides in an institution.

   (dd) “Seclusion” means seclusion as defined in section 2b of 1973 PA 116, MCL


   (eez) “Seclusion room" means a room or area approved for the confinement or

retention of a single resident. The door to the room may be equipped with a security

locking device which operates by means of a key or is electrically operated and has a key

override and emergency electrical backup in case of a power failure.

   (ffaa) "Secure institution" means an institution, or portion thereof, other than a

seclusion room, used to house residents that is secured against egress from the building.

   (ggbb) “Serious injury” means any significant impairment of the physical condition of

the minor child as determined by qualified medical personnel. This includes, but is not

limited to, burns, lacerations, bone fractures, substantial hematoma, and injuries to

internal organs, whether self-inflicted or inflicted by someone else.

   (hhcc) “Shelter care facility” means an institution which primarily provides care for

residents for assessment, short-term supportive care, or placement planning.

   (iidd) "Social service supervisor" means a person who supervises a social service


   (jjee) “Social service worker" means a person who works directly with residents, their

families, and other relevant individuals and who is primarily responsible for the

development, implementation, and review of service plans for the resident. This

definition does not prevent a team approach to service plan development and


   (kkff) "Terms of license" or "terms of approval" means those designations noted on an

institution's license or certificate of approval for which the institution is authorized or

approved. Such designations include the following:

   (i) Short-term institution.

   (ii) Residential treatment institution.

   (iii) Secure institution.

   (iv) Open institution.

   (v) Age of children to be accepted for care.

   (vi) Sex of children to be accepted for care.

   (vii) Number of children to be accepted for care.

   (viii) Effective and expiration dates.

   (llgg) “Treatment institution" means an institution whose primary purpose and

function is to provide habilitative or rehabilitative services.

(2) A term defined in the act has the same meaning when used in these rules.


R 400.4159 Resident restraint; pregnant youth.

   Rule 159. (1) An institution shall establish and follow written policies and

procedures regarding restraint. These policies and procedures shall be available to all

residents, their families, and referring agencies.

   (2) Resident restraint shall be performed in a manner that is safe, appropriate, and

proportionate to the severity of the minor child’s behavior, chronological and

developmental age, size, gender, physical condition, medical condition, psychiatric

condition, and personal history, including any history of trauma, and done in a manner

consistent with the resident’s treatment plan.

   (3) Subrules (4) and (5) of this rule apply to those public or private licensed child caring institutions for which the primary purpose is to serve juveniles that have been accused or adjudicated delinquent for having committed an offense, other than a juvenile accused or adjudicated under section 2 of 1939 PA 288, MCL 712A.2.

   (4) Mechanical restraints shall not be used on pregnant youth, including youth who are in labor, delivery, and post-partum recovery, unless credible, reasonable grounds exist to believe the youth presents an immediate and serious threat of hurting self, staff or others.

   (5) The following restraints are prohibited for use on pregnant youth unless reasonable grounds exist to believe the youth presents an immediate and credible risk of escape that cannot be reasonably minimized through any other method:

   (i) Abdominal restraints.

   (ii) Leg and ankle restraints.

   (iii) Wrist restraints behind the back.    

   (iv) Four-point restraints.

   (36) The written policy shall include all of the following:

   (a) Procedures for the review of an incident of restraint within 48 hours by a level of

supervision above the staff ordering or conducting the restraint to determine if the

requirements of the institution’s procedures were adhered to in directing and conducting

the restraint.

   (b) Procedures for the provision of sufficient and adequate training for all staff

members of the institution who may use or order the use of restraint using the

institution’s written procedures.

   (c) Procedures for recording restraints as an incident report.

   (d) Procedures for the review and aggregation of incident reports regarding restraints

at least biannually by the institution’s director or designee.

   (47) The written policy shall only permit the licensee to restrain a child for the

following circumstances:

   (a) To prevent injury to the child, self-injury, or injury to others.

   (b) As a precaution against escape or truancy.

   (c) When there is serious destruction of property that places a child or others at

serious threat of violence or injury if no intervention occurs.

   (58) The written policy shall prohibit, at a minimum, any of the following aversive

punishment procedures:

   (a) The use of noxious substances.

   (b) The use of instruments causing temporary incapacitation.

   (c) Chemical restraint as defined in the act.

   (69) Restraint equipment and physical restraint techniques shall not be used for

punishment, discipline, or retaliation.

   (710) The use of a restraint chair is prohibited.

   (811) Resident restraint shall only be applied for the minimum time necessary to

accomplish the purpose for its use as specifically permitted in subrule (2) of this rule.

Approval of a supervisor shall be obtained when the restraint lasts more than 20 minutes.

   (912) The approval of the administrator or his or her designee shall be obtained prior to

any use of material or mechanical restraints. A staff member shall be present

continuously while material or mechanical restraint equipment is being used on a

resident, and the staff member shall remain in close enough proximity to the restraint to

intervene immediately in case of emergency to protect the safety of the resident.

   (1013) A staff person shall document each use of material or mechanical restraint

equipment in a written record and shall include all of the following information:

   (a) The name of the resident.

   (b) The name of the administrator or designee who authorized the use of the

equipment, and the time of the authorization.

   (c) The time the restraint equipment was applied.

   (d) The name of the staff member who was responsible for the application.

   (e) A description of the specific behavior that necessitated its use.

   (f) The name of the staff person who was continuously with the resident.

   (g) The date and time of removal of the equipment and the name of the person

removing the equipment.